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I like your descriptions. 1. Hm of the 4 we discussed as corrupted -Fate, Signum, Reinforce, and Hayate- who do you think would be fucking or sucking Yuuno the most? Either alone or perhaps with a companion for a threesome. 1a. What differences might there be in how Fate, Signum, and Reinforce suck Yuuno dry during sex? 2. In blowjob and paizuri, what differences might Yuuno notice between corrupted Signum, Fate, Reinforce, and Hayate in their techniques? 2a. Would corrupted Reinforce be the one to first take his virginity or do you think it'd be corrupted Fate or Signum? Or possibly Fate & Signum? 3. What differences might Hayate's corrupted form have body wise compared to her "normal" form?
1. Hm you mention all of Nero's kisses would be the tongue-rape type, does that mean her and Shirou's kisses would be heated and passionateband long with lots of Frenching? Would shota Shirou have enjoyed his first kiss with Nero? You also mention with Nero's Bride outfit that there'd be the possibility of a latex fetish with it and "fucking between the cloth and skin." What do you imagine the cloth portion of the Bride outfit feeling like for shota Shirou's dick when he sticks it in between her skin and cloth? Like how would the cloth feel to Shirou when it starts rubbing against his dick? How tight do you imagine the Bride outfit to be on Nero? Would it be showing off and outlining her curves very nicely you think and would there be definite tight stretching of the latex over her breasts, ass, and possibly legs? Like would it seem skin-tight? 2. For Sion while it's true she's the logical and cold-type, it's also noted she can get easily flustered and emotional when teased. I could imagine Rin snark or teasing or shota Shirou's snark getting her easily flustered. Do you think that would change the sex for shota Shirou between her and Rin? 3. With the slime maid, what fun might it get up to with shota Shirou when she and him are alone together? Might she try to seduce him into her slime pool, assuming Rin may have made something like that for the slime maid to reside in? I could imagine the slime maid pressing herself, front-to-front, against shota Shirou and letting him get to feel her large breasts and toned stomach pressing and rubbing against him intimately. I could imagine possibly lots of hungry French kissing between shota Shirou and the slime maid, while she rides him and both hugging each other tightly while doing so. What do you imagine the slime maid might do awith shota Shirou when she's not supervised by Rin and alone with him? Do you think she'd be more sexually predatory with shota Shirou when alone and unsupervised with him? 3a. If the slime maid had a slime pool made for her somehow, and she lured shota Shirou into it, might she make clones of herself or something to draw shota Shirou into a threesome or more with her, and her clones? What things might she and her clones get up to with shota Shirou when alone with him and no supervision from Rin? I'd imagine the clones having the same exact sexy look ae the original. Hm do you think they'd have the same voice as well and if so, would the slime maid's, and clones', voice be naturally seductive or sexy/arousing when she is speaking? And if the slime maid somehow took shota Shirou back to her home dimension for whatever reason, maybe kidnappings or something else, what do you imagine her home dimension to be like and what do you imagine would be waiting for shota Shirou on the other side, if he was taken by her to it? 4. Have you read my other answers and questions to what you wrote in the Nanoha thread or the FSN Threesomes/Moresomes thread?
