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Everything posted by Sniper014

  1. Really enjoyed this lasted chapter. My only item is that I thought the twins were with everyone at school. If so tht how could they be with the SWAT commander at the house when Suzy asked them where the SWAT commander was and they said he was with them and she said to have him come to the library for a talk. New plot. Kara is going to try to kidnap Petra. Heaven help her if she does. I do not know which one would do more damage to her and her group (Alice, Emma, Max, Amy, the twins or even Petra's mother). Would be a nice explosion when they get finished with her. Also when haven't you been devious and twisted. Hope that the SWAT members are good cooks. Hate to see the children come down sick from there cooking. If they do Suzy will hit everyone of them in the head with her frying pan. Waiting for the next chapter to this great story. And for Rescue 25, Charles and company was at the beginning of this chapter. Remeber May/June telling them about her and the butterfly coming into the lab. They are just in shock about AI's having human like bodies and May being a robot. The were told that only May and Alice was a robot. Nice of Max to leave out the part that he is also part robot. He has USB ports in his fingers also and his legs are robotic. Keep up the great work and will be awaiting the conclusion of this one and the start of book three.
  2. You are having so much fun with this book that you want to just tease us with the release of book three. Have a good time in Jamicia and please stay out of trouble that could get you seriously hurt unless it is the girls that causes the trouble that you get into because you sure do not want Popeye the Sailor Moon to get you. Will be awaiting the next release of both stories. Good luck with your babysitting job.
  3. Can't wait for the next chapter. Am biting my nails to find out who the bad guy us. What alphabet company do they work for. They are the same company that David worked for because the boss said that he had some of the items that David made. Dies that make it the DOD. Hum hum. Will just have to wait and see. Would gate to see them possible off Legion and see how he rodents his family as he calls them. And if Hans had died in t Rome, they do have a mainframe in the Vatican that the nantes would have uploaded him to as they did to June at the court house. They shot his info to the house over the satellites System that the mainframe (Legion) would have tied into go save him. But he was okay. Keep it safe in Jamicia.
  4. Just finished reading the lastest chapters. I hope that the body armor on Hans protected him or do Bert shot him in the head. If he was shot in the head the nanites can not save him by downloading to the stream. Will just have to wait and see in the next chapters. Then will be waiting for you to wrap up this story and start on book 3. Enjoy your trip to Jamacia and hope the girls are not to roogh on you down there.
  5. Good luck on your babysitting job. I am sure that the girls will kick your butt if you get injured this time. Remember you can not bury any bodies at the Sandels but if the newbies mess up there is always the sharks that they can play with. Keep it safe and will talk with you when you get back. I am thinking of taking my love of my life to Key West when school is out and my granddaughter can get someone to watch her two children for the weekend. No place to take a 4 and 6 year old great grandchildren during the summer time due to possible hurricanes that time of the year. Will be awaiting releases of either story. I still think that Max ansd Nick should meet up on a mission or find out that Nick and Rick knew of each other in their past jobs. Like I said good luck in the tropics.
  6. How about Max. Emma, Taz, Jazz, Amy or Alice and May. Or maybe Hans at the hands of Bert. Still do not trust Hans. Was Max just playing with the girls or are they really getting better than him. They got his eight for eight times in the Sims. If he is good he should have won atleast one or two sims since he is part machine. We still do not who the really bad guys are that want the spiders at any cost. Maybe it is the Pope and his Cardinals of Evil. Just smart bomb the Vatican and see what happens. Only joking or not. Release the spiders and flyers on the Vacatin and Rome. Would be nice to see how they would react to a living nightmare.
  7. Let me quess. another avitar instead of the real Max. Used him in Russia why not in Rome.
  8. Well I guess that the end is coming. Max is in the Vacatin with no armor and no back up and now has been hit on the head and knocked out. Who are you going to have come to his rescue this time. because the swiss guards do not take names when they kick your butt. Guess that we will have to see how he gets out of this one.
