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CL Mustafic

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Everything posted by CL Mustafic

  1. Review Replies for Falling For Him Chapter 17 Okay, so this story is rolling right along…I hope everyone is still enjoying it and I’m really trying not to put too much drama in there but damn Cassie just had to pop her head back in to say HELLO! (insert evil laugh here) So thanks to everyone that reads, rates and reviews. I love to read the reactions some of you have after the chapters come out. I’ll keep trying to keep you guessing. On to the replies… Peabody: Of course she’s back, she’s like a bad rash. I’m glad you like Riley, he’s one of my favorite characters to write. Too bad he’s straight or I would give him his own story. Tahn: I know right, Lex is right she doesn’t deserve crap from the doc but you know how the doc is… Rukia Isaioi: I know there’s a lot of drama but Lex kind of knew what he was getting into when he got involved with the doc so, well I can’t feel too bad for him. Vidalhbea: Um, yep Cassie is…I can’t tell you, it’ll ruin the next chapter. Sorry FortunateM: I’m glad you like Lex and Gavin, they’re almost too sweet sometimes for me and when I get done with a chapter I’m like really guys do you gotta be so cute? Urrgh bugs me how they insist on the things they do. I think Gavin really just doesn’t know how to lie, it’s not his nature to be deceitful so that’s a plus for him and yeah it’s probably refreshing for Lex to not have to deal with it at home as well as at work. The thing with Cassie will be resolved in the next chapter Aduial: They are cute, maybe, possibly too cute sometimes Like I said the Cassie situation will come to a head in the next chapter…for now. That’s all I’m saying. CloverReef: Thanks for the review, I know that reviewing on the kindle can be a pain, done it myself and been bit in the butt, no worries. I’m glad the characters come across the way I intend for them too. People are not always nice or perfect and Grady is actually somewhat like a cop friend I once had, he was so immature I wondered how anyone would let him carry a gun. LOL Lisa: Aww thanks, I like Riley too, he’s kind of the comic relief. Everything is always so serious for Gavin, he needs someone to lighten the mood and Riley takes that job seriously. Yeah, I’m not sure if Gavin remembers Cassie exactly as she was, he’s a bit of a bonehead when it comes to her. Fiona: You’re welcome again. I’m glad you’re still enjoying the story. Thanks for the review to let me know you’re there! Housewolf: Yes it is and I’m glad that Gavin is that kind of guy and I’m sure Lex appreciates it too even if it wasn’t something he wants to hear. I know which half of your brain is right…so will you in the next chapter Thanks for the review. Okay that’s all for now, Chapter 18 is going up today…pretty soon. CL
  2. Reviews for Loving Sarajevo Chapter 23 Once again thanks to everyone that read the chapter and those of you that rated and reviewed. I know I keep saying this but since I don’t get paid for writing, your reviews and rates are what keeps me doing it. So thank you all so much for taking the time to do it. Okay so review replies for Chapter 23 (23 chapters OMG can you believe there’s that many already, yikes!) Kew: I know, the anticipation is killing me too. Glad I have the inside scoop. Thanks for reviewing. Hideandgoseek: I saw that you found me, it was the most notifications I’ve gotten since I first started posting Falling for Him. It’s funny that you didn’t put two and two together sooner but I’m glad that you were enjoying all the stories even without knowing that they were all mine. Pay more attention in class from now on, you only get one chance to get a good education…my mommy side sorry. Alasdair-you: Aww, I’m glad you like Hana, I’m trying to keep her from being too cute because that can get annoying. Lucas, what the heck can I say, he is sort of a brat but I don’t think he’s trying to be a jerk… Vidalhbea: I’m really glad you liked the chapter. Gage’s parents are good people and Nikola is good for their son, they’ll figure it out sooner or later. Tahn: I took the advice of my readers, the story was sort of abrupt at the end. I just hope I can come to a satisfying conclusion without over staying my welcome. I’m glad your liking the characters and the story. FortunateM: Nikola is just tasty, I live in a country of dark haired, dark eyed, manly men, he is what I see every morning when I wake up so I just had to share him with the rest of the world Lucas has issues, let’s just leave it at that. I don’t want to spoil the next chapter… Thanks again for reviewing, I love reading your reviews. Okay so that’s all for now, Chapter 24 is going up now so check it out and let me know what you think. CL
