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Wilde_Guess last won the day on December 29 2024

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  1. I’m still somewhat stuck do to RL on the next chapter. I did make a small change to Chapter 6 to test a new computer and word processor. I’ve added the “mostly canon” origin for Chocolate Frogs. The name of the magical maker of Chocolate Frogs is pure fanon, courtesy of the late great Bobmin357, who goes by Bobmin356 on St. Elsewhere. His widow has left his stories up for readers new and old. The “Aussie Muggle” Freddo Bar was and is very real. The Australian MacRobertson Chocolate Company invented the Freddo Bar in 1930. Cadbury bought MacRobertson in 1967. They sold the Freddo Bar in the UK from 1973 to 1979, and from 1994 to the present. So, while even a non-abused Harry Potter wouldn’t have known what a Freddo Bar was before The Goblet of Fire, JKR certainly grew up with them. They would be the inspiration for the Wizarding World Chocolate Frogs.
  2. I managed to get a new iMac I didn’t want to buy yet a hop, skip, and jump before the old one died.  My “old” version of Office won’t install on the new one.  I’ve tried “Pages.”  I’m a lot less unimpressed than I was before trying it.

    1. BronxWench


      Microsoft is brutally awful with older versions of Word. Basically, they want you to buy a subscription to Office 365, so they make it incredibly difficult. I had to uninstall Office on my old computer, and still couldn’t reinstall it on my new computer. We don’t want to talk about how hard it is to actually buy a new copy of the standalone program.

      I’m not an Apple user, so I can’t comment on Pages, but someone told me you can save Pages documents as Word documents, so that might be helpful if you really need the Word format. 

      But anyway, congrats on the new Mac! :lol: 

    2. Wilde_Guess


      Microsoft will still sell Office “outright” instead of the “crippleware that only works with an Internet connection,” for about $240, but you have to buy it straight from Microsoft, not the Apple App Store.

      And, it isn’t the “Intel vs Apple Processor” issue, either.  The current Mac OSX, even the “A chip CPU” version, will run older “Intel era” OSX programs via an emulator.  However, the Office install program claims that I already have a “newer version of Office installed,” and I haven’t been able to find out anything about what exactly the Office installer says that it sees.  This computer was new out of the box, and I had not installed anything on it.

      But, at least it “plays nice” with my iPhone.  And all, or at least most of the websites that were “broken” on the old iMac work just fine with this new one.  I’m tolerating the Bluetooth keyboard with no “forward delete,” and I bought a Logitech MX Anywhere 3S Bluetooth mouse to replace the POS mouse it came with, along with a USB hub and a DVD burner.


    3. BronxWench


      I wound up buying Office as a digital download, and got the product key via email, which is the least secure method for purchasing software ever. The biggest issue was getting past the zillion “Are you really sure you don’t want Office 365 because it’s neat and you can save everything to the Cloud and everyone will think you’re completely awesome and we get RMR which is our dream scenario because we don’t have to do a damned thing to get your money every month” sales pitches.

      Of course, the installer was suspicious about my older version of Office that had lived on my 10 year old Dell, despite my having uninstalled it. I was lucky enough to get someone in Tech Support who actually knew what they were talking about, rather than just reading from a canned script. It was a miracle...

  3. Well, I didn’t plan on writing a Hogwarts Mystery fanfiction when I started writing this, or even in end of 2023. I suppose plans do change. Judah Casimir Kowalski is “Jacob’s Sibling.” Jacob is Jacob Peregrine Kowalski. Judah and Jacob are two grandsons of Jacob Kowalski from JKR’s Fantastic Beasts/Grindelwald storyline, whose father Peregrine was magical and remained in the UK. All the “major” Hogwarts Mystery characters, and a few Magic Awakens characters besides, are putting in appearances, and in fact are becoming major characters here.
  4. Hello, all. The Chatbox has started working for some members. It allowed me to post one line of text before reverting to the above problem. Thanks in advance.
  5. 44332
  6. Dame Maggie Smith dead at 89 according to published reports.

    1. BronxWench


      The Dowager Countess has gone to her rest. :cry:

    2. Desiderius Price
    3. GeorgeGlass


      And Richard Harris, and Robbie Coltrane. It’s getting to be like a Hogwarts faculty meeting up there. 

  7. 44329
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  11. Annikin Skywalker has truly lost his voice.  US Actor James Earl Jones dead at 93 according to published reports in Variety and other news sources.  Fair winds and following seas.

  12. 44284
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  14. 44274
  15. Chapter fifteen, “Dueling Priorities,” is now posted and available. Thanks in advance for reading. https://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600100444&chapter=15
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