  9. My fault. I forgot that it was a RORO sub. That would make the airlock in the back of the sub or front of it. So Max would have sank when he stepped out of it. I am use to aorlocks being on the deck of a sub so that you could get rescue spheres attached to the upper deck to rescue people from it. Do not know if sharks are under the ice caps. Could be... isn't that where we get frozen fish from. HA HA. Can not wait to see how he gets out of this one. Like some of us are saying is tha tif you turn Max into an android is he going to be able to give Amy and Petra a child. Will it be human or a machine. Will have to wait and see how you pay it out. Was sorry to hear about you being looked at when the little one let slip with the statment about the outcome of her prok chop and the dog. Must have been really funny around the table for a little while. Could have had a spider chase the dog around and gotten her prok chop back but I do not think she would have wanted to eat it the way the spiders handle problems. Guess someone would have just gotten a another one for her after the laughing died away from the statement said. keep up the great work and will be waiting for further updates as you release them. Look after the family and the little ones. Like I tell my family and grandchildren and great grandchildren, you are all I have in this world to look forward to and to protect and love with my whole heart and soul. Have a nice day.
  10. Great five chapters in one week. Some cliff hangers. My question is how many times are you going to try to kill off Max before you really do. Now he has drowned in sub freezing water when his face plate cracked on the surface of the sub. Not able to download is a sure sign of being a goner. Really all he had to do was stop the sub, it would not have sunk to the bottom unless he had the sub dive while stopping it. It would have stopped at the level it was moving at and stayed right there. Our subs do it all the time. Come to a complete stop and stay there. Then all he would have to have done was to open the escape hatch and luanch the bomb to the surface and explode the charge. It would have drifted to the bottom of the ice and he could have set ot off with a timer inside of the sub. running up on the surface could have been done. Remember it is a stealth sub. You even said so in one of the earlier chapter. Run on the surface until the air was cleaned out. About four hours. Also they should have been close to land by now. If they were sailing in the Bering Strait it would not take them lone to reach Alasaka and resupply. Other then that they are two great stories. Will be waiting to see what the outcome is. Still say either flush Joanne or fix her.
  11. It is nice to hear that the dirt bag is going to meet with Bubba in the big house. Would be poetic justice if it was found out what he did to her. The really do not like people in the big house you hurt children. It is nice that Magus RW problems have been settled. Will be awaiting the next chapter. True in real life the hero does take a hit. Keep up the good story telling.
  12. Hope the RW did not have to do with the newest member of your family. I know how much you love your family and would hate to see anything come to them including the little monkey. Glad to see that the issue is settled for now. Good luck in the coming year. Other then the RW issue I hope that you and your family had a good holiday.
  13. I started reading them today. I have read many stories from that site and missed that one. If you want to read some more good one on that site read The Morrisons by rekhiker and the one about Dr Mitchell by Fat_dad. Talk about cliff hangers. Also the ones by prolonged_debut10. He has four stories. They are great stories. The only thing I did wrong with his stories is that I started reading the second one first then the thrid one next and the went back started reading the other stories.. In the fourth story he was bring characters from the other three stories into that one and it became confusing for a time. So if you read his it is best to go in this order (Having fun with Dyke and Payne, Why I hated the Guy from the FBI, Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father then read There must be a mistake. It will be less confusing that way. You won't get lost in the time line like I did. Also there are ones by Photodad (the Lady in Red) and other ones by him. He is good and must have read Magus some because he is great at cliffhangers. I keep looking for new releases by these writers and when then come out I read them within two to three days. Magus - hope that you had a great holiday and am waiting for more updates. Have a great and happy new year. I also hope that the family also has one.
  14. Come on you mean that you have never pooped in a bucket out in the field or eat food that was rotting to keep alive or got your ass whipped. Come on I know that we have in our job defending this country and some times I even enjoyed it. Where else can you shot back at the person whipping your butt and show them what to do with a poop bucket after using it. I really miss those days. But like I said the one in my life that I love the most said enough was enough of the bad dreams the leaving her alone for days and months and I loved her so much that when I shattered the right ankle I told her I was retiring to be with her forever. Almost lost her in 2001 and again in 2006, but the great one in the sky said to go home that she was not finished treating me with love and pashion. She also said that the powers in the sky told her tht she could kick my butt whenever she wanted to and I must love her even more. I have for every day since them. And I will continue to do so. Hope you had a great holiday.
