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CL Mustafic

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Everything posted by CL Mustafic

  1. Review Replies for Chapter 18 of the Heart Wants Thanks again to all who read, rate and review! Okay so this time I will apologise for the lateness of this chapter. I've been having a crisis of confidence lately and even though I'm still pumping out the chapters, I've not been posting them because I feel like they aren't up to snuff. Anyway you all can thank Tahn for convincing me to post at least this one (or blame her if you think it sucks either way, I'm good with it). Anyway only this chapter and one more before we switch to Zeb's POV. Lots happening in this chapter and the next so here we go. On to the review replies... Cyarsonix: Yeah the video, you see I guess that Justin could take it to the cops but I think he's trying not to step on Zeb's right to choose how he wants to handle the whole thing. You have to remember that they live in a smallish community and it would be huge news when there's a frat concerned. Zeb most likely doesn't want it to get out that it happened to him, male pride such as it is. Tahn: Yep punchies. Sorry for throwing you under the bus up there but oh well... You know I <3 you. Lisa: First let me say LOL and then thank you for taking the time to leave me another review when you thought that your first one didn't post. Anyway, yeah, I was sorta glad that Mandy was cool. After seeing her through Shane's biased eyes I sort of expected her to go all bitch on him. And yes every girl needs a gay man as a best friend, they're the best! Yes Payne is going to be just fine, more from him later too. Thanks again to all who left me a review (or 2)! Chapter 19 is up now! CL
  2. Congrats JayDee, here's to 100 more
  3. Chapter 9 is up now! Thanks to everyone who's doing the three Rs!
  4. Review Replies for Chapter 8 of Strip Me Bare Thanks again to all who read, rate and review. Not a lot happening round here so I got nothing... On to the review replies: Lisa: I love Graham too there will be more to him than meets the eye though so get ready. I'm so glad you enjoy Erik's inner musings because they just keep coming. LOL Thanks for letting me know you're still reading and enjoying the story! Tahn: Yeah, I was feeling fluffy at the time but don't worry there will be some drama (cuz I know you love it) coming shortly! Thank you for always making my day! Thanks again to Lisa and Tahn for keeping me afloat! Chapter 9 is up now!
  5. I noticed you were gone. Sorry to hear about your friend's loss. When you got a minute want to read something for me and tell me if I've totally lost sight of my plot line? I'm having a mini crisis of faith here the closer it gets to the deadline. You can let me know here or PM me or email me or... you get the picture. lol
  6. To be honest with you, it's really just the genre. I'm not a huge fan of high school drama romance type things. I've tried a couple of times to read them because they seem to have mega amounts of hits on them but it's just not my thing. I think with your new one it helps that the characters are a bit older. And before anyone starts in on me, I have teenagers of my own, I understand that they want to and do actually have sex (not my own of course ) and I have no problem with anyone writing stories about sex between them. It's just not my cup of tea. I enjoy your style of writing, it's pretty clean and concise. I really liked the smart alecky kid Daisy and think it's funny that someone so much older is going to a child for advice on relationships (it speaks volumes about your main character without you having to spell it out). Like I said I'm looking forward to more of this one. CL
  7. Okay so I tried to read your first story but it left me cold. I read the first chapter of your second story (I believe in giving second chances ) and I actually liked it. I didn't leave a review because I was reading on my phone and have fat fingers. So I thought I'd pop in here to tell you I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Oh and I also liked the shorter chapter because TBH I find 10K word chapters to be tedious to read. **I noticed the disclaimer because yes, people do actually read them...
  8. Review Replies for Chapter 17 of The Heart Wants Once again and as always thanks to those that read, rate and review! I’m not even going to make excuses for the fact that I haven’t updated in a while. I have no excuse other than laziness. I know that’s not what you all want to hear but that’s all I got. So without further ado… Ishtani: Thanks! I’m so glad you enjoy my stories so far and thanks for taking the time to let me know. Also thanks for taking a chance on a story you normally wouldn’t read, I hope it continues to provide you with the entertainment you’ve come to expect. Tahn: LOL yeah he does or at least he thinks he knows… Lisa: I think those two boys are going to have their hands full with little Zeb. I’m glad you liked seeing the guys from Strip Me Bare. I’m always worried I’m ruining stories when my characters show up in the other stories later than their story took place… Oh well not much I can do about that, is there? Well that’s it for now, thanks again to all who reviewed! Chapter 18 is up now! CL