  3. I guess I better tell my husband that the next time he wants to keep going after he cums...he's gonna be soooo disappointed that he only gets one. On the other hand he'll get a better understanding of what it's like to be me
  4. Review Replies for Falling for Him Chapter 16 Well hello there again shall we just get started then… Housewolf: You’re right he is a cute drunk, for some reason he just struck me as the type that would be fun to be around when he was a little tipsy. Plus he needed a little liquid courage to get what he wanted. And no you don’t have to wait a year, I’m not sure Lex will ever need to announce it quite so bluntly but yeah if it takes me a year to get to that point then kick me please! Lavi1443: Thanks, I’m really glad you like it and think it’s both realistic and hot, that’s sorta what I was going for. Rukia Isaioi: I know, fluffy cuddles rock, right? Glad you like it. CloverReef: I know your review was for chapts 1 & 2 but well, you know how it is. I’m glad you like the characters, I’m trying to put characters out there that actually could be real people you know? Oh well it’s harder than it sounds as I’m sure you know. And yes, Gavin’s ex is a piece of work… Thanks for reading and reviewing! Azsia: Awww, I’m so happy it made you happy. The road ahead will be bumpy but you know what they say love will find a way. (I <3 cliches by the way) Lisa: Well I guess Lex is a little like Rabbit in some ways, where Gavin is more like Tigger you know. Rabbit has to worry and fuss and Tigger just bounces along no matter what happens to him (or he causes). LOL I love me some Winnie the Pooh. I really like a drunk Gavin too, makes me want to make him an alcoholic but that would be mean. The love yous will come in time, even if they both think it you know how guys are I think Riley and Sheila already have an inkling of what’s going on Thanks for sticking with me and I still get a kick out of your reviews every time I read them. Psy-girl: Oh poo, how can you think that about Lex. Well I’m sure that there’s gonna be something he does at some point that maybe….I’m not telling! Thanks for the review. Tnels: I’m glad you’re still enjoying it. Everyone says that the ending is so ominous…I didn’t mean for it to be but maybe a little, but not right away. They do get to be happy for a little bit, I promise. FortunateM: I like that you get it. I think it’s funny that Lex letting Gavin guide them when he is so obviously lost is hilariously sad. I think it tells a lot about Lex’s own insecurities and also his fear of losing those he loves. If he just took the reins things would go much smoother in some ways. Thanks again for your insightful review. Cecilia: Wow thanks so much, it means a lot when people let me know they’re there and liking what they’re reading. Don’t be shy every writer likes to hear from their readers and I’m glad to know that you felt strongly enough about the story to pop in and let me know. Vidalhbea: Yay, glad you’re liking it so much. I know real life meh… Thanks for reviewing. Tahn: I’m glad you found it! Yes…trouble uggh I hate drama, don’t you? (just kidding what good would a love story be without drama!) Fiona: You’re welcome very much and thank you very much for letting me know you like the story. CloverReef: Once again you’re behind the crowd LOL. I’m glad you’re still reading and thanks for the props on the style, what did you call it minimalistic? LOL whatever. I think the world cringed at that threesome, it should go in the books as the world’s most awkward, glad it came off the way I wanted it too. Thanks for taking the time to review, I’ve done them on my kindle too and yeah, autocorrect can make you sound like an idiot sometimes, damn machines! Okay so that’s all for now, thanks for reading, rating and reviewing, you guys are the best! Going to go post Chapter 17 dun dun dun…. CL
  5. Review replies for Loving Sarajevo Chapter 22 Thanks everyone for the great response Ive gotten for this story so far. I havent done replies for this up until now so just know that I appreciate all the reviews and also all of the opinions on my thoughts about ending it where Id thought to at first. Im hoping the additional chapters will make the story feel more complete. Though I get that its my story and I can do what I want with it, I really hate the thought of leaving my readers feeling dissatisfied with the ending. Hazel: Like I said it was your prodding that spurred me to finally get to editing this chapter so thanks for that little kick in the butt I needed. Im glad youre enjoying the story, I always love hearing