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DirtyAngel last won the day on January 25 2018

DirtyAngel had the most liked content!


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  1. Wishing Dirty Angel another happy birthday!  (Maybe she’ll bless AFF with a visit?)

  2. Welcome back.  Nice to know that Steve and everyone is doing ok.  Missed talking to all of you on a daily or weekly basis.  Happy belated birthdays for all of you and also for little Angie who is not so little anymore.  Will be looking for more stories to read.  Again welcome back.

  3. Ohhhhh maybe I'll nag Magus until he sits down and writes something with me mwahahaha
  4. Brain washing might be the way to go
  5. Increasing testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone can increase a woman's libido but can also create a she-monster from the deepest depths of Tartarus lol being the recipient of HRT I can tell you it's a toss up as to what you get lol
  6. Oh yeah, that might not be good lol yep, still blonde lol
  7. And thanks for the welcome, good to be back and writing again :-)
  8. You emailed my email address to me :p
  9. Ummmmm I kinda forgot what email i used in the archive, been a long time since i logged in
  10. Magusfang has just recently started writing again, he's had some serious medical issues but is doing much better. He's even started back at work, against our wishes , but he said he was bored so we didn't beat him up too bad about it. Hopefully we'll start writing again and post chapters. Might be a few weeks though. Glad to be back, I missed you guys
  11. awww thanks, appreciate it
  12. hey everyone, sorry we’ve been missing for so long, but life has kept us hopping. Steve had to have surgery again but he’s doing well, recovering slowly but getting better. He’s had it a bit rough last few months but I think this has helped him. kids are all good and Lizzie is as grumpy as ever :D. thanks for all the birthday wishes, and I’ll try and get on more.
  13. I know your birthday’s coming up, Jan 2nd, IIRC?

  14. awww thanks guys, I really mean that. So other than it being wet rainy and cold, , its good to be home LOL. Have started writing again but slowly, amazing how hard it is to get back in the groove when you stop for a few months. Oh well, not like we’re in a hurry right so just wanna give a shout out to anyone in Texas or Florida, keeping you in our thoughts and hoping everything turns out well. I rode Katrina out so I know how horrible it is, not just the storm but putting the pieces together afterwards. Stay strong, you may no believe it, but it will get better.
  15. hi everyone, sorry about going off the grid but kinda been in areas without internet and we decided to interact with each other this summer and not online. We had an amazing adventure with the family, building good memories as Steve puts it. I gotta admit he sure as hell knows how to build memories LOL. Well he’s letting everyone know that everyone is doing good, even Steve. He’s had a few days but all in all he is doing very well, his doctors are very pleased and so are we. Kids are back in school, but I decided to retire. I miss teaching but I wanna spend as much time with Steve as I can, I know its selfish but I don’t care. I’ve decided that sometimes its good to be shallow and self serving as for writing, sorry but we haven’t written a word all summer, we meant to but just never seemed to find the time, and I actually think that was a good thing But now that we are home, and things get more into our normal routine, we should start writing again. Sorry about the abandonment but I gotta put my guy and my family first.
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