The reason I believed it'd be Fate & Signum doing the "breaking" of Yuuno is because in the 2nd doujin, corrupted Signum was able to break Fate by herself. Truth be told with Yuuno, I'd assume corrupted Hayate/"Darkness of BoD" would first corrupt the girls known for their firepower and fighting capabilities, like Fate, Signum, Nanoha, Reinforce, etc, before focusing on Yuuno due to wanting a firepower/combat advantage against any of his barrier & bind capabilities. 1. You mention Reinforce being sent after Yuuno by the corrupted Hayate. How would you imagine Reinforce's body being like? And how would you describe or imagine Fate's, Arf's, and Hayate's bodies being like? Also how would you describe adult Vivio's and Shamal's bodies? 2. I'm wondering if Hayate might send corrupted Reinforce, Fate, Signum and herself to go after Yuuno and if so how might they corrupt and break Yuuno into their slave. How do you think the corruption would start out with all 4 focusing on Yuuno? Like would Yuuno get knocked out in a battle and wake up with all 4 pinning him between their (barrier jacketed) bodies? Actually I'm wondering, if spitroasting with tentacles may be possible with Yuuno. Like one of the corrupted girl's futa cock is more like a long tentacle that is pushed up Yuuno's ass while one of the girls starts kissing him and she's temporarily changed her tongue into something like a tentacle, and while her tentacle-tongue is pushing itself down Yuuno's throat, part of it has wrapped around Yuuno's tongue and is stroking and licking his tongue. Heck maybe that tentacle has its own little holes or slits in it with its own little tentacle-tongues that can lick and rub every part of Yuuno's tongue, all the while secreting aphrodisiacs and other sweet fluids to make it more enjoyable for Yuuno. And of course the futa-tentacle pushing its way up from Yuuno's backside is letting out aphrodisiacs and other fluids to make it feel nice and pleasurable as well. Oh and the girl Yuuno is kissing, her pussy has its own tentacle-hell waiting for Yuuno's dick when it goes inside her pussy. Just to add even more pleasure. 2a. What kind of sensations might Yuuno wake up to as they start working on him to corrupt him into their sex slave? Like might he wake up to Reinforce and the others kissing him or wake up to a blowjob or "paizuri under clothes"? How might they break Yuuno sexually? What might they do to him? During a blowjob, might they suck Yuuno dry during each blowjob? 2b. Might corrupted Hayate first appear/disguise herself to Yuuno in her normal form or would she just show up in her corrupted form? Actually I'm wondering if she at first would appear disguised, looking normal, before showing her fully corrupted form to Yuuno during the fivesome femdom/break sex. 3. It's funny looking at the doujins, I'm almost wondering if the corruption really doesn't change much about them physically or change their clothing that much. In fact looking at their barrier jackets and outfits, part of me wonders if the corruption might at most make their already large breasts a little bigger along with making their clothes even tighter and accentuating their chests even more. Like one of the first things Yuuno would notice upon waking up is how their barrier jackets seem to stretch out and press against/show off how tight they are against their chests. They wouldn't show any skin, just really wrap tightly enough to show off how round or big their chests are even through their barrier jackets. Of course none of the girls would have any problems with how tight their barrier jackets would be. Heh now I'm imagining the barrier jackets their corrupted forms would wear would be tight enough to create cleavage like shown here : Image 1 & Image 2. Or here. How do you imagine Signum, Fate, Reinforce, & Hayate being corrupted would change them physically or change their clothing? 3a. How do you imagine their barrier jackets would feel against Yuuno's skin if/when they're pressing into him? 4. Hm considering corruption typically makes the ones corrupted being really good at sex somehow how might corrupted Fate, Signum, Reinforce, and Hayate differ in their techniques assuming their being corrupted makes them already incredible at sex? 5. Regarding your idea about using the Materials, does Yuri also get involved in helping them fuck or break/femdom Yuuno? Any way she could assist or aid in doing that?
