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Everything posted by Tahn

  1. You should remind me when you do these, cuz I am a malfunctioning human social thing.
  2. Howdy guys, did you get a review on your Holiday story and wanna respond? Or do you just wanna chat with your fellow peeps about your stories or what have you? Here’s the place to do it. This forum post is for the Christmas Party currently taking place over here – http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108835 Enjoy
  3. The Christmas party has begun! Come show us your writin’ moves! 


    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      This time, it’s slow, I’m still writing… slowly.

  4. Two more days until the Christmas party. Everyone’s invited. sign up here…



  5. From Desiderius_Price on October 25, 2017 Thank you From CloverReef on October 25, 2017 I’m glad you liked it I was hoping I wasn’t being too obvious. From GeorgeGlass on October 26, 2017 Hehe, first so far to bring up the murder of crows thing From KoKoa_B on October 26, 2017 I do enjoy the creepy dark stories. I need to get back to them, I miss them From pippychick on November 11, 2017 Hahaha, I’m glad someone noticed that little detail. Sometimes the scarecrows were a bit smaller than others. From BronxWench on November 13, 2017 I was trying my hand at writing creepy shorts, and this one popped in my head. Who doesn't think scarecrows are creepy, right? Thank you for the reviews guys, loved them all. Great job on your stories as well, since I know most of the reviewers were our own storytellers. Awesome party. See you again next year
  6. Time to be thinking of your holiday stories peeps. You are all invited to my party.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tahn


      I loved your pervy Mrs. Clause

    3. BronxWench


      Hm. Holidays, holidays… ::cackles gleefully::

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @CL Mustafic  I’m probably not going to be gutting reindeer by the Christmas Tree.

  7. The weather outside is frightful, but the stories inside are so delightful. And while the twinkling lights are bright, let us write, let us write, let us write. It’s time to tell us your best Winter Holiday Tale! It’s time for Walkin’ in a Writer’s Wonderland, a collection of one shot original fiction with a Winter Holiday theme from our wonderful wordsmiths here on Adult-fanfiction.org. Guidlines: One Shot (Max. 50k words) Holiday element (Christmas, New Years, Yule, Hanukkah, Santa, Reindeer, Elves, menorah, mistletoe, New Year's Eve, Thanksgiving, Turkey, Family... all of that crap. ) Original Fiction At the top each story MUST include the tags for your content. At the bottom include a link to your profile. Before you add your story please add a 255 character summary of your content here in your post declaring your interest. On the 20th of December, I will post in the archives a story titled "Walkin’ in a Writer’s Wonderland 2017" You may add more than one story as long as it fits the general winter holiday theme. Also, the story does not have to be sexual in nature. If you're interested please reply with your pen name on the archives, a short description of what you might write about and the title, if you don't have a title that's fine just put (unknown). I will keep track here of those authors interested. Happy whatever you celebrate peeps. Have fun. Merry Writing. Desiderius Price – TBD CloverReef – Title: Talking Dogs (working title) Summary: Emily’s having a great Christmas! Her scam charity is going well, and she has a truckload of donated electronics for ‘sick children’ on their way to a black market dealer. But out in the middle of nowhere, on a deserted Nevada highway, a little distracted driving lands her in an unbelievable situation. Kokoa_b - TBD BronxWench – TBD marley_station – Possible entry, undetermined at this time Tcr – TBD
  8. Just so you guys know, I’m not closing the Halloween Party. If you guys are late, it doesn’t matter. Either save them for next year or post them anyways. Not gonna shame you for being late, we are authors and we all know that authors never finish anything in time. :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Lemme scare, in 2020, a president gets reelected.

    3. CloverReef


      DP you made me wet myself with that one. 

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @CloverReef  Fascinating, more details [this is AFF after all] :)

  9. Howdy guys, did you get a review on your Halloween story and wanna respond? Or do you just wanna chat with your fellow peeps about your stories or what have you? Here’s the place to do it. This forum post is for the Halloween Party currently taking place over here – http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108780 Enjoy
    1. CloverReef


      w0000t! :beer:
      Oh no, now I have to obsessively edit a few more times before I post! 

