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Everything posted by Ichasennin

  1. Here's a "plot" that popped into my mind. Due to an accident in Potions or an obscure spell, Harry and Hermione end up in each other's body. While they struggle to find a cure while hiding the truth from the rest of Hogwarts they also have to deal with their new bodies urges. Since Hermione is still straight, although in Harry's body, she suffers from erections all the time while in the boys dorms, showers and Quidditch locker. The same thing goes for Harry, of course, but there's a twist. Although in each other's body, they share a subtle mental connection, which means that not only they are aroused by what their own sexual orientations dictates, but also by each other's. That means that they both are almost always horny, but also attracted by both genders. The story doesn't need much plot at all, but here's what I'd like to see. Both Harry and Hermione getting intimate with both genders, initially with distaste/disgust but slowly growing to like it. Increasing lewd and immoral act on both's part, though Hermione in Harry's body has to act dominant even when having sex with males, while Harry in Hermione's body gets more and more submissive. Possibile endings: 1- Harry and Hermione stay in each other's body which could possibly mean that Eventually Hermione decided that she can do better than Harry at being Harry (let's face it, she would) and decide to right the wizarding world using his face, fortune and fame, all the while being an insatiable man-whore. Without his reputation and Hermione's brain, Harry is basically a loser and with the increased reputation he made for him(her)self at Hogwarts, the best that he can hope for is being a common whore Optional: Hermione takes pity on Harry and lets him live with her, though he would have to pay her back by being a "party warmer" 2- Harry and Hermione goes back to their own bodies, but the experience left them marked. Hermione is now renown for being an insatiable slut. Far from being deterred by this, she uses her new skills to accelerate her career and eventually becomes Minister of Magic. At times she still change places with Harry for the fun of it. That's the basic idea. Feel free to add or remove what you don't like. I think the best setting would be an hypothetical eight year after the war, where both Hermione and Harry went back to Hogwarts. Ron can or can't be there. I frankly don't care about the character.
  2. Lo and behold, an update. Here or here.
  3. Alright, chapter four is done. Here and here. You know, a bit of feedback would be appreciated.
  4. Anyone interested in a third chapter, maybe? Here or here I would like opinions on the story if someone is willing to give them. Suggestions about upcoming scenes are fine but I was more interest in a feedback about my style of writing. As I'm not a native English speaker (or writer) my grammar is up to interpretation and the quality of my sentences... arguable. More importantly I would like to know how believable Rin's corruption looks so far, within in-universe logic, of course. Thank you very much.
  5. I am aware. I have adressed it in the author notes there. Thank you.
  6. So, who's up for another chapter? Also on FF,net
  7. Alright, the first chapter is up. You can find it here or here No smut yet though
  8. Here's a template to start off the story: Tohsaka Rin sighed wearily as she put down her cup of tea. It was a sunny, mid-summer afternoon. How could a day so beautiful be also so dreary? How had things gone so horribly wrong? In the end it was all her fault and she knew it. A year after the Holy Grail War she had moved to London, joining the Clock Tower with Shirou as his apprentice and Saber as her bodyguard. Everything had been fine for the first few months, but the pressure and the expectation had soon gotten to her. As a Japanese she was less than a country bumpkin in the eyes of the European nobles, a little above a trained monkey really, regardless of the fact that her lineage was longer or that her talent as a Magus was far superior than theirs. She was ostracized left and right, more so because of her talent. Arrogant people don’t take kindly to be shown up by the last arrived, she thought. A piece of wisdom she should have considered more before acting. Her frustration lead her to forcing Shirou to partially showcase his unique abilities, so that his accomplishment would reflect on her as his master. It had been a bad call all around and it backfired spectacularly. An investigation on Shirou’s ability was launched and his Reality Marble subsequently exposed. With a Sealing Designation slapped on him he was forced to flee the country and go into hiding, least he’d become a subject for experimentation. Six months had gone by. Six months during which Rin tried everything she had to clear Shirou’s name and stop the