Hm who do you imagine Nero might be able to rope into her sex with Shirou to turn it into a threesome? I could imagine Sakura but who else as well you think? Like who else might start femdomming Shirou along with her after she ropes them into fucking Shirou with her? How do you think Nero would introduce her Bride outfit to Shirou for fucking? For Shirou, what do you think Nero's titjobs and blowjobs would be like for him? With Nero, for Shirou does sex with her always have her on top? At home, when alone together, how often would Shirou and Nero be fucking after Nero gets Shirou to start worshipping her? Would Shirou have been kissed by Nero prior to her tying him down and finally getting him to worship her? Or would she have only started doing that during & after that event? By "kiss" I mean french-kissing/mouth-to-mouth. How often do you think something simar to this sight would be something Shirou would wake up to with Nero, her straddling Shirou-possibly with his dick already inside her-and sitting upright while wearing her Bride outfit? Considering Nero's Bride outfit is probably tight, what parts of Nero's body might it help draw Shirou's attention to when she's wearing it in your opinion? How old do you imagine shota Shirou to be? Like only a few years younger than 17 year old Rin? 1. You mention you imagine Femkidu's base form as "dark skinned, tall, and muscular." Do you feel she would have long hair like FemGil and what do you imagine the size of her breasts would be like typically in her base form? Would they be as large as FemGil's in your opinion? What do you imagine Femkidu's personality to be like? Also what do you imagine FemGil's body being like? Like what do you picture it as being? What differences would FemGil's body & Femkidu's body have in comparing with each other in your opinion? 2. You mention FemGil would just inform Shirou he is both hers and Femkidu's. How might she inform, and show Shirou, that he is now hers and Femkidu's? Like would she, or Femkidu, just kiss him or something after telling him? 2a. With Ko-Gil-ko, what sexual techniques might she perform on Shirou considering you mentioned she teases him and has him go through sadistic games of chicken? What do you imagine her personality and body being like? 3. With that catgirl FemGil image I linked to what do you think she'd be like during sex and what do you imagine her personality being like? 4. Hm how might Femkidu and FemGil wake up Shirou in the morning? Would it be something sexual in nature in how they wake him up? 5. Regarding that slime maid we discussed earlier, the one whose image is posted farther up in the page, how do you imagine Rin would introduce her to shota Shirou? Part of me wonders if it'd be like Rin uses hypnotism or some means to knock shots Shirou out, he wakes up tied down to a summoning circle with his arms and legs restrained and spread open, and hears Rin's chanting. And that's when the slime maid starts appearing, rising up and forming in between his legs, her curvy figure causing Shirou's dick to rise which the slime maid notices and zeroes in on, possibly thanking Rin for this "offering" before going to town on his dick with her mouth and breasts. How do you imagine Rin might introduce shots Shirou to that slime maid? 6. How might Rin & Luvia fight or compete over shota Shirou? What might either do or emphasize to try to show shota Shirou why he should stay with one and not the other? I think the best thing about Luvia is the sheer amount of breasts and cleavage she has. And Rin of course has her lovely legs. 6a. Hm do you think Kuro from Fate/Kaleid would femdom shota Shirou if given the chance? If so how might she femdom him? I could imagine her dominating shota Shirou in her Archer outfit. Or any other outfit for that matter. 6b. Here's something I wonder, admittedly it's very OOC, but might loli Rin try femdoming shota Shirou, since both are around the same age? This would take place in a timeline where Kirei, Gilgamesh, Shinji & Zouken all suffer convenient deaths and Shirou still gets adopted by Kiritsugu, who dies here at an earlier time thus leaving Shirou alone at an earlier age. Perhaps for Rin and Sakura, ITTL they live together with Aoi since here Tokiomi is gone and the Matous never got Sakura here. Oh also Aoi isn't choked here by Kariya. 7. Finally, using a character from the Tsukihime side and completely ignoring the vampirism issue, so a bit of a crossover, how might Sion (image 1, image 2) dominate shota Shirou or have fun with him? Yeah we know such a thing would be OOC but frankly who cares on that since Rin & Sakura doing such things is OOC as well. Actually now I'm imagining Rin either competing with Sion for shota Shirou, or perhaps actually working together with Sion to dominate shota Shirou with both using a common characteristic, their zettai ryouiki and legs and thighhighs to help entice Shirou. But then what differences in techniques might Sion and Rin have in dominating him while working together? As for why Sion is in Fuyuki? Well maybe Atlas loaned her to the Mages Association, under Waver/Lord El-Melloi II, for whatever reason and he has her sent to Fuyuki for some reason to assist Rin in whatever.
Nice. I can imagine Evil!Shirou here corrupting her to worship him instead. Ooh that would be the worst thing to screw over Bluebeard from F/Z if he was ever summoned for the 5th Grail War: his beloved Jeanne corrupted and definitely NOT a virgin after Evil!Shirou is through with her.
Well this sounds like it could be a lot of fun! Are you basing the MGs here mostly on their MGE counterparts?
