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Everything posted by WritingDude

  1. In reality, I help my uncle deliver papers in Salem, Connecticut which is normally my aunt's (his wife's) job; but because she's pregnant (baby is supposed to be due in August) she can't do it herself for the time being. Anyways, while on the route, my uncle sped up too fast and we crashed into a mailbox; it shattered the passenger seat window and cracked the windshield. Glass was all over me but apart from some minor scrapes, I was find (and so was my uncle). I'm extremely grateful I walked out of there alive and that it was just a mailbox and not a tree or a deer.
  2. Unpopular opinion: I think Cars 2 is a good movie; flaws aside, it still has clever humor, memorable characters and Pixar quality animation.

  3. I came up with this story out of spite for Percy Jackson and the Olympians. A modern turn on Greek mythology and in my opinion Percy Jackson failed to do it justice (both as a book and a film).
  4. Unpopular opinion: I don't like Rick and Morty. I don't think it's funny, I don't find the characters interesting and I don't like the animation.

  5. Synopsis: A teenage girl discovers that she's a descendent of the Greek hero, Perseus and is chosen to be the hero of a prophecy; which states, after Perseus died, he will respawn in a new vessel during the last days of the gods. Upon discovering this, she begins her training to be the hero Olympus needs her to be, for there are many foes that would take advantage of the gods' weariness. Please be honest and critical if necessary.
  6. Unpopular opinion: I like X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I think it's an interesting, action packed, well acted film in its own right.

    1. ChrissyQuinn


      Oh, it's a great movie on its own. I think some people just have a problem with it because it was supposed to fit into the X-Men franchise and it really doesn't. That aside though, great movie :)

  7. So Lilo's Lesbian Night is still my most viewed fanfic at over 9000 views *insert Vegeta meme here* which is saying something considering how short it is compared to my later works: http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094596

    1. WritingDude


      And now it's at over 10000; wow, just wow.

  8. Has anyone ever been given a failing grade on an essay or test despite putting as much effort as possible into it? :/

    1. ChrissyQuinn


      Not myself but I've given plenty and had people come up to me and bitch about it after getting their papers back. My advice is to go to the professor/TA/GA and politely ask them what you did wrong so you don't screw up again. Chances are you either misunderstood the assignment entirely,or plagiarized, Those are the only two instances I've given Fs, Ds are for papers that are just largely incoherent.

  9. After watching porn for over a decade, I'm starting to think it's all the same. Any one else ever felt that? :/

    1. julpups


      Yeah, after the second clip. Still watch them though... 17 years later.^^

      Seriously? I have the impression the porn industry tries to keep up with the demands of the costumers. As in harder and harder, nastier and nastier. More anal sex, more deepthroating, more gangbangs and such... Variety and high art isn't what people are looking for.

  10. My brother and I are cool now.

    1. BronxWench
    2. pippychick


      I'm glad. If there's one thing life has taught me, it's to easily forgive. Especially family :)

  11. Happy International Women's Day :)

    1. CloverReef


      Made me happy to see on here. Thank you

    2. WritingDude
  12. Next up, a little experiment from a black boy genius :)

  13. My next fanfic takes place in a kingdom Far...Far...Away :)

  14. And it's done, finally:http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095036

  15. And it's done, finally:http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095036
  16. Almost done...
  17. I just found out Joe Alaskey died yesterday, really sad :(

  18. If you read any of the Magic Tree House books growing up, you'll be happy to know that they're finally going to make a theatrical movie https://mobile.twitter.com/MaryPopeOsborne/status/695339436783964160

  19. Writers Block is a bitch; I've been trying to get a story done for over two months now. Any suggestions?

    1. BronxWench


      I sometimes tackle the weekly Dribs, Drabs and Doggy Tales challenge prompts to give myself a kick-start.

    2. pippychick


      Honestly, take Omega 3 for a week. It's the brain equivalent of rolling a car that won't start down a hill. I'm quite serious.

  20. You know something, I was just wondering: if Fifty Shades of Grey was originally Twilight FanFiction, why wasn't it posted here?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. pippychick


      Honestly, I'm jealous as hell of her. The same applies to me as to Bronx. If I thought I could alter a fanfic and make any amount of money, I'd do it too. Having said that, it's probably a good job I can't. The world isn't ready for that. I haven't read it either, but then it's Twilight, which to me already seems like a poorly written fanfic. I think I watched the first Twilight film once. I was horrified. And not in a good way. I'm amazed the television surviv...

    3. BronxWench


      I don't know, daf. I loved your Torchwood stuff, and I'd have paid for it :D

    4. pippychick


      Aww.. thanks, BW! It was so much fun to write. :)

  21. Of course
  22. As a matter of fact, yes I am.
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