that. Kew: Glad I could make you happy. Im going to try not to take so long to update again. Peabody: Thanks, glad you liked it. The other stories are still being edited and I dont want to overrun the site with my jabbering too much. Maybe when I finish one of the ones Im posting now Ill add one of the others. FortunateM: Great review as always. Im glad that you still enjoy the story. Than: I know right Hana is the bomb. I think his family will have to come around eventually Housewolf: Im so glad you like them, I know that some people cant get over the fact that theyre both manly men but I think its hot. LOL Youre so gonna hate Lucas when you see what he does next. Gages family well youll see Alasdair-you: Thanks for your review. I know that most people have a love for that dynamic and I have my theories on that but I wont bore you with them. Im glad that you took the time to read this even though its not your cup of tea and are enjoying it. Its nice to know that sometimes things work out better than you hoped for. Jo: Im sorry you didnt like the last chapter, it was kind of a transitional chapter from Gage and Nikolas first brush with love to back out in the real world so thats always a hard pivotal point to write. I dont get some peoples parents either. Its hard for me to write because my parents are excepting to a fault and I as a parent try to be. I cant imagine turning my child away for simply loving someone. But youre right, Nikola will make the right decision because he knows that love is precious and not something you let go of easily. Vidalhbea: Thanks for giving my story a chance even though its not what you usually read, Im glad you enjoyed it. Well thats it for now. Chapter 23 is going up now so I look forward to hearing from you all again and happy reading. CL
  6. That's what happened to me the day I accidentally posted the author's note chapter...hum will know what to do next time when I get that message. Thanks for the info DemonGoddess.
  7. Review replies for Falling for Him Chapter 15 Psy-girl: I think this is probably a review I missed for chap 14 but I didn’t want to leave it out. Sorry, I’m not trying to tease you, check out chap 15 Rukia Isaioi: Also from chap 14, Yes, Lex is going really slow with Gavin because he can tell that the doc is skittish. Read chap 15 for the reply to the rest of your review. Kew: Ahh thanks, you’re awesome for leaving such a nice review! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story. Jo (1st review): I did but only because you asked so nicely. Than: Yes it was about time for them to stop being boneheads, I agree wholeheartedly! FortunateM: Thanks for your review. I’m always happy when people get the dynamic I’m going for in the relationships. Gavin will hopefully prove that he is in fact not a ‘shrinking violet’ at some point. Some people just need the love of a good man to help them flourish. Thanks for your continued support. Peabody: Glad you thought it was sweet, sorry about the lack of sex but I’m trying for something a little bit more than porn. (Ah who am I kidding check out the next chapter) Housewolf: Yes they did finally figure out they were on the same page. Obviously there will be bumps along the way to their happily ever after. Thanks for your continued support. Hazel: I’m glad you’re enjoying both my stories and never fear, I never abandon my stories. Your review did kick my butt in gear and I’ve almost got the next chap of Loving Sarajevo ready too! Lisa: Chap 14 review: I love your reviews they’re always enthusiastic and a joy to read. Stop booing poor Gavin, he is just misunderstood. Jo (2nd review): Yay, thank you for reading the review replies…of course I appreciate my readers, I love you guys! Without all of you letting me know that you’re actually reading the story and enjoying it (mostly) there would be no reason for me to write it. When I posted my first story I almost gave up because it didn’t seem like anyone was enjoying it enough to tell me except of course FortunateM and Zas, they were what kept me posting because even writing for one person’s enjoyment is enough for me. I’m really glad you enjoyed the chapter and I’m considering posting a couple of the threesomes that I cut…stay tuned. Aduial: I’m glad you like the story and the characters, like I said before I’m really trying to make the story interesting and have a plot, not just porn…so good to know that it’s somewhat engaging. Lisa: Yes they are and it’s about time. So that’s about it. Thanks so much to everyone that rates and reviews and also to the people that just read but are too shy to review, I’ve been there myself but I know you’re there and I appreciate you too. Chapter 16 is going up now!