Nice 1. You mention Nero would say that she considers Shirou's body to be a work of art considering all the training he does. How would she have shown her appreciation of his body prior to her finally tying Shirou down and teasing and pleasing him? What actions might she show or what might she say that would show she appreciates his body? This is prior to her finally tying him down and such. Like would she have a hungry look in her eyes, or be licking her lips, if she was looking at Shirou with his shirt off? How do you imagine Nero's body to be like? Like we know about her large breasts and how her smaller height and narrow waist and hips make her breasts look even bigger than they are, but how do you imagine the rest of her body to be like? For example would she have a toned look to her midriff in your opinion? Hm would Nero be constantly sneaking into Shirou's bed, with possibly Shirou getting use to her sleeping in his bed with him? And how would Nero show her appreciation of Shirou's body? How would she tease and please him and such you think? Like would she suck Shirou dry through paizuri and fellatio? How might Nero wake Shirou up in the morning since she's femdomming him? When Shirou wakes up restrained, would Nero be in her Emperor outfit while straddling him and grinding into his crotch? I could imagine doing so and somehow looking like an Emperor while doing so. I'm also imagining when Shirou wakes up tied to the bed, he'll wake up to see Nero wearing her Emperor outfit while sitting on a throne, somehow looking regal and flaunting her body at the same time. Would Nero here have access to both her Saber Bride outfit (possibly in red?) and her other outfit (alternate image) as well? How might she tease and femdom Shirou using her Saber Bride outfit or that other outfit? If Nero is wearing her normal outfit (alternate image), how might she tease and femdom Shirou in it? What things might she do with it to femdom Shirou when they're alone together in his house? Like might she puff out her chest whenever she's wearing it around Shirou? This is after she has "tamed" Shirou. Her backside looks like it would be fun. If Nero was discussing something in the bath with Shirou, after she has him worshipping her, would she be constantly pressed up against Shirou, chest-to-chest, legs entwined, holding him in her arms, etc., during the discussion? I'm imagining one of her conditions when she discusses stuff in the bath with him is that he has to have his cock inside her and she has to be constantly pressed tightly against him like chest-to-chest and such before she discusses whatever is on her mind. Heh now I'm imagining that, probably through pure author fiat, Nero is somehow able to recreate her favorite Imperial bath for herself and Shirou to use when they bathe together. Because she considered his old bath to be too plain or something. 2. I've been looking at Lancer/Elizabeth from Fate/Extra CCC and considering she too is like Nero in regards to "art" and her outfit also shows off quite a bit of chest and leg as well, like Nero, how might both she and Nero work together to have Shirou worshipping them? What things might she do together with Nero to have Shirou moaning and begging to worship them as they tease and please him? How might Elizabeth tease and femdom Shirou while in her outfit, either with or without Nero when they're in the house together alone? Also in the bath, if she and Nero wanted to discuss stuff with Shirou, would both be constantly pressing up against Shirou or sandwiching him in the bath or something while doing so? What differences might there be in sex with Elizabeth vs Nero? 3. I have another possible femdom threesome idea as well: Fem!Gilgamesh x shota Shirou x Fem!Enkidu Another possible femdom threesome with shota Shirou could involve Fem Gilgamesh (alternate image), who of course has incredible (perfect in every way) charisma & sexual appeal & looks, along with a female Enkidu who, due to being made from mud in her original myth, can shapeshift herself. I'm wondering what kind of fun these twin beauties of perfection, one of whom can shapeshift herself, can get up to with Shirou when they're alone, together, with him? But then what would Fem Enkidu, in her natural form, look like in your opinion? Would fem!Enkidu look like her form in Fate/Strange Fake, just with nicely sized breasts like Fem Gilgamesh, kinda like here? What might their personalities be like and how would they seduce Shirou together to fuck him? Might Fem Gilgamesh start out like this in seducing Shirou? Where do you imagine is secluded enough both could fuck Shirou without people walking in on them? I'm wondering if maybe in this TL Kotomine is dead already so perhaps the church is where FemGil and FemEnkidu stay. And assuming, of course, Shirou pleases both beauties in pleasuring them, how might their pleasuring of him occur? What techniques or sex moves might they perform on Shirou? Like what kind of things might Fem Enkidu do with her shapeshifting abilities to pleasure Shirou and how might Fem Gilgamesh pleasure Shirou as a reward? Would there be a difference in their sucking power? Also what might child Fem!Gilgamesh do to have fun with Shirou together with Fem!Enkidu? We know that Gilgamesh in his, and I'd assume the same with Fem!Gilgamesh's child form as well, child form is much less haughty and arrogant compared to his older self despite sharing some attitudes like dumping someone if they aren't fun anymore. So what personality might Fem!Gilgamesh's child form have and how might she have fun together with Fem!Enkidu on Shirou? 1b. Hm what might catgirl Fem!Gilgamesh be like in sex and personality? Might she be as great charisma and sexual appeal and looks as her non-catgirl form? What differences do you imagine there would be in sex between Fem!Gilgamesh and catgirl Fem!Gilgamesh for Shirou and Fem!Enkidu?
Might some females also dominate FemShep here, like say Tela Vasir or Aria perhaps?
