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  1. Of course it is, it called a disorder for a reason.
  2. You know OLD isnt explicitly staby-staby yandere. It's just that the person is doing everything they can to be with the one person they love above all others. It's not always violent, but it can be more subtle like manipulating them and their friends, finding any excuse to he around them, subconsciously forcing and training them to be obedient, etc.
  3. I think that's just Obcessive Love Syndrome. (Aka yandere syndrome). It can also be Erotomania (Falling in love with someone of higher status, or someone you think is higher status) This can be applied to heroes or saviors as they're often seen as above others in the eyes of the mentally ill person.
  4. I have 2 questions for you.
  5. Hey, Random Fan, You still there? I wanna talk to you.
  6. Hey, Random Fan?.
  7. I really want you to get a discord server or something so we can talk in private. You are like the best guy when it comes to setting up.
  8. I’m liking the new plot idea.
  9. Be warned, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo is the Shrek of anime. A parody of all thing in the anime genre. Like, the main character fights by inspiring people with his extending nose hairs. he’s accompanied by a guy made of jelly and a star man. One of his friends attacks with his with special fart techniques. And one of the characters is a sexy mini bomb who lives in a bearded man’s pompadour.
  10. Most anime are. Look up Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo when you have a chance.
  11. Oh no, you right about that. But there’s more to it than that.
  12. Well, you got the clan part right.
  13. None of that made a lick of sense to you. If I mentioned bloodlines, and you think of royalty, you loose.
  14. Naruto is the main character of an shonen anime/manga series of the same name. In it, Naruto is born and raised in a feudal society of ninjas and his sole ambition is to be the leader of his home village, also known as the Hokage. Unfortunately, there are some complications with that as some assholes attacked his home village by manipulating a giant demon fox on the day of his birth, forcing his father, the former Hokage, to sacrifice himself and his son by sealing it within Naruto. Now Naruto is determined to become the Hokage and earn the respect of his peers with some hard training, the power of friendship, and a small loan of unlimited demonic power.
  15. Someone paid him. Considering the quality of Gronckle Iron, that would be fucking terrifying Oh no, what I mean is that people might be turned off at the fact that, while female, Hiccup is still essentially sleeping with the Grimborn Brothers. And no matter how much you reiterate that they’re females in this story, people won’t stop seeing them as such. Which is why I suggested giving them each daughters/apprentices under their wing for Hiccup to fuck instead because the pleasure would be two fold. One, you have Hiccup fucking new girls into the harem, and two, those girls are in some way related to the Grimborn Brothers, meaning that Hiccup is getting one over on his enemies.
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