  8. I'm sorry but I'm laughing over here. Not because it's funny but because I've held off on asking anyone to beta my stories for me for the same reasons as you're freaking out about. I'm afraid that they'll tell me to stick to writing excuse notes for the kiddies and leave the real writing to the professionals. Though my grammar isn't usually that bad, I used to have a problem with run on sentences but I've gotten much better with that, I have a wandering mind. I'm not sure sometimes if my stories bounce around like my thoughts do or if they are more coherent. Oh look a butterfly... I'm sure that you're harder on yourself than you should be. Hearing someone pick apart your work will probably not be easy but maybe you'll end up with an amazing finished product for your readers to enjoy.
  9. I'm glad that I'm not the only one that it bothers but to be fair, I probably go the opposite direction. I did give one of my characters a nick name so that it wasn't always his name popping up and that seemed to help some with the repetition. I guess the one I hate the most is when they use the word 'male', I get it when it's like a werewolf story because you can argue that they aren't technically a man but I feel like it's a little dehumanizing to use it when it's a human being. @CloverReef, I get ya, there are things that I hate that are irrational too and I'll just stop reading a story because of them.
  10. Okay, I just got done reading the first chapter of a story, it was a m/m slash original. The word count was 1,564 words and the author used the MC's name twice, once in dialog when another character said it. The rest of the chapter he was referred to as the intern (5), the brunette (2), the slim intern (1), the slender intern (1), the slim brunette (2), the young man (2), the brunette intern (3), the young intern (3)(yes I went through and listed all of them) and my absolute least favorite the smaller male (1). I felt bad because I had to quit reading after the first chapter and she'd asked me to review her work. I ended up sending her a pm with my critique because I didn't want my own bias to color other reader's opinion before they read the story. Why can't people use their character's names or just him or he? I can see maybe once to get out one of the character's attributes but come on, it's so annoying. It totally ruins the story for me because I can't get past it. It's gotten to be my biggest pet peeve and I've even begun to notice it happening in published works lately. Why has this become a thing lately and how do we make it stop? Is it just me or does this drive anyone else crazy?
  11. *should be Game of Thrones, uggh forget one little letter and people will think you're an idiot. (which I am because I can't figure out how to edit my post either)
  12. I just have to say quickly that even though I know I'm going to get trounced, I hated Harry Potter (I like the Percy Jackson series much better btw) and quit reading after the first book. I do have to hand it to J K Rowling for getting kids excited about reading even if I didn't find them all that great. I've also never read or watched Game of Thorns. Most fantasy books just are not my cup of tea though I did read the Lord of the Rings trilogy and loved it for reasons that are beyond me. Also yeah, free online romance can be like a roll of the dice, some are fantastic, some are good and some are utter crap, I'm just aiming for not being totally craptastic. So far I think that the story isn't so bad that it would want to make someone rip their eyes out rather than read it, I may be wrong about that but I haven't had any reports of my readers maiming themselves yet. Keeping my fingers crossed as always on that one. Anywhoo...So on to reviews. Once again I'd like to thank everyone that rated and reviewed because it really does help with motivation. Lisa: Seriously, I <3 your reviews. I'm glad that you like Jean, I was worried that people would think I included too much of her in the story but I really wanted to show where Lex gets some of his finer characteristics and also how he's always been a caretaker type, which makes him good for Gavin because let's face it; Gavin needs someone that can help him lift himself up instead of holding him down. FortunateM: Thanks for you review, Lex is one of those guys that just can't give up and yes he had people pushing him to finally get everything out in the open. Jo, peabody, Angel, Anon, Sabrina, Azisa, itsme, Tahn, and Fiona: Thanks, I'm glad you all are enjoying it. Also you were warned at the beginning that this was going to be a slow burner but buck up the next couple of chapters are going to change everything. Housewolf: Thanks again for your kind words and great reviews. Lex was really trying to have a normal friendship with Gavin. He introduced him to his friends because he wanted to make him apart of his circle (of course the fact that they acted as a buffer didn't hurt either) so he did have good intentions. As for his little disappearance act, he was truly busy for the first three weeks and you'll find out later what he was doing. As for fishing, everyone in Minnesota fishes geesh but don't worry, I won't make him go hunting, that would really be out of character for him I think. Lynz: Thanks for your review, I'm so glad you enjoy the characters in the story. I once had someone tell me, not as a compliment, that they were too self aware and that it was hard to remember that they were just characters and not real people. As for the story being cliche, oh well sometimes you can take a cliche and make it work, sometimes not. I guess that's up to the readers to decide. Hope you continue to like what you read. So that's it for review replies, I know you all have been very patiently waiting for those two boneheads to figure it out and start jumping each other's bones and I'm happy to say you don't have to wait much longer. Chapter 14 is up if you haven't found it already and Chapter 15 should go up sometime tomorrow...until then happy reading.