I really like your ideas here. You mention "barrier jackets and bindings", do you mean Yuuno getting to fuck Fate in her barrier jacket? As for ARF & Yuuno fucking, what differences during sex might there be for Yuuno when he fucks ARF in her younger form and her older form?/How experienced at sex is she? What would fucking Signum be like? Is shetight or anything? Would she give Yuuno paiziri or work with Fate to give him dounle paizuri?/Would she be experienced at sex or have knowledge of it? Hm I have an idea regarding femdom and corruption. In these two doujins, we get to see Signum and Fate get corrupted by the "Darkness of the Book of Darkness." I'm wondering kind of stuff would a now corrupted Fate and Signum do to Yuuno to partially break him and make him their sex slave? I could imagine corrupted Fate & Signum working together on Yuuno like giving him double paizuri or utilizing spells from the Book of Darkness to help pin him between their bodies before binding all 3 together so that he gets to feel tightly sandwiched between their bodies, like with Signum fucking him from the front while Fate stuffs his backside with a futanari cock. And maybe after several hours of fucking and fellatio/paizuri and switching, he's completely exhausted and very, very close to just completely giving in - of course with all the corruption they've introduced to him he's practically partially broken. Then "Master Hayate" (what she looks like after the Darkness in the Book of Darkness has corrupted her), or perhaps she appears in her Hayate form, opens the door to the bedroom and slowly walks in, unseen by Yuuno but Fate and Signum know she's there. She signals them to start again on the double-paizuri or pin him to the bed under their bodies and as they're rubbing against him Yuuno hears "Hayate's" question, "Who am I?". When he responds that she is "Master Hayate", she knows he is fully theirs and rewards him by hungrily kissing and making out with him while Signum and Fate do their titjobs on him. After he cums "Hayate" brings in the rest of the corrupted gang and in some cases has changed them physically: Nanoha, Vivio (kept in her adult form: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3), Shamal, Vita (in an adult form), Linith & Arf, and Reinforce. While Hayate is always to be referred to as Master, Yuuno has to call the other girls "Mistress___". and he is their sex slave and there's going to be a lot of sex with them for Yuuno. I can imagine Signum wearing her, very tight and snug, barrier jacket and having Yuuno rest his head on her breasts while sleeping and when he wakes up, she simply opens up her barrier jacket some to have him suck at her breasts or to give him clothed paizuri. And I can imagine Fate in her barrier jacket with its tight fit, along with showing off her perfect ass, fucking Slave Yuuno dry again and again.
Hm might we get to see some children with some of the women?:
True. I'm imagining he could just keep on going and going and going. Like after Fem!Shep & Ashley, or whoever else, are exhausted, he'd continue pounding into them because his endurance is much higher due to being a krogan.
2b. Eh I don't know. I do believe you're correct on Leysritt's breasts but since she is a homunculus designed for combat, I wouldn't be surprised if the Einzberns gave her some muscle and such. Yes one can use magecraft in place of physical power for lifting weapons but considering how heavy her halberd is, I'd assume Leysritt actually does have some tone and muscle to her, along with her huge, soft breasts. She's probably like Kotomine or Shirou in that she uses Reinforcement in addition to her physical strength to lift and use her halberd. Hm how might Ilya, Archerko, or Leysritt wake up Shirou from sleep? Might the three use different sex methods to wake him up pleasurably? EDIT: I could imagine Shirou getting addicted to paizuri from Leysritt. Do you think that might happen in that scenario? Also how do you imagine Ilya, Archerko, Leysritt, and Sella are at kissing? 2c. Might Leysritt get addicted to sex with Shirou so that practically almost every morning Shirou wakes up to Leysritt giving him a titjob and seemingly trying to suck out his semen straight from his balls? 2d. How might Sella's tsundereness manifest itself during sex with Shirou? I'd assume part of her would definitely not have a problem with fucking Shirou's brains out and I'm wondering how long does it take before Shirou is pushed up against a wall by her and is suddenly feeling her tongue halfway down his throat. Hm will it be a short time before Leysritt, Sella, Archerko, & Ilya are all sleeping in the same bed with Shirou? All clinging and wrapping themselves around him until he's buried in between their bodies? 3. I don't know, wouldn't Jeanne Alter possibly help Nero Alter femdom Shirou? I guess I imagine Jeanne Alter to sorta act like here, that perhaps her Alter form may be someone who is less chaste and proactive herself in sex and dominance. What do you think the sex would be like if Jeanne Alter was more dominant as well? Would Nero Alter and Jeanne Alter work together in domming Shirou or would it be like a battle of the doms, who gets to femdom Shirou more? How hard would Nero Alter and Jeanne Alter's sucking during blowjobs be you think? Heh would Shirou fall asleep or wake up to being tightly sandwiched by both Jeanne Alter and Nero Alter? Might they sexually wake him up from slumber? 