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Posts posted by Tcr

  1. 22 hours ago, CloverReef said:

    Rape happens. It seems insulting to me to deem a horrifying act that happens way too damn often and with so much history and weight on it ‘lazy’ or just ‘shock value’. Like it feels like it dismisses it to me, you know? 


    5 hours ago, Desiderius Price said:

    Rape is part of human behaviour so it certainly can have a legitimate role in stories.  It happens in wars, on the streets, in intimidation, in business, and in families.  To deny it is to restrict to only one side of humanity.

    Oh, certainly, on both counts.  Deny or shooting down the idea of writing rape definitely downplays or dismisses the reality of it.  As you've both said, it happens.  Humanity is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination; it's ugly and disgusting and, at its worst, can be downright appalling.  One only needs to look at the treatment of POWs in war, the homeless veterans, and, indeed, the treatment of everyone in between to see that.  We are a hostile, disturbing race.  If one cannot express that nature, in any form it takes, then what is the point of it all?

    8 hours ago, CloverReef said:

    ‘hey reader, go out and rape a bunch of school girls with your tentacles right now’. 

    Well, there goes my defense...  Honestly, officer, the books told me it was okay!

    11 hours ago, GeorgeGlass said:

    Because rape is one of my fetishes, I’ve written several purely pornographic rape stories, and by and large, they attract a lot more readers than most of my consensual-sex stories. (The ultimate reader-magnet seems to be father-daughter rape, given that the stories of mine that have the most dragon prints are titled “Daddy’s Rules” and “Darla’s Dad.”) So I think “shock value” only tells part of the story; some authors write rape scenes because they know that such scenes appeal to a decent chunk of their readership—whether the readers will admit it or not.

    But in non-porn stories, I agree with Tcr that rape is not “lazy writing” if it advances the plot or character development in some important way. (The same goes for murder.)

    Purely pornographic depictions of rape, without offence intended, GG, to me, fall under a different category all the same.  But no, even there, I wouldn't call it lazy or otherwise.  One has to formulate and write it in a way that is just enough to draw the readers in, but not enough to turn them away.  I haven't done purely porn, so I only have my experiences to fall back on here (feel free to throw tomatoes)...  It's been hard for me, probably because I don't write it, to craft a convincing scene while keeping it just disturbing enough without overdoing it.  (I think I had you read it, CR, as Beta...but I could be mistaken...)...  And I'm still worried I'm pushing too far...  (but that's what A/Ns are for, right?  And tags...)

    8 hours ago, CloverReef said:

    or the koolaid man making a random cameo in a downton abbey fan fiction

    "Oh, YEAH!" the Koolaid man cried, smashing through the wall.  "Now suck on me straw!"

    And to end…

    Certainly, there's no laziness in it.

    While I would say advancing character or plot (or romance) is something it should do, having the gratuitous rape scene to remind the reader of the world, to shock them, or even remind them of the characters in this world, is just as valid.  

    Am I rambling again? 

  2. So, a few months ago, while I was looking to write a realistic, yet also respectful, rape scene for one of the stories I’m working on, I did research (...as any normal person would have ‘rape’ in their search files...  I swear, Officer, I’m not trying to find ways to not get caught...  Okay, you don’t have to taze me-)...
    Anyway, while doing so, I came across a number (a fairly large portion of the search results, actually) on how rape in literature was merely a lazy man’s tool.  Most of them stated that, using rape in literature was a sure sign that the writer in question was lazy and relying on the ‘shock’ value of the rape to keep people interested in the novel.  (As a disclaimer, many of them seemed to use Game of Thrones as their example of why and how this is,,,  I understand the reasoning behind this, but, seriously, if you’re just using GoT, I’m not sure how valid the argument can be made...) 
    Obviously, rape is not something to condone or glorify, but that hardly disqualifies it as a ‘lazy writer’s tool’, in my opinion.  There are many ways that rape can be used (excuse how this will come out) to great extent in advancing a character, characterization, or even the scenario without the gratuitous amounts of consistent and, my opinion, eventually boring scenes... 
    Thus, my question is, what are your thoughts on rape in stories and, indeed, in what you read?
  3. 9 minutes ago, CloverReef said:

    True. Though depending on how many of the facts you change, at some point you have to cease calling it historical. I wouldn’t really call abraham lincoln vs vampires ‘historical’ though it’s definitely history-inspired lol. 