  13. I've just been informed that I am not J K Rowling or George R R Martin. Whew, that really cleared things up for me. I was confused there for a moment.

    1. BronxWench


      That's good, because having people hunting you down for the next book is apparently very scary. NOT that I'm stalking GRR or anything...

    2. DemonGoddess


      nope, b/c you have to get in line for that one Bronxie...he's got HORDES after him

    3. BronxWench


      I'm personally spending my time perfecting a resurrection spell in case he dares to die without finishing the damned thing.

  14. @Jane Doe, I respect your opinions on fleshing out the female characters, I have a hard time with doing too much of that because then the story would lose it's focus. The story is not about poor Cassie and why she turned out the way she did. People may not like that but it's the way it is. I'm sure that if you read other stories where abuse has taken place you'll find that very little mention is made of the abuser and the reasons why they abuse and I'm talking through all genres not just this one. The only exception being when the main focus is actually on the abuse, which I was not trying to do here. I guess I'm not sure what you expect. The story has two MCs and therefore it revolves around them, I don't devote extra time to fleshing out Riley so I'm not sure why I should do it for Sheila because she's a woman. Riley gets more time because he has more interactions with Gavin than Sheila does. If I was writing a story about Gavin's friendships with the people around him then I guess I could see making his friends more well rounded. Also as I stated above, I'm new to writing and maybe when I've got a little more experience under my belt I'll feel differently about it and look back and go WTF was I thinking. As for Cassie, she actually does play more of a part in the story, you haven't seen the last of her. The events that led up to the divorce will come to light eventually but you'll never get an explanation of why she abused Gavin because that would be her story not his. I'd really like to thank you for reading and actually having thought about what I've written. Even if your opinion isn't an altogether good one(I'm not saying your opinion sucks I mean that your opinion of the story, that it sucks, uggh no that's not right either, I mean that the story sucks? whatever, I hope you get what I mean), it's nice to know that it at least provoked some sort of emotion in people, hell even anger is better than apathy.