4. Truth be told, I don't think Shirou would be so antagonistic toward Shirouko, and maybe Dark Shirouko. The reason he was antagonistic toward Archer is that even though Archer was in the shape of the hero Shirou desired to be, his belief and philosophy of rejecting his ideal were the opposite of Shirou's ideal to save everyone. Essentially Shirou was antagonistic toward Archer because he was essentially seeing himself spit on the ideals that defined his philosophy. As for Kirei, the antagonism is more because of the difference in what they use to fill their emptiness. For Shirou it's trying to make others happy and saving people that fills his void while for Kirei it's trying to make others unhappy and cause them to suffer that fills his void. Yes they're both empty, and in that Shirou does find some connection with Kirei but their ultimate ideal on how to fill that emptiness is what causes them to be enemies. I think with Shirouko because both she and Shirou would possibly have the same idea and philosophy to save everyone they'd actually get along well. I think even Dark Shirouko may actually be sorta similar to Shirou & Shirouko in personalitye. Look at Saber Alter, she was still loyal and honorable, just that she was now with an evil master that she showed her loyalty to. So truth be told I don't really think there would be hatesex or anything among the three. Maybe their sex is less antagonistic when fucking each other. Of course the corruption thing sounds hot. Hm what do you imagine Shirouko's personality to be like? I've seen some people believe she's the Manic Pixie Dream Girl type in personality, possibly paired up with her ideal on saving everyone. In fact she might even be a magical girl. So what might the sex be like if there was like antagonism toward each other like I mentioned in my answer above? Like might Shirouko and Dark Shirouko possibly capture Shirou for sex or something? Like maybe Dark Shirouko somehow convinces Kaleido Edge that Shirou needs to be captured for "punishment" or something and they need to use their bodies to help punish him? If so what differences in technique or sex might either girl employ on Shirou? Like any differences during blowjobs? Actually I'm wondering if Shirouko/Kaleido Edge might already be corrupted and working with Dark Shirouko by the time Shirou runs into both. Like her corruption has made her more lustful and sex obsessed. If so how might both try to corrupt him together? What do you think they might do to corrupt him? Kaleido Edge Shirouko image: 4b. You mention Dark Shirouko and a contract. Hm with Shirouko and Dark Shirouko possibly having a contract what might they do with it with Shirou? What might they try to use their contract for in regards to Shirou you think?
Hm considering the differences in biology between krogans and humans, any issues like what Mordin mentions to F!Shep when she romances Garrus? Like "don't swallow" any fluids or whatever? Because remember, krogans can drink radioactive alcohol with no problem. That's pretty damn impressive!
You know an interesting idea is what if in addition to sorta possessing Shirou, Angra Mainyu also affected and changed Shirou's Origin to something that isn't Sword. In the fanfiction Tainted Ideals Shirou's Origin is changed to "Flesh" due to Angra Mainyu partially affecting him early on. What his Origin there allows him to do is shape and affect organic matter, like wood or flesh easily. So Shirou there does stuff like turn his own bones into claws that are poisonous and such and can shape his own flesh and such. In fact, and the author confirmed this, Shirou there can make someone orgasm by touching them and playing with their nervous system with his magic. Also you mention Ruler, well what if the Grail does send out Ruler, just a darker version here who helps Shirou in his raping?
IIRC didn't Annie sort of have a thing for Eren as well? I'm imagining Mikasa and Annie both working together on Eren, competing against each other with Eren being the lucky recipient of their competitive efforts.
Cool. 1. Hm how much would Nero fuck shota Shirou if she were allowed to? Would she femdom him and fuck his brains out? What kind of things might she have shota Shirou do with her and what might she do with Shirou as a reward? 2. Another fun femdom girl might be Jackie. Her long legs and outfit I think would be erotic with shota Shirou, since he's at that age where hormones kick in and heck Jackie has DAT ASS, as a feature as well. I can imagine Jackie wrapping her thighhigh boot clad legs around Shirou's waist, straddling him and grinding her crotch into his while pressing him into the ground. I wonder what fun things she could do to femdom shota Shirou? Perhaps stroke him off between her thighs?