    Wait!  Hold the phone!  Stop the presses!  Abraham Lincoln didn't fight vampires and that wasn't the reason for the Civil War?  Damn, I've been under the wrong impression!   Guess I gotta cut the Vampires as leaders of Nazi Germany out now... ;)

  4. 25 minutes ago, mastershakeme said:

    @Tcr (damn it, can't delete this...)

    was highlighting another character’s past, it was a childhood pic of her. and the other house, well, my character was about to meet his half brother for the first time and he saw YET AGAIN childhood pictures of him… My character was bitter because his half brother looked like a typical spoiled brat, crying at a birthday party, pouting with an ice cream cone, shit like that. But is describing pics in this way stupid??? idk. it’s relevant. The half brother is INDEED a brat. So I’m sure it’s ok… i guess.

    In my opinion (and I'm sure everyone has an opinion, so I wouldn't claim to be an expert), I would describe it in a generalized format, then center on one or two images that would describe this…

    For example (Use prohibited, example only, please):

    Pictures lined the wall, portraits that showed a kid at birthday parties, school portraits, and playing sports.  Each picture presented a smug son-of-bitch, the smile that said "I'm better than you" and the look to play it entirely.  One caught my eye.  The little prick crying while surrounded by presents at a party.  God I hated him; I wished I'd had a mountain of presents like him, I wished I'd had a family like he had, and he was crying!  Another picture, this one caught at the moment he was throwing a sweater across the room, his face distorted in anger.  Why would someone put that up there, as though they were proud of this display?

  5. Well, you know what mine are, as my Beta, but…

    My area of specialty, so to speak, is science fiction or speculative fiction.   I also don't mind writing historical, but a lot of the time, I find myself having to smudge a detail slightly...  And I don't like doing that…

    I really avoid the romance...  Like extremely...  Like vampire and sunlight (and not the Twilight vampires...)...  I don't really think I do good writing it...  I actually think I fail when I've tried (I'm sure anyone keeping up on CHHW would agree...)  Another I avoid, though not as vehemently, is westerns.  I was never interested in them, so now I don't really have the interest in writing them.

    Why do I write SciFi and historical?  I guess it's the love of stuff like Star Trek and Star Wars with my grandfather.  Good memories instilling that deep love of the genre.  When I started writing, sci fi was the first I wrote...  And historical, I just love history.

  6. 11 hours ago, Desiderius Price said:

     (Of course, don’t go overboard and spend five chapters describing the intricacies of the Paris sewer system.)

    Jean entered the manhole, the putrid smell assaulting his nose and he pulled his thick shirt over his mouth.  It did little to settle his stomach from the smell, but it was still better than before.  He did not want to imagine what it would be like later.

    (20 pages later, all describing the intricacies of the Paris sewer.  Five on the architecture, five on the smells, five on the noises, five on the rats)

    In short, Jean found it to be hell right now.


    I've never been able to get into stories that put that much detail into their stories.  Don't get me wrong, I love details, as Anon said, details help to create the world, and are a great way for the reader to infer certain elements without saying them.  To use the example, the half used, blue eraser on the desk of a detective.  It's a good way to imply many things about this detective.  Further details would narrow it down further regarding things on his desk.

    Just, like DP said, don’t over do it.  (...I'm guilty of it, so...  My Come Hell or High Water, I had a long description of what was not necessary at the time description...  Although I felt it was, later came to realize it wasn’t entirely and cut things...)

  7. So, I had a thought lately...  Scary thing, I know…  I can smell the smoke billowing out...
    The use of the Chekov’s Gun element in fiction is a simple idea.  For reference, if one shows something (ie. A gun), then you have to show it being fired before the end of the play/novel; if you don’t, well, there’s no point to having it presented.  I can’t say I’ve seen a lot of its usage in modern works.  Most works that I’ve seen seem to disregard this idea in favour of many other things. 
    I’ll admit, I’m guilty of this as well.  I’ll show a great many things and then completely disregard that.  Show weapons, gear, et cetera, and never use them again.
    So, the question becomes, does anyone use it?  Does anyone ensure that the weapon they’ve shown in Scene 1 of Chapter 1 is used by the end of the novel?
  8. Two reviews this time...  YAY!