  9. Patience has never been one of my virtues...

  10. But sometimes there is sex, it's just not in the first chapter... I myself have been lambasted for the lack of smut and/or the fact that it takes a few chapters to get to the smut in my stories. I'm sorry but I prefer to advance the plot a bit and give my characters a reason to have sex. I suggest you look for the PWP tag if you're simply looking for something to fap to and leave those of us that actually like a little plot with our erotica alone to enjoy it. CL
  11. LOL Tahn, you're crazy! I may just write a little something up just for you all special like just to see you try to find something nice to say about it after all the cringing is done. Oh by the way, I'm back in the saddle, KoKoa helped me figure out a sticking point on one of my stories that's been bugging me and making me not want to write anything at all. Yay Kokoa!! Cross your fingers that I'll actually have some time to sit down and work on it now.
  12. So since there was a prologue I've gotten my chapter numbering all screwed up so I'm just gonna go with what chapter it says on the little pull down tab. Which makes it looks like I skipped a chapter when you look at this thread and the review replies, but there's not so you didn't miss anything, I'm just too lazy to fix it. Anyway chapter 8 (which is actually chapter 7) is up now! Forgive me please, CL
  13. @Tahn, now that I think about it, I'd probably enjoy reading something like that. Maybe I'll put it up as a challenge and see if there are any takers. LOL Review Replies for Strip Me Bare Chapter 7 (actually chapter 6, if you want an explanation check the promote a story thread.) Once again a huge thanks to everyone that reads, rates and reviews! Okay I know this story is lacking any type of direction at this point but the next couple of chapters will start us on our path to discovery (well they’ll set Erik on his path at least). Also I know Erik seems a bit picky, a little weird and just all out awkward, that’s totally what I’m going for so suck it up and deal with the fact that he’s a neurotic quasi-douche nozzle, he’ll get better I promise. So on to the review replies… Aduial: Yeah, I love Graham but there’s a lot more behind him than just his adorable geekiness… Erik definitely needs a good smack up side the head and Bree will of course help out even though Erik’s not too happy about her ‘help’. Lisa: I’m totally with you on the Lance thing, he’s a nice guy but Erik has convinced himself that Lance is not what he wants and so is unable to see him as a possible perspective partner. I think it’s something he does frequently with any guy that would be interested in him for more than a one night stand… I also think that Erik most likely suffers from a type of body dysmorphia and you’re right everyone sees something different when they look in the mirror, some people don’t see things even remotely like what they actually are. Tahn: Yeah awkward but you loved it, admit it. If only he could get it together and get his head out of his ass at the same time… well no that would make for a really boring story so we’ll let him be clueless for a bit longer. That’s it for the replies, thanks again to everyone who left me a review! Chapter 7 is up now! CL
  14. Zombie - The Cranberries
  15. Review Replies for Picking Up the Pieces Chapter 7 Once again thanks to all who are reading, rating and reviewing! I appreciate the support especially with this one as it is very difficult for me to write all this angsty stuff. I want to apologize for the long wait for this update but summer has been kicking my butt this year. It’s been so hot for so long and it’s hard to resist the pool’s siren’s song promising relief from the unrelenting heat. I’m hoping the weather will break soon and I’ll want nothing more than to sit down and write something… Anyway, on to the review replies… Zas: Yes love is a wonderful thing. More is on the way. Tahn: Sorry for the wait! Yeah well I wouldn’t hold my breath on the talking part. Sorry I couldn’t wait until Monday to post it. It’s like having money in my pocket, it was burning a hole in my usb, it had to be posted! Vidalhbea: I know, I feel really bad for the Ralphie situation. I don’t