1. Hm considering Erika herself is noted for her use of Grass-type Pokemon, I wonder if she might also have experience with aphrodisiacs and such, considering how many Grass-types have powders and moves that have some form of status affect like Poison or Sleep and etc, which means she might have resistance or immunity to them? Like she pretends to be affected at first by Janine's potions and such but quickly turns the tables on her. 2. With Red I'm wondering if Erika might be a sex challenge in a sense, like he can't use aphrodisiacs or whatever to make it easier to pleasure her because she's sorta immune to them, so he has to use his own abilities, but by the time he's done she's begging for his cock. Heck maybe she and Janine could work together on potions or aphrodisiac spores and such. 2a. Of the four gym leaders-Misty, Erika, Sabrina, and Janine- how would you describe each girl's body? 3. How would you describe the clothes Izumi/Shelly and the Team Aqua Grunt would be wearing? Like what would the clothes be made of and what would their texture feel like? Would their clothes be tight on their bodies? And where might they dom the Ruby protagonist? Like where would he get double-dommed by both working together? 4. How would you describe the bodies and breasts of both Shelly and the team Aqua grunt? 5. Think both might dom the Ruby protagonist by doing things like titfucks and such on him?
1. Hm what might the "evil" Master who "forces" them to have sex look like? Like a man or woman or what? How might Ilya describe the Master's body? 2. What do you think Archerko might be wearing when Shirou wakes up to her riding him? I'm wondering if she might be wearing something similar to this in looks, with her breasts stretching out the black "shirt" portion tightly (I'm assuming the armor might be more flexible than you first think due to being a future material and all) while wearing black thighhighs or something with no panties. Do you think her midriff would look toned or something? Do you think Shirou might do something like squeeze Archerko's breasts through the thin, flexible armor and how do you think the armor/shirt material and breasts would feel to Shirou when he's squeezing them? If you're wondering why I'm talking about clothes during sex, well to me somehow I feel fucking with clothes can look even more erotic than just being purely naked. Don't know why, that's just how I sorta feel. 2a. How tight would Archerko feel to Shirou when she's riding him in your opinion? 2b. Would it be Leysritt, wearing her maid outfit, who'd be pressing her breasts against Shirou's head? What do you think the material of the black part covering her chest would feel like? How tight would it be on her chest you think? Do you think her breasts would be perky or sag? What would Shirou notice about Leysritt's chest when it's pressing against his head? Of Archerko, Ilya, and herself would Leysritt's breasts be the softest? Hm might Leysritt be able to breastfeed Shirou perhaps? Like her breasts contain milk? Considering her capabilities, would Leysritt possibly have a toned body? 3. Hm what kind of sex things might Shirou get involved in if he's in a threesome with Nero Alter and a Jeanne Alter? What fun things might they do together with Shirou on a bed, isolated from everyone else with just the three of them together, alone? Would Shirou be enjoying their ministrations? Would they be femdomming him? What do you think the personalities of Nero Alter and Jeanne Alter would be? And what do you think Nero Alter's Saber Bride costume would look like? Something like this, just being black instead of white? What might Nero Alter do with her Bridal costume on Shirou? EDIT: Unfortunately the image is just Saber Alter cosplaying as Nero but still imagine if that was Nero Alter for the sake of the question. Nero Alter: Jeanne Alter: 4. Here's a bit of a weird threesome: Shirou fucks both Shirouko and Dark Shirouko at the same time. Yes I'm wondering what it would be like for Shirou, assuming you handwave away the whole "fucking my alternate female/male self" issue, to fuck his alternate, gender swapped selves assuming all 3 were lustful enough to fuck each other no problem. What I'm wondering is what might Shirouko and Dark Shirouko do together on Shirou with Dark Shirouko using some of her powers and such? What things could they get together to do? If you look at the pictures, you'll note they have the same looks, so yes this is like a Saber & Saber Alter together thing. Shirouko: Dark Shirouko: Now while I do say "Dark Shirouko" here she'd be more like the Dark Sakura you see in Fate/Hollow Ataraxia or gag/h-doujins where she's less "destroy the world" and more "You're gonna get punished!". As in she doesn't carry the horrible emotional baggage and such that Dark Sakura has but is more like the Dark Sakura in FHA. Though what do you think Shirouko's personality would be like from the image shown? And what do you think Dark Shirouko's personality would be like from what you see in the image of her? Do you think Shirou might end up tightly sandwiched between both Shiroukos?