  15. Hello there Big Man, hope that you and your family had a great holiday and hope that this year brings you good luck in what ever you plan to do. Like I said I really enjoyed your writing and am waiting for newer updates to your story. Best of luck from one proud navy member to another one.
  16. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years to you and your family. Hope you have a great year next year.
  17. Is she the one that you wrote in the story of KB and me. Read the story it was very well written, just sorry about the way that it ended. I hoped that you did something about the ass that caused her so much pain and finally resulting in her death. Like I said sorry about your lose. Just keep writing more uplifting stories like the privateer. Have a happy holiday.
  18. Enjoyed the chapter. I told you that she would not let him go back to sea without her unless they had children take care of. Keep the story coming as it is fun to read and I will be waiting to see where you take the story to.
  19. Between you Magus and Angeldust I have some good reading material for the holidays. Yes let Taylor sail with Chris. Remember there were female privateers (pirates) in the old wooden sailing days. She might turn out to be a fairly good captain, I know that she is going to make a very good first mate if you know what I mean.
  20. Honestly, I boxed myself in, By 1760, the French were already established in the New World, on the mainland (Louisiana Purchase territories)as well as a few countries in South America (French Guyana). I guess I kinda messed myself up on that part, but, it could make for interesting plot twists. The hard part is that the French were pseudo allies during the Revolutionary war to the Colonies. I would put it around 1780ish. Being able to kinda fudge facts is about the only convenient part to writing it as fiction. Bigman this is your replay to my post about the time frame of the story. I like it. The only reason that I caught the timeframe error is that I am a history buff and being retired Navy I had to learn about the wooden hull navy going through boot camp along with the modern navy. I enjoyed the sail rigger days of our history. I have been on the oldest sailing ship still on the navy rolls and the one in Baltimore harbor. (Consutation and Constallation) They are impressive ships even to this day. I agree that fiction is neat and gives a writer leeway with their stories. Rifle cannons might have been in that time frame but really did not make a show until the civil war with the iron clad ships. Keep up the good work and will be waiting for future chapters on this great story.
  21. Only you know and you will only let us know when your evil mind wants to. Keep up the good work and since your are banned to your office it gives you a great time to continue the story. just think - evil cyborgs programmed to kill the good guy and his family. Talk about putting the foxes in the hen house. Who would think that they are imposters. Maybe Alice and May would. Also I did pick up the part about the blood fluid leaking from his body. Not blood but anti-freeze (body fluid needed for the robot part of the body. Will have to see when the next chapter is released.
  22. Ok will be waiting for it. Thanks.
  23. Here he goes again. Messing with our minds. If these are truly his dad and sister then why did the Crypt Keeper not use the knowledge that David had in his mind to develop the weapons for his members and use them against Max and his family. I think that the are not his real father and sister but people made to look like them to mess with Max's mind. We will just have to wait and see what the master has in mind to release to us followers. Come on master release the next chapter of this story of Northstar to your happy hooked followers who are just waiting for the the release. Like you said, just think of all the different paths that you could go down to tell this next few parts of the story. Are they real or Memorex. Only the great Magus knows for sure.
  24. I agree with Magus and Bigman was to short but still nice chapter. Also agree in the reviews by Magus (caught in the room by the parents). It is going to be fun to see how this works out. But it also seems that the parents weren't to broken up about the scene. Maybe they have a part of their history that we do not know right now until you let us know what it is in future chapters. Post the next one in your time frame. Just remember though that if you wait to long we will move on to other writers because it will look like you just stopped writing the story. They are some on this site that stated that releases were coming but nothing done on those stories for over two to three years or longer. Will be looking for the next next post because the story is fun to read and you seem to be a very good writer. You learned from the master cliffhanger writers on how to leave the reader wanting more. Keep up the great work.
  25. Not only does mommy has a girlfriend but Alice now has a sister. The only thing is that they will out live both daddy and sister unless Max gets them new bodies. Oh that is if Max lives from the newest shots to the body. Also hope that Evan survives his gunshots so that he can see what they are going to do to his mother. Also need to see what Rick has to say about David being alive. Will find out in the future chapters when you release them.
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