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Everything posted by Mr_Fairplay

  1. FINALLY!!!FUCKING FINALLY, MY EXAMS ARE OVER! SMEAGOL IS FREEEEE!!! *initiates crazy smeagol dance*

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    1. BronxWench


      ::turns on video cameras to capture this dance for posterity::

      Congratulations! :D

    2. DemonGoddess


      awesome! My "homework" is almost done too!

    3. JayDee
  2. One exam is done, did the best i could, second on is due Sunday night but working on it as we speak so i can relax and be lazy on Sunday. The video shoot for the project will hopefully be done tomorrow, and that'll leave the last one on the 10th. Man, time moves slow.

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  3. So, my finals begin next week, thankfully most of them are either presentations or take home assignment type thingies, or make a video project and submit. Probability to survive this semester than a better grade than i initially thought, 80%.

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  4. Well, i got a fighting chance, and I'm taking it, and i might just pass this semester. Been too long since i had a chat with the good folk over here, i miss you guys!

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    1. ChrissyQuinn
    2. JayDee


      Education first, chat on fanfic site second!

    3. BronxWench


      ::points to JD's comment:: Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. We'll be here when you're between semesters, so study! :D

  5. Well, my mids are finally fucking over and i'm pleased to announce that i survived with my ass intact...mostly.

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  6. Somebody just shoot me and be done with it.

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    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JayDee


      Then the zombies form a new government and introduce mass educational reform. Funds diverted from defence to education, medical research, and in twenty years everybody is really smart. Then the feasting begins.

    3. BronxWench


      Clever. I like it. But it'll take more than twenty years here, given what our government's done to education alone. On the other hand, avoid Scandinavia. They're all fucking doomed within ten years.

    4. Apprentice-Exploits-Master
  7. Well, i just realized i'm turning 21 this Sunday, that would have been perfect if it weren't fucking Monday the next day!

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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr_Fairplay


      All weekdays suck...except Friday.

    3. BronxWench


      See, now there's the recipe for an unhappy life, right there. Pick a kink for each weekday, and the week gets so much nicer.

    4. Mr_Fairplay


      Wait, you just gave me a wonderful idea, you just solved a problem i was going through, you're a genius BW, thanks!

  8. Why in th name of Talos isn't there a good armor mod for male character, you get a shitload of skimpy armors for females, but can i get a badass one for a male character? NO!! Skyrim modding sucks at times.

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    2. JayDee


      They oughta mod the Penny Arcade warrior design - http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2013/04/24

    3. Mr_Fairplay


      Whoa, too many muscles, way too big a schlong.

    4. JayDee


      Too big? Somewhere out there is a giant Amazonian in the mood for Snu-Snu!

  9. There is something really satisfying in chainsawing your enemy in half, God, i love Gears of Wars.

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  10. Damn! That's a perfect setting.
  11. So after 2 days of reinstalling Skyrim and mods to determine which mod was broken and made the game CTD, finally found out that it was the one which allowed me to have sex with my wife.

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr_Fairplay


      It was just the one that allowed me to bang Serana (provided i had the marriage mods and stuff). The rest worked fine, as my other characters can still do their wives, the mod that i use is called "Spouses Enhanced".

    3. JayDee


      Well, it allowed your Dragonborn to. For you to do it takes self insert fanfiction. "Gosh! I didn't think your skin would be so cold!" etc

    4. Mr_Fairplay


      Well, obviously my Dragonborn was doing her, personally i wouldn't get with her, too many issues. Did you know she did the nasty with Molag Bal himself to the point she almost died so she could become a pureblooded vampire? Yeah, she and her mother did that, both of them.

  12. Congratulations on the house Joe!
  13. So, basically what we're saying is that Becca might be a gold-digger. Hmm, interesting theory, highly believable and possible. Or it could be she's one of the Overly Attached Girlfriend type.
  14. Going to partake in the toughest journey ever, i'm going to dominate my worst enemy...me.

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    1. JayDee
    2. Mr_Fairplay


      Victory or Sovngarde!!!

  15. I don't know why, but i keep fucking up in the SB.

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  16. But it doesn't make any sense, Joe said that he made Rhona on a RL friend of his, why would you make a character who's a prostitute or involved with them, on a close and special friend that you care about?
  17. OR, she could be a middle-woman?
  18. OK, good theory, but Rhona whoring herself doesn't affect anyone other than the folks at Game Stop or maybe Kayla (that maybe Jack will use this as an esy way out and get laid, you know cheat on her). Unless Joe was referring to "The Fracture" as something that happens between the three of them, i don't see any other way how Rhona can affect them.
  19. Hmm, this will be really interesting if Brad comes back And gets admitted to TARA's school. Any one wanna wager they get involved? But something that has been bugging me, we got great theories related to the ring but i don't see how these theories will create "The Fracture", unless somehow one of the members get involved with it, willingly or unwillingly.
  20. Well, thank you, it just came to me. Jessica has crossed paths before with Jack, and she was trying to get in touch with him, if Jessica is indeed associated with the ring, it will allow Ms Cartwright a direct connection to her through Jack.
  21. But what if Ms. Cartwright is not with the ring, instead she's an undercover cop or an agent, tasked with infiltrating and exposing the ring. She wins Jack's trust so as to speak, and it's her plan to use him to get to the person working for the ring in the school (i.e Jessica, Nick, or whatever).
  22. Yeah, i bet she's phenomenal. It has been known that school teachers have been directly involved in sexual experiences with their students, sometimes they do it with them, or sometimes they arrange it for them. I would be shocked at first if the ring involves Ms. Cartwright, but it wouldn't be totally unexpected.
  23. Wait, you just gave me an excellent idea, i was having trouble linking the group with the ring, and now you have given me something. Belle used to run with Jessica's entourage, if Jessica had been involved with the ring before then it's most probably true that Belle was a part of it, so when Jessica reaches Jack the secrets come out and something happens which results in a big fight resulting in a split. Regarding the fight, i don't think Jack will be directly involved with the actual fighting part with a member of the group (fighting with people outside the group is a different story), he'll most probably be a middle man of sorts trying to get people to calm down and negotiate, which doesn't work and a fight happens, leaving Jack feeling like a total failure. Whatever the case, i think most people would agree with me when i say that i would like Jack and Kayla to face whatever clusterfuck awaits them as a couple, as a two person team, together.
  24. Well, the threesome and everything that followed was unexpected, with the familiar face we were expecting Brad to come back or Kayla's ex (forgot his name), so far Joe's given us plenty of twists.
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