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Everything posted by Sniper014

  1. Okey I know that you and I are good with weapons, but to snap off 20 rounds without adjusting for windage is great. A great outcome to the match is that they tie each other. As to the Senator, would be neat if he met an accident in prison. They happen every day. Bury Kara's dad and mom so deep in hell that they never are seen or heard from again. Now, what is the status of Sarah and Charles telling Max about the Shadow Group. Is that going to be a lead in to the next book. Keep up the great story telling and will be waiting for the next release.
  2. Me neither. That is true. Atleast over the hill I can still see sunlight and have fun.
  3. Sorry my error. My computer put the capital A in your name and I did not catch it before it was posted. Did not mean to usurp your name. But you know how us seniors have brain farts due to us being over the hill.
  4. But we might like to be crazy. It makes us feel better sometimes to just let it loose and do crazy things as long as we do not hurt anyone in the process. That would just not be right. That is why I have the love of my life to help get me back onto the sanity train when I fall off of it.
  5. With the job you do that could be on a weekly basis, you know training newbees for security. . Keep up the great work.
  6. You suggested the awards thing and Magus was just crazy enough to take you up on it. I thought that it was very uniquie and a fun thing to honor his many followers. Welcome to the group of crazy followers of the great one.
  7. Good luck to the Major. I know he is going to not only need his award but will probably use them alot. We did.
  8. I really liked the award. It was nice to share it with Angeldust. But you left out Bigman7307 or is he included in the overall award to everyone else for being a fellow follower of the great and powerful Magus. Keep up the great work and get over your headache as soon as possible. And yes your wife is correct you probably did deserve it. Just remember next time you varnish floor read instruction about not using five year olds as a paint brush even though I know she liked the new outfits she got.
  9. You are new here Sam and what you see is all the followers of Magus having a good time ribbing each other. No one has every told anyone on this site that they could not be here. The only one that can do that is the administator of this site and that is if you are under age. Have fun reading his and everyone elses stories here.
  10. I am younger then you by a year and a half. And I never used mind inducing items . Pain pills only for injuries but stopped them as soon as possible because I did not want them to mess me up. I saw many of my friends get messed up on the drugs. When I missed on the last shot is because I misjudged the wind and heat on the first two shots. The desert in California can do that to a shooter. Corrected and hit the target. I still think it was a lot of luck on the last two shots.
  11. I admit that I am over sixty but my dad use to say that you are only as old as you feel and I feel really young. I admit that I have seen things in my life that has scared me sometimes and did things that would have scared other people but like I told Magius, if i could do it over again I would if it meant makeing someone elses life better. I please my wife everyday by doing things for her just because I want to.
  12. When he wrote BITG it was on the site that we do not mention here and the only way to leave him comments was in the reviews of each chapter. Move the book to this site when the other started inforcing stupid rules to just certain writers. When he moved both books here he set up this forum for us to talk to him on a daily bases. We can still write to him through the reviews of the chapters. And yes he does like us to give him some feedback. Like he says, if he likes the suggestions he will steal them from you. Also we know when he was recovering from injuries from his job because we would read a chapter and say WTF. Where was his head when he wrote that part. We would comment and he would thank us and inform us that he took our comments to heart and would see about making the changes. So it does not hurt to ask him questions about the story because sometimes he gets the characters mixed up and we let him know that certain people can not be in two places at the same time. So keep reading and asking the questions.
  13. My first 1000 yds was in 1974 when I was 24 and the 3/4 mile was in 1993 when I was 43. Last one was just to prove to myself and team members that I still had it in me. It took me four tries to hit the target. One high, one low and last two on target. No computers involved. Just spotter and me going against mother nature. Might be able to hit 500 yds now with both lens replace in my eyes to take care or cataracts. Like I said first was a .300 Winchester 70 and last was my custom built .50 with 10x scope.
  14. Have to admit that Cat and the girls could take me on and do great harm to me now. And I would not look good with either pink or blue nail polish. That was over 20 years ago. Also Magus it is no fun to have a computer fire your weapon. First 1000 yd was with the Winchester 70 .300 in 1974. Magus liked your bell ringer. Nice.