think either Matt or Payne really know what to think of each other at this point. Nope not too much, I feel the same way and eventually, hopefully they’ll get what’s coming to them. Anon-ish: I get Paul’s dad’s resentment of Matt also. Not only is he able to touch Payne but he’s also an older man and you know how parents are when it comes to their kids, even if they’re adults. You are sort of in my brain on the weather man thing, close but not quite a bulls-eye… Lisa: Thank you, I’m glad you liked it! Yeah, my grandma used to say tuckus all the time and I don’t know why these things come back at odd times but they do and they end up in the story for some reason. Lol I’m odd, I’ll admit it, I guess. Yep, Stella’s taking one for the team *snigger*. I also can see how it would be upsetting and make his parents a bit suspicious that Matt is allowed to touch Payne with no consequences. Things never work out how you want them too… Aduial: I guess I hate that they don’t move the story forward much, yes they give the reader insight into the characters and their motivations but they just seem to drag for me. I’m glad Payne made some progress and hugged his mom too! I was more happy about that than anything else because I thought it might be a bit longer before he reached out to anyone. It is weird and Matt thinks so too so at least Payne’s parents aren’t alone in that respect. I know how you feel because I feel the same way while writing this story so no problem on the delay in reviewing. You know I appreciate them whenever they come! FortunateM: First let me say that I love your well thought out and well written reviews. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave them. Sometimes I actually learn things about my characters from the reviews people leave and yours are always very insightful. So anyway, yes their coming together in front of Payne’s parents and Matt’s partner was pivotal because of the importance of those people in the two men’s lives. It will most probably be painful for Payne’s parents to have Payne look to someone other than them for comfort and support but him reaching outside his inner circle is a good thing as I see it. Next chapter will get us at least a couple of confirmed suspects so just hold on a bit longer and the case will start to heat up. BronxWench: review 1) Thank you I’m glad the first chapter was engaging enough to draw you in. review 2) No problem, I myself am horrible about reviewing when there’s more than one chapter to read and usually just wait until the end to do it. I really didn’t want to overdo/be too explicit on the rape scenes because that’s not the focus of the story, so I’m hoping even though my style is sort of bare bones that he horror came through without having to be too graphic. I know it’s heart wrenching to watch Payne’s spiral down after his attack but I hate those stories where something horrific happens in one chapter and then the next they’re in bed with someone. I’m shooting for semi-realistic with this story but not so much so that we have to wait five years for Payne to heal and for them to fall in love. I’m not great at the whole mystical love connection thing but I do believe that sometimes there’s something in someone that draws us too them even when they’re not what we usually are taken with and that’s sort of what I’m aiming at. Thank you so much for reading and for reviewing. I really value your opinion and am tickled pink that you are enjoying my stories! So that’s all for the replies, a big thanks once again to all who reviewed! Chapter 8 is up at long last! CL
  16. Decided I can't wait until Monday to post chapter 8 of PUP so going to do it today after I get the review replies done. Sorry if it bums you out and ruins your Thursday Tahn at least it's not Friday. :D

  17. @Tahn, you should not encourage the beast! I'm already kicking around a story where sometime in the future all homosexual males are exiled to an island but instead of them seeing it as a punishment they turn it into an island paradise. lol That is until the gay warewolves and vampires show up then there's hell to pay! I really am laughing out loud right now because somewhere someone is probably writing a story with that very premise!