    2. Tahn


      Haha, edit away, it’s not like I’m gonna close it

  10. The Halloween party is tomorrow guys. I am hoping to get it up before I have to go to a wake that day, but bear with me if I’m a bit late. Everyone is still invited, put on your best Halloween stories and join the fun.  



  11. Hey guys, just 2 chapters left now. A big reveal is coming in ch 6 DUN DUN DUUUUUN MonaMina Ohhhhh hells yes!!! I hope he tells Jeff he has always loved him ever since the first day they met and that he doesn't care what he is and he had to go on a date with someone else because...Well...What the fuck else was going to shake things up a bit and make Jeff tell him he loves him too...Because he obviously does!!! Awww I bet Jeff feels awful for the way that he "let the cat outta the bag" but he has to truly know deep down that Alan wouldn't care about that...They are 2 peas in a pod:) I am so happy to finally know what is kinda going on with Jeff but I bet he is really sad right now and it makes my heart break for him...please update when you can❤️ I’m gonna upload a chapter as soon as I am done here, and most of your questions will be answered by it. Well, some of them. The ones about Jeff at least. The questions about what it means for them are in ch7 Thirdly I just about flipped a table in frustration when I realized that I wasn't logged in and couldn't review fast enough. I don't know when this one started, but I just read all six chaps and I am HOOKED. Can't wait to read more. Thirdly Ok, lemme try to leave a more SANE review after I got the pure excitement out of my system. I have my theories on what's going on, but I'm not gonna voice them in case they really end up spoilers. I swear I read like all six chapters in 10 minutes, I was so absorbed into it (ok maybe not TEN minutes, but it was pretty darn fast). I actually wouldn't have minded reading about his date (even a teeny tiny summary about it), since now I'm wondering just how far they DID go. I have lots of favorite parts, but the top two faves right now are: 1. Jeff's reaction 2. The fact that Alan thought to himself 'it's Jeff, my Jeff' even while he's going all 'WTF.' Friggin loved it. Hehe, glad you liked it Thirdly, here is ch6. The last ch is ch7. I believe the date went no further than making out, if that makes you feel any better He might have been terrified at the time, but he knows that his friend is still in there somewhere. Hopefully this chapter will shed some light on the situation Chapter 6 is up, what waits for us in the final chapter, chapter 7?
  12. Let the countdown begin. 3 more days till the Halloween party kicks off. Stay spooky, my friends.



    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’ve already been counting down :P


  13. 1 week ‘till the Halloween party starts. Come join us. 




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tahn


      Hehe, next year I’m calling it a costume party


    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Scare everybody, start it early :P


    4. CloverReef


      You are so evil DP. I knew there was something I liked about you.

  14. Tahn

    2017 Halloween Party

    Looks good Clover
  15. Halloween is getting closer. Everyone is invited to the Halloween party, be thinking up those stories.  



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      I started a story, but I don’t think I can have it ready in time. Would a poem be okay?

    3. Tahn


      It’s all fine. It starts the 25th, but It’s not like it ends that day too.


    4. Tahn


      Don’t forget to sign up guys. It gives us an idea of who is coming. The more the merrier. 