  15. Jane Doe 2015-03-13 id # 3000225279 Meh, I had a bit of a hard time reading these last chapters. At first I liked the pacing between Lex and Gavin, which is slow and relaxed with the right amount of tension. But along the way Gavin became an annoying little douche. He's like complete doormat who can't say no; that's why he lets his ex-wife, Tara, and even Lex and Riley walk all over him. I also began to highly dislike the way the women are portrayed in this story. It's like all of them are either psycho b!tches, hoes (or god forbid - both!!), or overly opinionated and and unable to keep their nose out of other people's business. The sad thing is that this sort of misogyny happens much too often in gay fiction, and even sadder is that 50% of the time the author of such misogynistic crap is a woman herself. I wonder, is it really so difficult to portray women? Lastly, despite that you attempted to demonize Tara by making her a clingy hoe type, who supposedly sexually assaulted Gavin, I can't really fault her, because Gavin hadn't said 'no' nor made any attempt to push her away or otherwise let her know he was unwilling. Of course, some people don't say 'no' because they are afraid, but Gavin showed no indication of being scared of Tara at all during the entire act, he only seemed bored of her. Sexual assault happens in situations of power imbalance; one character is physically stronger, has social or financial power over the other, or is emotionally manipulative over the other. Tara is none of that. As an ordinary woman she isn't physically stronger than a tall man like Gavin. She has no social or financial power over Gavin as a mere colleague, and in fact, I think Gavin has a stronger social position than she does as a doctor. Since she is hardly close enough to Gavin to be described as a friend (she comes off more as an acquaintance), there's no way she is able to emotionally manipulate Gavin to any extend like his ex-wife did. In short, Gavin has no reason to fear her, and he wasn't afraid of her, he just has this inability to say 'no' and that's really his own fault. I'll continue to read this story, because I did like the start; and I hope Gavin will 'grow some balls' as the saying goes and defend himself, and that Lex will 'man up' and be more honest to Gavin about his feelings too. Jane Doe: I'm not going to try to defend myself in this case because I think that you have some valid points here but I would like to explain how people's perception of certain things can color how they perceive what they read. First let me address the accusation of misogyny, I really try to make the characters in my stories feel like real people and as we all know there are many different types of women in the world. The ones we tend to notice are usually not the quiet, going about her business types and to that end those are not the type of women that get commented upon. I think Sheila is the perfect example of what I would like in a friend, yes she's opinionated but hell who has a best friend that isn't? She's fun to be around and she's there for Gavin when he needs her. I'm having a hard time figuring out how she is being portrayed in a misogynistic light. Again I also don't get it with Lex's mom, she's a mom and from an older generation so her views on female sexuality are of course more conservative than those of younger generations but what I've tried to do with her is convey her love and acceptance of her son and I feel like that comes through to some degree. As for Becca and Rachel, they are strong women who know what they want, if them wanting two men in their bed and not being ashamed of the fact that they feel free to act on that is misogynistic then I guess there's really no way that you can write a character like that without being accused of a crime. It was never my intention for them to come across as anything other than what they were, yes they were just there for sex but at no point were they called or made to feel like they were 'slutty hoes' or 'psycho bitches'. Cassie is another story and maybe I was too subtle about some of the things she did to Gavin but I really didn't want to beat the readers over the head by coming out and saying that she emotionally and occasionally verbally abused Gavin throughout their marriage. You'll get to see more of her personality and also hear a bit more about their marriage in later chapters so I'm hoping that you'll understand why Gavin is the way he is and how Cassie helped to make him that way. I understand that spousal abuse against the male partner isn't as prevalent as it is against the weaker female partner but it does happen and it is just as detrimental to an abused man as it is to his female counterpart. I have a feeling that if this story had a female lead you wouldn't be feeling that she was 'an annoying little douche' because she had issues that stemmed from an abusive marriage and her abusive and psycho ex-husband would get none of your concern about how he was portrayed. To me that's just sad because we should be outraged at any type of abuse no matter what the sex of the person because we're all human beings and as such deserve to be treated accordingly. So Tara, I apoligise for Tara really I do. I just want to point out a couple of things before I get into the whole 'sexual assault' in Tara's part of the story. I never described her as a bimbo just for the record. What you are getting is other characters thoughts of her. Now tell me the truth, you've never been at a party or bar and saw a girl that was acting overly flirtatious or maybe a little slutty in your opinion and you never said to someone something derogatory about that person? Come on we've all done it, it doesn't make it right but it's a fact of life and that's why I let Karen comment on it. Lex's thoughts on Tara stem from the fact that she's after the man he wants, to him any woman or man for that matter, that takes an interest in Gavin is not going to be thought of kindly by him. I already mentioned why Lex's mom would be put off by Tara's antics. As for Tara's part in the 'sexual assault', I really didn't expect this type of backlash. I didn't mean to demonize her at all. I feel like Tara really didn't know that she had stepped over that line, she was drunk and probably thinks, like a lot of women, that it's pretty much impossible to force a man to have sex. I'm not going to put the blame on Gavin and it's probably a gray area to some