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Everything posted by CuriousWriter

  1. not really my cup of tea. plus i think she can get an abortion n keep her career if anything.
  2. not rly looking from a preg part.
  3. lolz! thats something to think about.
  4. what can I say, college is important. as for tenten, got nothing for her right now to be honest. always open to ideas. I was thinking a toy fanatic but that’s been done to death...
  5. alright, so a lot has happened for me right now I wasnt able to write the chapter at all these past few days. But I will try to do so after my summer class midterm (which is this coming friday). Priorities guys. Sorry XP
  6. trust me, Ino will have all the pushes Naruko gives her. As for Sakura, I have a plan for her but she will still be Naruko’s number two on missions to back her up in a sexual situation. naruko will make sure of that.
  7. hm, loli slut brides...new business venue!
  8. Got the first part done. just two more scenes. So hopefully in a few days. RL matters have kept me occupied.
  9. hm, trying to figure what I can do with sakura. I can c her ending up as Naruko’s sidekick on mission n deal with some of the lackies while she tackles the boss if u get my meanin’~?
  10. Ino isnt ready for that, but Naruko is slowly growing into an exhibitionist. cant just go full-throttle on it. while Naru cares lil about her rep besides expanding it, Ino is still a child of a clan. Why do u think Hinata was in a gimp hood?
  11. Ino is actually in the next chapter, she is after all Naruko’s number one gal right now. Let’s just say, its Ino’s b-day~ let your imagination go wild.
  12. I had to fix the Slutkage chapter, where she called sasuke a prick n add a sentence that a broken up sasuke would be interesting to console. alright, i’ll work on it today. if u have any other ideas, i’m all ears!
  13. well, its more an opening scene w him ‘training’ her n her having to leave early, bc i like Naru getting degraded by him. so im just splashing him here n there. no big scenes. alright, I get what ur going for here. so hows the layout? in a session w mizuki, she goes to the hokage, mention hanging out w sasuke, he goes to town on her then n the hokage scene w the itachi flashback? will have to change something in the other chapter too for the sasuke part.
  14. I did use him during that scene, if only briefly. so maybe a swarm of uchiha bros? i think the set up would be nice as well with a tell dont show vibe. hm, that’d be interesting, like her dragging him off for some hanky panky? but he takes the reins fast? n what kind of mizuki stuff do u have in mind? bc I am opening w him in this chapter. hard to think how to dip him into some chapters w out going too into it.
  15. i like it, some uzumaki-cest would be yummy. plus Naruko could learn to bite her just right~ man, so noting that. she can be Naruko’s sex secretary or something. n no, no filler. also, after his little clone bang, should Itachi would sweep her with tsukiyomi? like 3 days w of constant fucking to make her mind go numb? n easier to set up for sasuke?
  16. I have not, thoughts? its not like she can just kidnap the girl...unless she gets sarutobi’s help.
  17. i like the forest of death part as well, so i’ll use it.
  18. oh, i gotz plans for Wave. ;P so the flashback sound like a good plan? that way I can gloss over sarutobi a bit bc its kinda hard to write him. that sounds interesting, but idk if that would effect a genjutsu.
  19. but here’s the thing, he’d want her to out for sasuke in a way. does he subtle genjutsu her to seek him out more? or to be more submissive towards him? he is a good big brother after all.
  20. So maybe a flashback to before the massacre happened? like sarutobi is using sc on her n she remembers itachi using it on her as he gave her a lesson in seduction?
  21. Plus I already said the massacre happened...flashback?
  22. Oh? N why would itachi c in our horny Lolita? I get it's smut but I do run a semblance of canon personality by all means the floor is urs
  23. Actually I'm not jumping into canon for another few chapters I like the build up. In fact I'm having her learn a certain jutsu this chapter. I could do more but I don't want to overwhelm the chapter
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