manhunt. Six months during which she had to sustain Saber with her resources alone. Unlike most Magi, Rin had sufficient reserves of Mana to keep a Servant in the world of the living, but even if she could do that it sapped most of her energies. Without Shirou adding his own Mana through their tantric rituals she had little energy to spare for her own research. No research meant no status in the association and no status meant no influence to help Shirou. She was in a conundrum and to make matter worse she couldn’t let Saber know about it. The King of Knights wouldn’t accept to be a burden and would surely demand Rin to rescind their contract, which was tantamount as demanding to be left to die. Rin didn’t want to lose Saber as well. In the months after the war the three of them had grown steadily closer and had become lovers. A strange but functional arrangement. Now, with Shirou gone, it was just the two of them and Rin would be damned if she let go of Saber as well. As her quest to help Shirou drew longer, the weight on Rin’s shoulders did nothing but increase and it would have soon reach a critical point. Before that happened she needed to find a steady supply of Mana and the only way to get it was from another human being. However, there was one single known way to bypass the human body’s rejection of foreign energies and that was through the application of a tantric ritual. To make a long story short, she had to find herself a lover. She considered her options carefully, weighted all possibilities, considered all angles and she didn’t find any other course of action that didn’t involve sacrificing things more important than her own pride. No, considering that this situation was all her fault to begin with if she had any pride at all she would have to make amends, no matter how distasteful she’d find the process. With that resolve made the problem was finding a suitable candidate for the ritual and try as she might there weren’t that many. Magi weren’t very forthcoming to begin with and opening their reserves of Mana to another Magus would require both suitable compensation and assurances. Rin wasn’t wealthy, in fact she was in considerable debt, therefore she had nothing to offer beside herself. It wasn’t unheard of for a Magus to be the subject of another’s experimentation but it was a dangerous business to say the least. It more or less narrowed down her research to one single person. A Magus whose research was focused on exchanges of energies. It was perfect because it would give Rin what she wanted and would provide the Magus in question with material for his own research. It was awful because that specific Magus was someone who Rin loathed with a passion. Gerard Dufall was an arrogant asshole of the worst kind and to make matter worse he had made lots of unveiled advances on her in the past, especially after Shirou had left. She had shot him down every single time but the man never deterred. Worse yet the man’s smugness did nothing but increase with every rejection, driving Rin’s spare. Having to require his assistance now and in such a manner was the most humiliating thing Rin ever thought she would have to do. And yet she had no other choice. “I admit I didn’t expect that you would come to me on you own, Rin,” the dark haired Magus admitted upon seeing her approach through the corridors of the Clock Tower, “but it’s a welcome surprise nonetheless.” “Stuff the attitude Gerard. I have to speak with you.” “It must be my lucky day,” he sighed wistfully. “What can my humble self do for you?” “Humble self, right,” she scoffed. “Let’s talk somewhere more private.” “And my day just keeps getting better by the minute,” he chuckled while Rin shoved him unceremoniously into an empty room. “Now, listen up,” she said after firmly shutting the door behind her. “You wanted something from me and I’m willing to give it to you.” “I’m all ears.” The gleam in his eyes was absolutely predatory. “Don’t let it go to your head, this is just a business transaction. I’ll make it simple. I need a steady supply of Mana and it’s not a secret that you are looking for volunteers for your research. I want to make a deal.” “What are you proposing?” he asked without a trace of his previous sleaziness. At his core, Gerard was a first-rate Magus. “A self-geass scroll,” Rin answered and Gerard balked. “That’s some seriously high demand, Rin. A self-geass is an absolute binding agreement. Are you sure about it?” “With the alternative being leaving my body in your hands without assurances?” she scoffed. “Yeah, not happening.” “Fine,” he shrugged. “Let’s hear your terms first.” “It’s easy enough. I’ll come over to your workshop twice a week for no longer than a hour each time and you will replenish my Mana. In exchange I’ll let you run you experiments of me with the provision that I will not suffer long lasting damage.” “Why accepting any damage at all?”he