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Everything posted by CuriousWriter

  1. well, i certainly learned a few new things...wait, there are accounts of women who...nvm.
  2. She might just purchase a guard dog for that very purpose. I nvr understood that knot thing. mildly interested, lay it on me.
  3. only if she’s paid a LOT and even then she might use one of her girls to do it.
  4. while I do have Pet play ideas, havent really thought about Naruko doing it with dogs. some other animals have crossed my mind, but not dogs. plus there’s already a fic like that n i dont want to copy...
  5. Nice but a lil less gimp, but I can use this for another idea! Thx
  6. Hm, looking for a good bondage outfit for a loli. anyone know a gd pic to base that off of?
  7. Exactly, no bun, baby, whatever
  8. dude, that derails from the slutfest. c’mon...
  9. Wow! Thx, but I will not be updating this week due to my midterms. srry guys!
  10. http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600106089&chapter=4 Here is guys, Naruko runs into da law!
  11. should be done with ch4 by tonite guys.
  12. srry for the delay guys, but HW called stronger. Will try to get it out early this week.
  13. Good news guys! Ch4 is already halfway done!
  14. I know what u meant just nah, not feeling that
  15. no, was thinking more like the chakra twisting and banging her, n eventually that pretty much sums up their relationship. screwing each other.
  16. idk, that’s pretty big, even for a slut hole like Naruko. unless he violates her with his chakra...oh, that’s a hot idea! she goes cloak n he uses it to screw her.
  17. nah, he’ll just keep her tight so its painful
  18. http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600106089&chapter=3 Here it is guys, chapter 3. Enjoy!
  19. Sorry for no chapter today guys but hw took priority.
  20. That’s what I was thinking. Nice new profile pic.
  21. Hey Bitter, how do u think the idea for Danzo would fit into an overarching plot?
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