people but again I think it's all in the person's perception of the events. I do have to say that just because he didn't tell her no, it doesn't mean he agreed and as to your last review about nobody actually asks their partner if they want to have sex: if the person you were with wasn't responding to you wouldn't you at least pull back and ask if something was wrong? To Tara, she did nothing wrong but for Gavin it was something that he didn't want but because his previous experience colored the scene, he had no choice in the matter. It's really complicated because he felt pressure to be a man and do what was expected of him but also he has these feelings for Lex that he hasn't really been able to figure out. Afterwards he just knows that he needs something from Lex but he's unsure of what it is and is unable to express that need. I don't think that Gavin even grasps that he was taken advantage of, he just knows that he doesn't feel right about the whole thing. I think it's pretty telling that even Lex, who's trained to spot abuse, takes a while to figure out what had happened. He even admits that it's because Gavin is a guy that he hadn't seen the signs earlier. Though it's sad these things do happen and men are usually too ashamed to admit that the sex wasn't 100% consensual so they lie even to themselves because they don't want to feel like they are less of a man. That's on us, because as a society as much as we tell women that it's their right to say no and that once they say it it's rape if the guy continues, we tell boys and young men that they should want to have sex whenever the opportunity presents itself and if they don't then obviously there's something wrong with them. As the mother of four boys, two being teenagers, I have confronted this problem. I have made sure that my boys know that no means no but also that they have a choice too and if they don't choose to have sex it doesn't make them any less of a man. Anyway, I'm sorry if you hated the last few chapters and I totally get that because they were not my favorite chapters to write. I'll tell you this though, I don't plan out my stories, I sit down and start typing and what comes out is sometimes a total surprise to me too. Maybe I need a beta to read through so that they can tell me when I'm totally off the rails. Thanks for your review, if it had been worded a little different I'd have taken it as constructive criticism at it's finest but I guess I was left feeling like you just thought I'm some kind of stupid chick that hates womankind which is totally off base. I hope that you start enjoying the story again in the next few chapters.
  16. Reviews for Falling for Him Chapters 11 &12: Okay this is gonna take a little bit because apparently I have some 'splaining to do... First to Psy-Girl, Jo, peabody, Tnels and Tahn: Thanks again for you reviews, I really enjoy hearing from people who are invested in the story and are enjoying it. I didn't go into detail with all the threesomes because some people get squicked out when they have to read m/f/m in a m/m story. Maybe later I will edit and add a few since I've had requests for them. In my mind Lex and even Gavin are actually bisexual and they were originally part of another m/m/f story but i had a huge back story for them so I decided to write their story after I'd written half of the original story. To MadamandRobin: Thank you for reading my story and leaving a review, I have read all of your stuff and I love it. I was totally squeeing when I saw that you read my story because it's really cool. I think yours was one of the first I ever read on AFF. To Lisa: Thank you for your continued support, I love how enthusiastic your reviews are and look forward to reading them. To answer a couple of your questions: Lex and Gavin have only been in bed so far with a woman there, the threesomes were with a mix women that Lex knows that are in what he thinks of as the 'scene', Gavin's inability to say no to Tara is a confusing topic for him and you'll get more information on it in later chapters, hopefully I'll be able to convey those reasons clearly enough so that you'll understand why he is the way he is. To EngagedTadpole: You hit the nail on the head. That was exactly how I felt when I wrote it, he felt he didn't have a choice. We know that he did obviously but why he didn't just use the fact that he was physically stronger to leave the situation was due to the fact that he a) was feeling pressured because he felt as a man confronted with the opportunity to have sex with a desirable woman it was what was expected of him (Riley made it clear what he thought would happen once they entered the house) and b) his previous relationship with Cassie (we'll see more of this later on in the story) had conditioned him to respond to a woman who is the aggressor when it comes to sex. Thank you for getting it, I know that I probably leave somethings up to my readers to infer and maybe I'll have to go back and edit it so that it's clearer to everyone that Gavin has suffered some sort of abuse in the past that makes him lack self confidence making it easy to take advantage of him. To Housewolf: I love your flailing fangirl reviews, it makes my day to know that you really like the story but thanks for your more indepth review too. I also feel like my female characters aren't just the mold and press type, I try to give even my bit players a little bit of personality. Could I do a better job at that? Of course I could but I'm just an amateur at this whole writing thing (I never wrote more than a paper for college until October of 2014) and am learning as I go. Thank you also for understanding that I was trying not to be too heavy handed while writing about a sensitive subject. I feel like my readers are smart enough that I don't need to beat them over the head for them to get what's going on but on the other hand maybe I do need to make certain things more clear. I too believe that abuse against men by women is often ignored or the men in the situation are made to feel it's their fault because they are physically stronger and shouldn't be in that situation in the first place but just like blaming a woman's clothing for her getting raped, it's just plain wrong to assume that a man can't be victimized by a woman even if she uses no force to do it. The double standard is frankly frightening. Now since the next review is gonna take some space go to the next post please...