quirked an eyebrow. “I acknowledge that in the course of the experiments I can get injured somehow. It’s only natural. I’m fine with that so long as it’s not permanent. Of course neither of us will divulge knowledge of this agreement either directly or indirectly, unless we mutually agree otherwise, for whatever unanticipated reason might come up in the future. It goes without saying that I will keep to myself anything that I hear or see while in your workshop. The contract will be provisional for a year and renewable with a simple verbal agreement if needed be.” “I don’t know,” Gerard replied, rubbing his chin. “A self-geass scroll is a real hassle just for that. I can get plenty of living specimen without it.” “What else do you want?” she ground out. She had expected as much from him. “Compliance. Without your active cooperation there’s no difference between you and an ordinary girl. Well, not that you are ordinary in any sense of the word, but you get what I mean.” “Fine,” she grunted, “but I expect suitable compensation. The standard hourly fee of the association will do.” “Apprentice level fee,” Gerard proposed. “You wish. Master level,” Rin countered. “Man, you strike a hard bargain. Fine, you have your deal. Meet me tomorrow, same time, and we’ll go over the finer details. Oh, and Rin?” “What?” “I’m looking forward to working with you.” “Go to hell, Gerard!” He chuckled and left the room, leaving behind a very upset and tremendously embarrassed Rin. It was a good day to be Gerard Dufall. The premise here is that the entirety of London's subway is part of the OC's Workshop, so Rin (who doesn't expect something like that because Workshop are usually small spaces with restricted accesss) has agreed to do whatever he want's when she goes there twice a week. I'll write this myself sometime in the future but anyone is free to use this template if they want. No credit is due but if you do write a story post a link to it here.
  9. The NTR/chikan thing... I'll write it but not anytime soon. I'm busy with another project right non.
  10. Shameless self-promoting. In my own fanfiction Duality (link) Naruto learns a variant of Henge and he can change gender at will. It will eventually have M/M but mostly it's F/M. In his female self he works in a brothel.
  11. Hello everyone, I'm a new author on this forum The challenge I'd like to issue is the following: The story of a Naruto who learns the Henge and uses it to change so that he's better accepted in Konoha. He gets really good at it, so good that instead of making an illusion around himself he actually changes his body (he must be the only one to develop this skill because it requires the Kyuubi regeneration factor to pull off). He changes frequently into a girl because he sees that girls are more doted on so he grows up without issue in being seen as female. Also, he because he's socially stunted he doesn't understand the implications of sex so he's easily roped from a young age into having sex with strangers as a girl. No one learns of Naruto true identity (exception: one OC is allowed to learn of Naruto's real identity and gender, but keeps silent about it to train him/her as a pleasure girl) Eventually the Hokage finds out but Naruto is already fine with being sexually active and sees nothing wrong with being promiscuous (both as a boy and as a girl). The Hokage (unhappy) assigns Naruto to be taught by a Kunoichi (OC or not) who runs a brothel in Konoha so that Naruto can develop seduction skills to use on missions From this point on you can throw Naruto at the story any way you like with just the following requirements: - Naruto is happy with being a prostitute but he/she is not always horny (unless someone does something to mess up his mind during the story). - Naruto works for money but his Nindo includes "never turning anyone away", so he'll fuck anyone who asks unless there are outstanding reason (the person being an enemy or just being on a mission when it would complicate things) - Age at the start of the story upped at 16 years old (but it can be both shown or implied that Naruto has been having sex since 13 years old - Age of consent in Konoha) - Naruto still wants to become Hokage and takes his training as a ninja seriously - Team Seven must be Naru/Sasu/Saku - Sasuke doesn't want to have sex with Naruto (unless the relationship is developed during the story) - The story must be a serious take on Naruto storyline (AU is allowed) with smut being a important part but not all there is to the story. - Story must be M/F but can also contain M/M and F/F. No MPreg (Naruto getting pregnant while female prevent transforming back to male) I'm writing a story along this parameters myself (It's called Duality - check out my profile), but I'd like to see other people's take on it. In any case I'm open to opinions and feedback. Thanks.
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