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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. I would have to go back to BITG but I think somewhere along the line I seem to remember they died in an auto crash (daddy and Cynthia). But with the "evil" sci-fi who knows but him. B
  2. YOUR GIRLS looking after you. That is as it should be. We (your fans) want more story and know you need to do real world but your family is making sure you stay healthy - a little crazy maybe BUT healthy. B
  3. Not only that but look who her handler is. B
  4. The similarities confuses me now. If I had to choose between North and GITG the girl would win hands down. North is a good story BUT !!! B
  5. #5 Like waiting for the next chapter of your (my) favorite story on AFF. B
  6. PRETTY ! One of your 6? B
  7. Depends on your perspective AND mindset. B
  8. Sometimes Max has to put the brakes on Amy for the overall good of the family. Amy's are more fum BUT Max should be astute enough to know that the safety of the family has to come first so that they don't get shut down entirely.
  9. Rescue25

    She is the One

    It's just a game of nerves. I sometimes think some of the writers here have stock in nerve/ulcer medicine plants. Many of us keep bugging authors of "works in progress". Just shows them that their work is appreciated. B
  10. Maybe time to pull back from international exploits and focus more on the sex trade here in the U.S.? Leaving a few bad guys dead in some of the larger cities probably wouldn't even make the local papers. (Dog bites man not news - man bites dog is). Hummmmm. B
  11. AMEN brothers AMEN !!
  12. I don't think you could get any of the family or rescues to argue with that !!
  13. I would hope OR NOT !!
  14. Thanks for the nice chapter. Not wishing you any bad luck but you writing while on meds does seem to have some beneficial effects. Really good not to have a "hanger". Keep it going. B
  15. Are you saying "Charley" is odd? B
  16. Rescue25

    She is the One

    Way to go on exam. Agree with angeldust BUT maybe your writing IS your downtime. Tests that have serious consequences of not passed can be very stressful. Get you head and nerves together first. Then give the keyboard hell !! your fans are waiting. B
  17. "There 'outta be a law" B
  18. That not only includes lovers/wives but parents also. My condolences on your loss. B
  19. Nice chapter. No hangers: cliiff or otherwise. THANK YOU !! I second Sniper's comments. Don't agree with BigMan. "Better living through chemistry". Keep going. B
  20. SMART MAN/ B RED SPLAT. Fun??? Really? B
  21. I'll just add my best wishes to those already expressed. Those things flying around are NOT nice. Let the girls spoil you while you sit back and pound the keyboard. B
  22. OK another hanger. Hope the blast from the spider doesn't get the good guys also. Maybe the spider went to the side instead of being directly behind the car. Max would probably like to talk to this soon to be ex sheriff. B
  23. Sanity amongst the insanity? Waiting. B
  24. @angeldust Have you been sampling your namesake ?? B
  25. Rescue25

    She is the One

    Take care of the real world: quickly please. I think you are gathering a following like Magusfang's. And we are impatiently waiting patiently. Try saying that 3 times fast ! B
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