  17. I fixed it!! I'm extremely talented at fixing my f***ups and did not strain my arm at all when patting myself on the back. I just wanted to make sure that I didn't get reported before I figured out how to fix it. Figured it was better to tattle on myself before someone else did it. I wish for my lashes to be administered with a lasagna noodle, thank you.
  18. I'm just letting you know that I accidentally posted an author's note as a chapter...I thought the chapter was there but it's not. I'm trying to fix it really I am but I'm a bit of a NOOB. Sorry...
  19. Reviews for Falling for Him: First let me say that I suck at this kind of thing so I'm just going to wing it. If you have questions or comments feel free to send them my way and I'll do my best to get back to you. Second I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to read, rate and review this story. This one hasn't been planned out so it's just coming out the way it wants and I have no idea where it's going. I've got eighteen chapters so far and I'm still not sure how it's going to end. To peabody, CyArsonix, Angel, Rui, Sephla, A, and Oo, thanks for the encouragement, glad you all are enjoying the story so far and hope you continue to do so. To Lisa, Jo, Housewolf, Tnels, Tahn, FortunateM, and Lola, thanks for the ongoing support. I love reading your reactions to each chapter. I get a chuckle out of some of them. I'd also like to say a special thanks to Lisa and Jo. I just read through my reviews from yesterday and noticed that you two smacked down the negative reviewer (who I'm choosing not to address here) for me. I can't tell you how that makes me feel, like all warm and fuzzy lol. Though I love to hear about what people think I can improve and I don't even mind if someone just states that they don't really enjoy the story, it's a little disheartening to have someone say mean things with nothing to back them up. It's fine if you want to say my story is poorly written but then you should tell me where the problem areas are so that I can fix them, you know be constructive and all that jazz. So anyway, if you do find problems in the story please don't be afraid to point them out, I really do appreciate any feedback that is helpful and improves my work. Thanks again all CL
  20. Reviews for Loving Sarajevo: Thanks to everyone that gave me their input on what you thought about the ending. I've been toying with the idea of a couple more chapters since I finished the story a month ago and began editing the last chapters. I just wasn't sure if readers would be interested in what happened next. I could write forever about Gage and Nikola but at what point does it become annoying rather than entertaining? I guess that depends on the person but the general consensus is that there needs to be a little more so I think that I'll be posting the extra chapters that I have instead of the epilogue. They need some editing so it will be a few days before the next chapter is up. And Lola, you'll be happy to know that I'm currently writing Garrett's story also so there's that to look forward to. Thanks again for all of your encouragement, I'm glad that you're enjoying reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
  21. I hope that I do this right, this is my first post here in the forums so bear with me. This is a thread for me to reply to my reviews, obviously but also for anyone that would like to holler at me for whatever reason. If you wandered in here accidentally feel free to check out my stories, I have two posted right now. They are Loving Sarajevo which you can check out here >> http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107541 and Falling for Him which you can check out here http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107606 . Then you can come back and tell me what you thought. Anyway, I'll probably be sitting here by myself so feel free to drop me a line.
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