  16. And I’m back guys. It’s been interesting to see your reactions, we look forward to hearing your thoughts Now onto what you are really here for… Antiki Oh foff Alan, just kiss those lips! lol On a serious note I started reading this story today, and I gotta say, I am hooked. Gonna follow it untill you guys finish it off ^^ I wonder if Jeff is really a human or something else entirely. I have some suspicions what kind of creature he could be based on the hints so far, but to make it more fun, I won't draw any conclusions yet~ I'll follow <3 There are hints appearing, they are going to start getting a bit more obvious soon, but it won’t remain a secret forever, I promise. Guess away. I can tell you that the story is finished, we are just posting it when we have time now. MonaMina More please?!? I gotta know what the hell is going on with Jeff!!! Please update soooon❤️ Wish granted Lisa So is Jeff a vampire? I honestly didn't know any vampires.werewolves, etc., were in this story. I guess that was stupid of me since Jeff has a tendency to scare the shit out of people just by looking at them! lol I feel badly for Jeff (again). If he can't trust his best friend to talk to, who can he talk to? Another awesome chapter, CL and Tahn! I can’t tell you, but someone will soon. Thanks Lisa Love hearing your thoughts and guesses, keep ‘em coming.
  17. Hi there, it’s me, Tahn. We decided to take turns answering questions and/or reviews, and I’m up first yay! Neither of us is any good at this, but we’ll give it our best shot. MonaMina I love this story...I have laughed a few times out loud. I wonder what I'd up with Jeff? More please❤️ Tahn: I’m glad you liked it Can’t tell you what’s up with Jeff just yet, but you’ll find out, promise This story is already written, so there won’t be any cliffhangers, no worries. Lisa CL!!!! Tahn!!!! What a WONDERFUL surprise seeing your names here! What the heck happened to you two? And CL, whatever happened with your stories? I used to check all the time for updates. Anyway...I love this new story. Alan's very cute and so sweet that he wanted to donate his hair. I hope he was able to do that. Ok, on to chapter two. Tahn: Yeah, someone (looks at CL) has been busy being a published author. I keep nagging her though, no worries. She’s got a book she’s working on right now, but then afterwards she’s SAID she’s gonna take a break and work on some other stuff. But then again, she’s already planning a sequel to another one. I’ll get her to work on something, I promise. *glares at CL* Lisa These guys are in college now? How immature are the students there that they would make fun of someone they thought was different? I thought that went out with high school. I feel badly for Jeff; it must be horrible not being able to do things other kids can do and not being able to go places the other kids can go. And Jeff can't see what's right in front of him. Tahn: There’s a bit more to it, I swear, but I’m not allowed to tell you. Spoilers and all that, you know? I want so badly to reassure you, but I can’t let anything slip. It’ll all work out….or will it? Mwahahahaaa. I mean….you’ll just hafta read and see
  18. 23?! I’ve gotta know what is all on that list
  19. So, what is the official tally of what all you are writing right now? I don’t mean just what you are physically writing right now, I mean all WIPs
  20. Hahaha, I doubt people even know my name. Hey, you interested in the joining the Halloween party I’m hosting this year? It’s cool to say no btw, but it’s gonna be a round robin of one shots involving a Halloween theme. You can even write about your characters, it’d be cute to see them dressed up. Here’s the link if you are interested… http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/65894-2017-halloween-party/ Even if you aren’t, it’s always fun when I see your story updated. How did you come up with your story?
  21. Sign up for the Halloween Party here –>   


  22. I wonder why the paperback isn’t available for preorder, or am I just in the wrong place?
  23. Welcome, my spooky friends. You are hereby invited to a Halloween party to celebrate this 2017 season of frights. This party will be a collection of one shot original fiction somehow involving a Halloween theme. (Doesn’t have to be spooky, but we do love those) Guidlines: One Shot (Max. 50k words) Halloween element (Ghosts, witches, werewolves, vampires, demons... things that go bump in the night) Original Fiction At the top each story MUST include the tags for your content. At the bottom include a link to your profile. Before you add your story please add a summary of your content here in your post declaring your interest. On the 25th of October, I will post in the archives a story titled "2017 Halloween Party" and make it available to add chapters. You may add more than one story as long as it fits the Halloween theme. Also, the story does not have to be sexual in nature. If you're interested please reply with your pen name on the archives, a short description of what you might write about and the title. If you don't have a title that's fine just put (unknown). (Example: see below). I will keep track here of those authors interested. Participating Authors Tahn – Title: Town Made of Straw Summary: Every year the town has a tradition to keep the crows away. Desiderius Price – Title: Bones (or similarly titled) Summary: Truth or Dare while trespassing naked on an ancient Indian burial ground; nothing can go wrong, right? BronxWench – TBA CL Mustafic – TBA pippychick – (possibly) TBA Kokoa_B – Title: Liquid Lust Summary: After being literally dragged into a closet by her best friend and husband at a Halloween party, a woman decides to take a sip of what they’re drinking… CloverReef – Title: Blue Eyes Summary: A strange body comes into a funeral home to be prepped for burial, but the lonely mortician designated to do the honours doesn’t think it’s quite dead. Tcr – Title: Stalker Summary: She watched from a distance. Halloween, she changes the game GeorgeGlass – Title: Black Cat Summary: Life from a black cat’s point of view
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