  15. Rescue 25 my best shot was about 3/4 of a mile. Of course it was a custom rifle with a 10x scope, custom loaded round and a good day. Only hit the target twice that day. The rounds I loaded myself into the brass. I really miss those days. Could not afford it today. At that time the government paid for the ammo and they paid for the rifle and scope.
  16. Like I said you needed to sick the spiders on the school board and the PTA. Need to help the Collins parents with thier son first then see who else on the board and PTA has skeltons in the closet that they do not want to let out. Bring on Stacey and lets see what her issue is. Loved the way that he teased the SWAT people over the girls just to see how much they reall loved the girls. Hope that they have a happy life down the road. If not I am sure that Max the master will show them the errors of their existance. What is the status of the Sahadow Company. And is Sarah and Chuckie going to tell Max what they know or if Jeeves and Alice going to tell Sarah what they found out about the assisans when they downloaded the information about them after the attack on the house. So many questions and so lttle time before the next book comes out. Will be awaiting the next chapter. And like Rescue 25 said "it you write and release on a daily basis we would get no sleep or work done." Keep up the great work.
  17. Great chapter. I see him helping the Collins and having more allies when he tries to help their son. Also I thoought that MS Crawfords son died in book one from the accident that Max said he should lhave been in. I aslo beleive that we have not seen the last of Turner and Co. But I beleive that the school board is going to look into help Max with Turner just to save their butts. And I am waiting to see what Amy has in store for Kara and her gang. I hoppe it is good. But knowing KGeneral Amy Carter it will be mind blowing. And yes Sarah and Chuckie needs to talk with MAx about the Shadow Group and see if they can get Sarah's boss on board. Beleive it is time for Max and Nick to meet up also through Rick. Bring on the bigger and madder spiders and more powerful flyers. War is coming.
  18. With you being shot at and blown up you could always tell your wife you missed that part of the instructions. Like I said flowers and jewerly works real well. Keeps you from getting hurt by friendly fire.
  19. Magus You are suppose to use brushes or rollers to put varnish on floors not five year olds. Have fun shopping with her for new jeans. Do not think that you are going to get off that easy with just jeans. Let see (jeans, shirts, socks, shoes, undergarments and fashion jewerly). Also grown up jewerly to please the missus for messing up your daughter's clothes.
  20. Really enjoyed the lastest story. Keep up the great writing. Will be looking forward to newer releases. Keeps me is reading material waiting for Magus and Angeldust to release their updates.
  21. If you come back to this site every once in awhile he will tell you when the next chapter is up. When he tells us I usually read the chapter first before I see what the rest of the gang say about it. Also he has two stories he is working on and one on the shelf. Read Northstar and coming home. You will like them. Also angeldust has written some good ones on this site. Also Bigman7303 has some good ones too on this site.
  22. Yes agree with you. She would turn ghostly white when a certain phone in the house rang because she know that I would be gone and did not know when I would be back or even if I was coming back alive. Like I said I use to work for some of the ABC companies on the side. Do not miss it. That is why I think that the bad guys or either CIA or NSA. Two of the biggest bunch of egotistical people to work for. They only agree that there is a rule book when it is thrown into their faces. The best thing to do with the rule books with them was to hit them in the face with it. ANd to do that you had to fire it out of a cannon at them. It would break the book, (hard heads). Could also be DOD never know.
  23. Blood does not matter if you love them all. I have two step dughters and love them both the same. They provided my wife and me seven grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren to love and cherish everyday. One grandchild just joined the army this year and another one is looking at joining the Marines. Some days I fell like your picture at the computer and then one of the great grandchild does something funny and I perk up and say what a great day it is. True not everyday os rosy but I take it one day at a time since the liove of my life asked me to quit trying to end my life by jumping out of good airplanes and having pointed items coming at me. Final result was broken ankle both knees had surgery on them, back injured, scars on body. Told her that I would do it all over again to keep her and the family safe.
  24. Hope that the little monkey or your girls do not see this see this one. If they do they might have fun making you gray and bald then slowing driving you insane. Bring on the school board, PTA and courts. Let loose the army of Amy and her tiny little (ha ha) spiders.
  25. Bring on the school board and let the shots be fired. So the bad guys are CIA or could they be NSA. Only you know and will let us know in your own time. Will be waiting the opening shots at the school board meeting. Next the PTA. Go after her mother also.
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