Might each girl/gym leader have their own special way to pleasure Red? Like Misty and Sabrina, Erika, and Janine have different ways to fuck or pleasure Red? Also will any of the other female protagaonists from the other Pokemon games join Red? IIRC some are implied to have crushes or feelings for him. Might make it easier to convince or mind control them then. I'm assuming the grunts will primarily be beautiful females right? Hm I think Remake Izumi/Shelly would be fun for anyone doing the Aqua grunts and such. Now I'm wondering if in fact might some of the Aqua/Magma/Rocket/Diamond/etc grunts might have a bit of a femdom fetish and try to femdom any weaker male protagonists together. Sorta like rivals (or whatever their relationships with each other are) teaming up to have some fun with the male protagonist. Or perhaps Remake Izumi/Shelly doing some femdom on some male protagonist, rising out of the water in her tight clothes and giving him some tight clothed paizuri, hearing him moan and knowing he can't escape her grasp/breasts, and he doesn't want to. Maybe she can do this after defeating him in a battle? Also you don't seem to comment for the Fate stuff anymore it seems. Any reason why? I'm not trying to pressure you or anything, just wondering.
Would Gundam girls from upcoming Gundams like Reconguista be allowed as well?
As for Sella and Illya are there any ways you can think of Sella or Ilya using their alchemical knowledge to make things more pleasurable for Shirou during a threesome? Maybe not the wires, but something else perhaps? Like might they make or have a female homunculus made to have fun with Shirou? You know with the Older Ilya x Archerko x Sella x Leysritt fivesome thing, I'm wondering how Ilya and Shirou's discussion on his new found position in life would start? Like would it start with Shirou waking up chained or tied to a bed in the Einzbern castle, with him resting his back/on top of Leysritt and feeling her breasts pressing into his back or cradling his head, before Ilya and Archerko come into the room and straddle Shirou's legs before bending down and pressing their bodies into his chest? Like might their discussion start with Shirou getting sandwiched between Older Ilya & Archerko and Leysritt, feeling three sets of breasts pressing into him?
Kodos, an interesting thing about Sabrina in the Pokemon Adventures manga is that she herself there is a member of Team Rocket and it's implied that one reason why she spares Red in the manga is that he reminds her/is as good looking as Giovanni. Also with Erika, I'm wondering if you can milk ideas from images like this for her and Red here. Essentially who says all the gym leaders here will have to be mind controlled or coerced into working with Red?
If Annie and Ymir are affected by that ability of Eden's, would the fact they're able to shapeshift into Titans be found out earlier?
What do you think the slime maid's sucking would be like for Shirou? The slime maid from that image in post 21. Like would its sucking be hard or soft or what?
Eh might as well post it here in case someone might like Felicia more than Lilith. Of course I doubt people will try to write it. 2. Another possible Darkstalkers story I would like to request is a foursome involving Morrigan Aensland, Felicia, and some lucky guy. Like maybe Felicia here is some sort of happy slave of Morrigan's and Morrigan decides she'd like some guy to also be a slave of hers as well so like she sends Felicia down to Earth to sorta perform some reconnaisance, disguised in her cat form of course, along with herself (Morrigan) in her human form. Maybe the guy, some cute 17 to 21 year old, runs into Morrigan (in her human form) and they chat for a bit, maybe at a bar or nightclub or wherever before he has to go for whatever reason, and then he runs into Felicia in her cat form. Anyways Felicia plays up the stray cat routine and gets picked up by the guy and gets taken home. During the night he starts feeling kisses and licks and wakes up to Felicia in non-cat form. Maybe he’s just a little nervous at first but her beauty and body and lust soon make him okay with her, with her kissing him and such, and that’s when Morrigan appears in her succubus form (alternate image). In fact maybe the guy could hear like Morrigan’s say like “I’m glad you approve of her”, her seductive voice echoing seemingly everywhere out of thin air before she appears like this through her out of the floor. So after he’s mesmerized by both Felicia and Morrigan’s beauty, Morrigan makes her clone and from there they do stuff like having both Morrigans and Felicia give him paizuri and fellatio, breastfeeding him, and lots of rubbing against his body. And of course lots of fucking. Maybe the Morrigans, with Felicia, sandwich the guy and the Morrigan behind him decides to make a tentacle with her wings, lube it up and his butt, and push it in. Sorta gently so it’s not really painful or anything. So like he's getting fucked from behind by one Morrigan as well as fucking the other Morrigan and Felicia and after they exhaust him they tell him, before he faints, that they'll be enjoying him, and he'll be enjoying them, for a long time. EDIT: One of the more interesting things about Morrigan is that she can turn her wings into tentacles or chains or whips or whatever. Felicia Image 1 Image 2 Image 3