    No Retreat!  No Surrender! 

    From Mastershakeme:

    That was sad, but I guess we were expecing an ending like that. I really liked the detail of the gun being kicked away and lost in the rush of soliders. It was FUCKING DEPRESSING! Like 'There goes all hopes and dreams!' Well fml, I quite enjoyed that. The image of the gun disappearing, as Yevgenyia was killed will stay with me... The names were definately hard to prononounce though and I gave them little nicknames so I wasn't constantly stumbling over them. 

    Nice job! Nice example of one-shotting lol!!!

    I'm glad you enjoyed it.  I tried to make it a depressing environment, since the war itself was, yet also the personal Hell they went through.  The end, for those who know history, was expected, yet there's a certain ambiguity to its as well :).  I tried to choose names that fit, but we're also easy to pronounce...   Apparently not the best ;).

    Thanks.   I'm not exactly an example to hold up, but I like to think that I do good. 


    Blood and Honour:

    Also from Mastershakeme:

    First of all, I'm also interested in history and I'm fascinated by this time period in general. After having read the first chapter, I feel that your writing displays quite a bit of talent, and I'm intrigued and want to read more. There is room for improvement, but we all have a little room to grow ^_^

    I think your characters had some pretty relatable and negative emotions revolving around the rise of Hitler. Perhaps a little more detail could be added in relation to the argument.  I want to feel a little more tension over this disagreement that will impact their future. I like the atmosphere of the Nazi environment; the doom and gloom is palatable. I love the inclusion of the radio broadcast. It draws you into the time period.

    It's great that you researched. I can tell! You mentioned stuff I didn't know about. Was there really some sort of LGBT in Germany in that time period? Before Hitler of course, the Sexualwissnschaft?

    I was interested in the interaction between the 4 characters and you did a good job weaving the character introductions, bits of description – like Fritz's blond stubble and Mattie's hair – and character – such as Hannah's gentle personality – into the story with dialogue and direct actions. Very good! That is a talent, the ability to show not tell.

    I wasn't bothered by there being 4 different main characters, but I did have a little bit of trouble remembering all their first and last names as well as their nickname. I didn't have any issues understanding what was going on though, so it's up to you whether you want to change it.

    The main stylist change I had in mind would be to possibly condense and simplify the conversions. But I have the feeling you may have been going for a "German 1930s" era type of lingo and the elaborate style of speech may have been how they talked. So, I'm probably the one who doesn't what I'm talking about ;-) I liked the little words in German here and there... I took German in school, I think its fun to try to try and pronounce them. It's super immersive for me!

    The kiss between Mattie and Hanna was passionate. I liked it more than their handholding (that action could be smoothed out a bit, it was a little bit wooden). But the kiss was an excellent scene because it expressed the desperation of their situation, the love they felt for each other, and the passion they felt for each other. Beautifully done.

    Thank you for posting! I will read some more when time permits. Peace!

    Well, now, this is a long one…

    Okay... <cracks fingers, neck, spine...>  Someone call 911!

    First paragraph:  Thanks, MSM.  I know you started betaing in Chapter 10 and can see the changes, so this is probably a lot different...   Lol.  And yes, we all have room for improvement :).

    Second paragraph:  Perhaps you're right regarding detail and necessitating more in there.  I tried to make the atmosphere dark and foreboding...  And the radio was the one way I thought best to start it off...  I'd read that radios and newspapers were the thing back then, people even forced to buy radios later just to hear Hitler speak…

    Third paragraph: Actually, yes.  In doing research, I was amazed to learn that Germany was one of the more progressive countries in terms of the LGBT community before Nazism.  Indeed, the Instituet fuer Sexualwissenschaft was a pioneer in pushing that homosexuality was not an illness, but normal.  It's a shame that the books and institute were destroyed… 

    Fourth paragraph: I try not to do massive character description dumps as they tend to blend together when I read it, so I usually split them, drop descriptions in throughout.  I'm glad it worked and I'm glad you liked the descriptions and interactions.

    Fifth paragraph: Perhaps you're right in the fact that the names may need to be cut back a little... 