  18. Chapter 6 is up! Thanks to all who have been reading, rating and reviewing!
  19. @Jit thanks so much for that, it's really nice to hear that you're enjoying my stories. I'm trying really hard to get some updates out but stuff keeps coming up! Also my brain keeps telling me that I should - no - that I need to write a short story about Gage's college boyfriend! Urgh, maybe if I write that I can get on with more important things. Review Replies for Strip Me Bare Chapter 5 Okay since the next chapter of Picking Up the Pieces is kicking my ass, I decided to post another chapter of this one instead. Once again I’d like to thank everyone that reads, rates and reviews! Thanks so much for the feedback on this one, I almost abandoned it at one time because it seemed a bit rambly but I promise in the next couple of chapters (not this one of course) it will find some direction. So on to the review replies… Anon: I’m glad you like Lance and Erik but I’m afraid you may end up disappointed… Sorry in advance Lisa: For some reason that song was running through my head when I was writing that chapter so I just had to put that line in there somewhere, good thing it worked! Yeah, I’m sure that Lance isn’t the one night stand type but not so sure Erik will be the one to fulfill his need for a commitment. Sure having two hot guys to choose from is a real hardship, lol, I know what he’s going to do… Tahn: You mean you want him to see Graham! Oh but you know Erik, he’s gotta freak out first then maybe, just maybe he’ll make up his mind. Aduial: Yep he’s stupid so he gets a pass as he is a man. He’ll wise up eventually, I promise… well maybe he’ll just not be so stupid you want to hit him at least. I hate touristy areas, I usually see the big attraction and then go and get lost in some residential area. Okay so that’s all for the review replies, thanks again to all who reviewed. Chapter 6 is up now! CL
  20. Review Replies for The Heart Wants Chapter 16 Okay so thanks to everyone who reads, rates and reviews! I always appreciate the feedback and the encouragement every rate and review gives me to carry on. Not a lot to say this time except, holy cow, this must be a first for me! I just posted a chapter of Strip Me Bare that had sex in it and not I’m posting Chapter 17 of this one and guess what? More sex! Two chapters in the same week with smexy stuff! Must be something in the air… Anyway, I got a little carried away with the date scene in this chapter so you’ll have to forgive the length, it was just too much fun writing it! So on to the review replies… Tahn: Yeah evil and cute, deadly combination… Lisa: I’m not sure where Shane stands on this whole thing right now, it could go either way. It would be nice if they had something to help him out but they don’t of course. He’ll get it worked out with Shane and Justin’s help, I’m sure. Aduial: LOL You must have been really tired. No you didn’t review the chapter before but like I said even short and sweet to let me know you’re still enjoying it is enough for me. I totally feel the love! Thanks for reviewing even when you’re dead on your feet! So that’s all for now, thanks again to all who reviewed! Chapter 17 is up now! CL
  21. @jit, You read Remembrances?!? You must have if you could place Katy and her boys. I'm surprised! You're probably only one of a handful that did. I know the ending of that one wasn't pretty but Katy will get her HEA too eventually. I got side tracked into writing a story that has to come before she gets her's. You're right I do have a whole town in my head. Eventually all the people will get out and then I'll probably be lonely, oh well it's going to take awhile before that happens. I'm happy to hear you're enjoying the stories! CL
  22. So as more and more people realize that my characters are in the same universe, the more questions I get about my timeline. I decided today that I may actually sit down and write it out. But I figured I could answer a few of the most asked right here, right now. The Heart Wants, Strip Me Bare and Loving Sarajevo are set in the present, give or take a few months. Picking Up the Pieces and Falling for Him took place approximately 10 years ago. So around 2005. Falling for Her starts almost exactly 2 years after the start of Falling for HIm. So 2007. And yes jit, you did see a familiar restaurant just pop up in Falling for Her, good catch. So that's all for now, there will be a few more surprises coming up from visiting characters so be on the look out for them! CL
  23. Chapter 4 is up now! Thanks to those that read, rated and reviewed!
  24. Review replies for Falling For Her chapter 3 Thanks once again to all who read, rate and review! I have to apologize for the long wait for this next chapter, as most of you have probably heard, I was getting the first story Falling For Him ready to send to a publisher. I got it off now and I’m back to writing new stuff. Thanks for being patient! I’ve been having sort of a hard time writing this story because although I know where it needs to go, there’s just so much stuff that has to happen before it gets there. I’m sorry if some of the chapters come out a bit disjointed, I’ll eventually go back and fix them up… Oh who am I kidding, I’ll leave them the way they are as a testament to how lazy a writer I am. Okay on to the review replies… Tahn: Once again thank you for helping out with the next chapter. Your advice is always appreciated! I love fluff, just call me the anti-Chrissy, she’s so mean! There will be lots more fluff to come! Lisa: Yes they are but unfortunately we won’t see too much of the baby for a bit Yeah, speaking as someone who worked in the health profession for some time, it’s actually more nerve wracking when it’s your own, no matter how trained you are. Shelley: I’m so glad you loved the original story! I really do hope that you will like this one just as much. Thanks for the review! Well that about does it for now, thanks again to all who reviewed. Chapter 4 is up now! CL
  25. I don't feel like my audience is captive more like that they're fleeing from my stories. My problem is when I start something and it gets good feedback, I'm afraid I'm going to screw it up. It makes writing what I want harder to do because what if it's not what the readers expect and they hate it? It's so much easier to write when people's expectations are low and you can surprise them by writing something that doesn't completely suck. I'm sorry you're having a bad month. I miss your updates and look forward to your next one - whenever that happens - I'll be here. CL
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