    Sixth paragraph: I do have a tendency to ramble on, so this might be something to talk about in depth. 

    Seventh paragraph:  I tried to make it a bit of a foil.  Wasn't sure it worked, so thanks for pointing it out and reassuring the ego.

    Thank you for reading.   I look forward to further pointers and I hope you keep enjoying :).



  9. 1 hour ago, CloverReef said:

    Maybe I’m weird, but super vanilla stuff where there’s a lot of overt romance and serenading and “I love you so much let me toss flower petals all over your squishy bits while you act super coy and/or helpless” creeps me out way more than tentacle porn and zombie rape. 


    1 hour ago, mastershakeme said:

    Awww, now I’m afraid my sex scenes were too tame for you :P Sadly, the worst reviews I ever got were because of the mental abuse I put my characters through in a past story. I think it kind of reflects my state of mind, I’m just more willing to put up with abuse in relationships. Like a character of mine systematically broke his ‘bf’ down, physically abused him and outted him to his family. Oh and then he had him raped as a punishment for straying lol and they ended up together in the end… Oops! 

    Lol.  Not just you, MSM.  Mine, too.  Mine, too.  Mine are probably some of the tamest...  (Should that be maybe with an L?...) that CR has read.  And probably a few other people have read...  But, that said, the question is always: Is this in character for them?  Because if you have a set characterization and you change Sexy Time (...) to appease one person and it contradicts established story...  Then,to me, that's not a good thing. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, CL Mustafic said:

    I used to wonder sometimes about the people who write the horrific things I’ve read but then I wrote something that was probably equally horrific and figured someone was probably wondering the same thing about me.

    I don't have to wonder about people.   I sit back, read mine, and go "I'm a little demented, aren't I?"  I'm sure as Blood and Honour goes along, for example, and disturbing things come up, people are going to think I escaped a psych ward, but I'm okay with that...  The cops at the door...   Well, that's something else...   Need to find more spaces to hide bodies!  Lol.

  11. I put one of mine on two others (AO3 and FictionPress, if anyone's interested in knowing...).  One from a recommendation for a good amount of traffic and reviews (after all, reviews are great to help improve :) , but, also, it helps to get a wider audience...).  Both sites are a bust in my case.  Very few views and less reviews...  While I might keep the written work up on one, the other, the one with good traffic, I'll probably delete, as that hasn't helped at all.

    Trying out other sites hasn't been bad though.  They've shown what a great place this is.  Not to mention how glad I am it was recommended to me.

    To be honest, my loyalty lies here.  I post here first and I see views climbing.  I'm quite happy with how that is, I'm happy with fellowship of writers, and with the admins.  There's quite some restrictions on others (CR's example of AO3, to use it) or things are outright confusing, or the set up is...  Mind blowing...   And I mean explosive, nuclear detonation explosive...  The admins here can be approached and talked to, active in the environment (Forums, archive), and are friendly.   Perhaps others on other sites are, but on the ones I've seen, they haven’t been, which only cements my loyalty further.

    Okay, so, hopefully I'm not going to have chairs thrown at me...  I know it was supposed to be about other sites...  okay, that yam was uncalled for...  At least throw an orange, I'd eat that.

  12. 2 minutes ago, mastershakeme said:

    The part that sucks is when an angry reviewer calls you out on it… or a beta. Lol. I deleted an old story of mine, I don’t know how I forgot, but a good quarter of the reviews were stuff like “This is the final straw for me!” and “What’s wrong with you! I quit!” lol!!!! What can you do. I didn’t let it affect me, I forgot about it. I was more interested in the reviews that said “The ending was rushed” and “I don’t believe they ended up together”… That stuck with me and I’m going to rewrite it so the couple is more plausible and realistic. Screw the crying babies about the rough sex and shit, boooo hoooo!

    Yeah.  The worst part about writing is finally putting it out there, the story you want, the way you want it written, and then being bombarded with ‘Well, that was terrible, that sucked, et cetera’ and then questioning everything that you have within.  It always sticks with you no matter what has been said and how much someone else says they love it.  Unless you revel in disturbing people…  Because then it becomes a feast… 

  13. 4 minutes ago, Desiderius Price said:

    I second the “scary” because of the fetishes, etc, that are likely buried within my writing.  Or, readers deciding you have a fetish when you don’t…. 

    Or think something completely out in left field because of lines the characters say or things they do…  (Not here, but on a different one I have posted on, been asked about some seriously buried, questionable thoughts on NeoNazism, then accused of having it out for anyone non-Aryan…  Because of BaH…  lol)

  14. 3 minutes ago, mastershakeme said:

    It’s a little embarrassing, isn’t it? Lol! I didn’t set out to write myself, but maybe my main character was me all along...

    No, not so much embarrassing, but more scary in my case.  All my characters are, in some wild and weird extension, me…  All the main characters of mine carry with them probably a lot more of myself in them then what I would have wanted…  That’s the scary part ;).

  15. 27 minutes ago, mastershakeme said:

    That last thing you said about writing stuff that doesn’t personally excite you… I’m a little confused, because the most basic tip in writing I’ve ever come across was to ‘write what you know and love’. I think your audience can tell when you really don’t like something. I think it negatively affects the content, but that’s just my opinion I guess. I can understand the challenge, but hopefully if your writing is good enough, you’ll be able to convince even yourself that you like what your writing.

    Okay…  lol.  I’ll take BaH as my example here.  In the tags, as in the story, I do not personally get excited over the concept, written or otherwise, of rape.  However, I definitely love my history, I love trying to write the characters, I love transforming them.  Writing BaH and CHHW are all part of what I love and know, but some elements may not be personally stimulating for me.  The time frame for BaH was rife with things that are disturbing and not something I want to see in reality, but writing them is something that has to be done.  Not sure if I’m making any sense or just confusing more…

    6 minutes ago, Keltiel said:

    I guess I don’t find it all that weird to write about because children are still sexual creatures. They explore their bodies and those of other children and do experience stimulation and orgasm. (I feel like a total weirdo talking about this. Let me clarify that I believe that fiction is fine, but obviously having sex with real children in real life is bad, m’kay)

    We’re all weirdos here, that’s why we write.  But yes, I understand, certainly.  And obviously, there’s a calling for it, so I’m not saying it can’t be, but it’s not something I, personally, would write.  Certainly, writing fiction is fine, but carrying it out in reality is not.

    9 minutes ago, Keltiel said:

    I can’t speak for Tcr, but for me, when I write about things that I don’t like or that don’t turn me on I try to put myself in the shoes of the person who does enjoy it and then write from that point of view. For instance, if I decide to write from the point of view of a drug addict, even though I’ve never touched (non-prescription) drugs in my life, I’d do a bunch of research, probably read about people who used to be addicts, and then try my best to write about the feelings and struggles of being on and off the drugs. While having experience and loving what you’re writing about do help your writing, it isn’t mandatory for good writing. After all, I doubt Michael Crichton ever had experience in bringing dinosaurs back from extinction and making a theme park with them ;)

    That’s a good way to think and to carry out the writing.  I try to do the same, for all the characters, not just the ones that don’t get me going.  Taking BaH for example (...again), I’ve never lived under the eminent threat of death that encompassed Germany at the time, never had to make the decisions any of the characters did, so I try to put myself back to that point.  It’s a little easier since that’s something I love (I love history and the World Wars are the areas most interesting to me).  But I do the research still, in characters, in everything I can do.  Come Hell or High Water is the same way…  Unfortunately, living in current times, I’ll probably never experience the wonders of the universe…  lol.  That said, I have tried to research characters to create real characters.  Stuff that doesn’t interest me, take the rape example from earlier, I’ve spent weeks trying to formulate a comprehensive, dark, yet strangely interesting scene regarding this (especially since this is a big moment in that character’s life...  Actually, this is one of those several huge moments in that character’s life and will have several overarching ramifications to the rest of the story.)

  16. Okay <cracks fingers>, let’s get started.  <Cowers in corner> Do I have to let people know about my writing process?  Is it done?

    When you write, do you ever feel self conscious about it?

    To be honest, I doubt that anyone ever experiences a clean lack of self-conscious.  Always something creeps into the words.  Worries that something’s not right, not perfect, that it needs this, or that one forget something.  In my case, there’s a lot of questions about ‘Is this good enough’ (...CR can definitely attest to the levels of self-doubt that flows in), which then leads to, ‘is there too much of me in there’.  Am I rambling and not answering the question?  Maybe I am...

    Do you feel like maybe you are giving away too much?

    Always.  There’s that nagging sensation that eats away, causes doubts…  CR’s been good at slapping me upside the head and reminding me when I’ve given too much away (like a good Beta), although I do see it even when I’m not having her Beta. 

    People go through all sorts of changes in their life. If you are the same person at 20,30 and 40, you are doing it wrong.

    Well, I’m not the same writer I was at twenty, nor twenty five, nor two years ago.  Experiences change perspective, perspective changes writing and characterizations.  At twenty, I wouldn’t have thought about coming onto AFF.  At twenty-two, I almost died.  At twenty five, I challenged myself to start writing outside the comfort zone.  Two years ago, I first wrote in a character that I had never thought to include, due largely to my challenge.  Last year, I started posting on AFF. 

    Do you feel like there are lines that shouldn't be crossed?

    On a personal level, yes.  Always.  Robbing a bank, murder, turning the country into a totalitarian dictatorship…  Writing wise, yes, but only on my own personal side.  Writing characters who rob banks, commit murder, turn a country into a totalitarian dictatorship is fine within the confines of the written word.  Indeed, they are present in reality, so why should they not be present in the world created by an author?  I won’t write a minor1/minor2, that’s my personal line that won’t be crossed, but in the world of writing, if it fits into the narrative, then go for it.

    Can you go too far?

    Strangely enough, I’ve seen this question paraphrased on several writing sites and even arguments while trying to find details with regards to writing BaH and CHHW.  Can you go too far…  This bears with it a question more of person preference than of overarching finality.  I guess the answer for me is yes, you can.  Can that rape scene be cut without any loss to the over all narrative?  Can that disembowelment scene be cut down a little because it goes on too long?  (There might have been some of that on my part, too, so…  lol).  But that is preference more than a strict guideline, in my opinion.  As I continue to work on BaH and CHHW, the boundaries I once thought as ‘too far’ have shifted backwards, further and further back, (mostly due to Blood and Honour) and I find myself looking back and wondering how far ‘too far’ is now.

    Maybe you should

    I feel one should definitely push their boundaries of comfort.  But that may just be me.

  17. Well, little late to this party…  RL gets in the way, leave for a bit, and everyone throws a party…

    I can’t really say there’s one that I’m feeling under-appreciated for after reading all the comments…  One, two, three reviews…  And here I was feeling like mine were bad at eight reviews.  I have my loyal fans and readers that have assisted with those reviews, which is why they feel under appreciated.  Blood and Honour, which I feel is one of my better works, has eight (tied with Come Hell or High Water), scored over 1300 views (whereas CHHW has just under 700)…  That said, half of those are from two loyal readers (two whom a big thanks goes out to them)…  CHHW, most of those, I think half again, are from one…  So, it does feel a little under-appreciated…

    (Yes, throw the chairs now...)

    I know how it feels.  It’s thanks a lot to the support here and from CR that I’ve stayed here and kept posting up (even through long a long hiatus, Sahara desert length breaks, of reviews and views.  Like CR said, come talk to me when you feel like leaving…


  18. On ‎2017‎-‎05‎-‎29 at 5:53 AM, sweetmamajama said:

    I set out to write a PWP or with very minimal plot and then it just gets totally out of control

    LOL.  Out of control, you?  No, can’t be.  Must be talking about someone else…

    I can’t do the PWP, myself, not because I don’t want to, but because I always set out without a plot, then it develops into something that needs multiple chapters to complete with an in depth plot that no longer quantifies it as a PWP…  Damn overworked Muse, can’t stop developing stuff!

    To answer the original question, though, I try to write something in that doesn’t personally excite me in everything I write.  I think BaH is going to be the biggest one I’m going to have with that regards…  Most of the tags are stuff that I don’t personally get off on…  But, that said, I do have one line that I won’t cross…  I applaud those writing minor1/minor2, but that’s something I’ve tried and it just weirds me out a little too much…  I’ll beta off on stuff, but yeah, I don’t think I’ll be writing it...

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