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Everything posted by Sniper014

  1. well atleast now we know what book three is going to be abouot because you never hinted about it in the past. No not s spolier. Just a line every once in awhile to get us all firing post out to each other to see what you are doing on the story and feeding you ideas to keep the story going. Get well soon.
  2. Wait you are saying maybe a book four. What is book three going to be about. Then book three could leading book four where they meet up. I agree to meet up for a short time and have Max learn some on warfare then drift apart until both are needed to help each other out. Will leave it up to the great master to see how it would flow. But just get better and listen to the family members. And no you will never be 100% but you will be close to it. My knees and ankle still remind me of the coming cold weather before the weather man says it on TV. I am sure yoru back and other parts of your body is a better weather vane then those at the airport. Ha Ha. Keep up the great writing and will be awaiting further chapters in all your stories.
  3. After. This is were Northstar started. The story was how Nick and Anna got together and how the family started. It might be fun to pick it up at the party on the beach. Lead in with a chapter of them meeting and Max and the girls could arrive in the sub for the party..
  4. No what we are hinting at is if GITG and Northstar cross path somewhere in the story line. It could be fun to see them meet each other and Nick and Anna helps Max and Emma to fight the bad guys coming after Max's family. Each story hates to see children and women abused. Would be a neat stor line. I am reading two stories on another site that did just thtat. The Morrisons and the Mitchells meet up. The Mitchells were a secret secuity unit protecting the family members of the Morrisons from women trafficers and abusers.They are neat stories. Maybe in book three.
  5. Yes but remember it does not happen every time. Looknat the tail piece of the stealth helicopter that crashed when the went after Ben Lama. They know who took him out by the markings on it and the president telling everyone on TV what seal team it was. Marked them all for a bullet by putting a target on their back. Never could trust the government to not screw up black ops mission. Who knows, maybe the government knows about Max and is letting him take out a bad part of the world so that they do not get caught doing it themselves. When he does enough damage then they move in and take him out and take credit for the operations. Has been done in the past with the letter companies.
  6. Well it would not be the DOD. When Max's dad died they would have written him off the rolls. Spent the money on other projects and half the time do not even know what they are working on or even who is working for them. As f'or the other letter companies there are to busy spying on each other to figure out what their personnel are up to and if they get caught they blame the other organizations for the mess up. And if Max's dad was smart he would have sheilded the entire area to prevent it from being located. And I am sure that Max has had the systems regenerating the system blocking program on a daily bases. True any system can be hacked but it takes a long time to do that. Unless someone knows what to look for and where to look for it they could take years to figure it out. I am also sure that if he wanted to he could throw up a sheild around the area that would make star war defense look like childs play. But that would be up to whatever is in the evil and wicked mind of Magus. Only he knows and either he will not tell us or will let us know in his own good time.
  7. Yes you would. just to get us talking while you write the next chapter. That is what I would have done. I am sorry but never trust your enemy and only half trust your friends. Because who knows your enemy can become your friend and your friend can become your enemy. But like I said only you know what the guns are capable of doing or not doing. Keep up the good work and enjoy yourself getting better.
  8. He never did say what was inside the guns. It was stated that they were custom made for them so he might have put some type of fail safe device in them. Remember as the writer he does not have to tell us everything he does to the tech items. All he has to do is make us think that he messed up and we will start to think that Magus messed up again when he knew all along that the weapons were fail safe. Would he have given a weapon to Hans that did not have some type of system in it that would make it unsafe to use against any of the family members. We will never know what he did to the weapons because he never told us.
  9. Love the family downtime. It was very enjoyable. Went back and reread the chapter after you posted that you rewrote it to include Hans. I really did enjoy the part that he was included in and how the twins welcomed him to the family and when he asked Suzy for forgiveness for the way he was and she also welcomed him into the family. Good trust on Max's part by giving Hans a loaded gun. By Hans not shooting him it shows that he might have really changed or he is still trying to set Max up. Only you know that and you will let us know the outcome in the future. Hope the sheriff takes Max up on the job offer. I think that he is going to set up a western section of the country to filter the abused children and teens to loving family. Evently you will let us know who the mole is. Everyone is looking at the system being hacked (Alice, May or even the twins). But what if is Legion that is the mole. He is getting self awared everyday and thinks that Max should not be helping people he does not know. If you are becoming self aware wouldn't you want to take out the only person that could stop you from probably taking over the mainframe and running it the way you want it to run. Like I said only you as the great writer knows the answer to this. Will be awaitng the next great chapter. Rest and recover and get better. Think of the possibllty of retiring to make your family happy.. As a mall cop, you would have to refrain from shooting or blowing up the shoppers that are being stupid and acting like they are on funny items. Sorry to hear about the lost of your sister. Nice to see that you are using Amy to protray her in the story to keep her memory alive in you. Like I said get well and listen to the family and your doctors.
  10. I was like you when I was young. Under 30. Then I found the best love of my life. She put up with me going away unannounced. Stuck with me when I broke me ankle and damaged both knees on my last jump. She ask me to try to live life a little less risk full. After retiring from the military with a medical retirement I started living life to the fullest. Also lost her in 2006 when she flat lined on me three times in the hospital. She was sent back to me by a higher power. Since then we do things in life to please each others. We take each day one day at a time. We just had our 35th wedding anniversary in July and it was like it was the first time. So I know how your family feels about you and want you to remain safe for them to enjoy your time with them. Do get well soon. He is another quote: live long and prosper.
  11. And I said the same thing. I grow up watching the original Star Trek and it was always a security guy getting killed to either save the captain or a person in command or medical and science. Because the joke use to be how long would a crew member INA red shirt last. The answer was about one minute after they beamed down. In the later Star Trek shows they changed the color of the command shirts from either gold or green to red.
  12. Great chapter. Now let them have a good christmas then let Max find the head of the gang.. And I also hate to think that Alice has been hacked. Get well soon and listen to your mehdic and your family. They really would like you to be around for a long time. Yes it is better when pointed flying items are not coming at you all the time. I miss the jumping but not the flying pointed objects, but I really enjoy the time with the wife and family and would not give that up at this time. Like I said relax and get well soon. Will be waiting with everyone else for your speedy recovery and the newest chapter. Good luck friend.
  13. Can not be Rick because he wrote in a chapter two ones back that Rick has children by both Suzy and her mother. And he enjoys then in the future. So the only one in the picture is Mike or one of the recovered children. I would really hate to see any of the children that were recovered from their living hell to be killed by the bad people. The priest and sheriff sounds like good victims to me.
  14. Well hope you have a speedy recovery and please listen to your medical and your family members. I had to retire when I not only broke my ankle but both knees jumping out if a perfectly good airplane. I was going to fight the force medical retirement but my wife said she could not live without me. After she put up with me leaving without telling her she said enough is enough and I listened to her. Been the best thing I did for both her and me. I still work for the government buy no more jumping.
  15. Another cliffhanger. So who is wearing the red shirts. Know what you meant by the red shirt. The security people in the original star trek wore red shirts and were the one's also getting killed on the show. So like I said which oof theses two are it. Max, Rick or Mike. Maybe the sheriff is wearing red. But like you said only you know which one it is. Hope the do not kill the sheriff right away so that they can find out what part the sheriff has in the abduction of the children in the area. But if the sheriff is to go, who gets him. The spider or one of the other three on the porch. Let's just say that the sheriff is really dumb to pull his gun with a mini-gun aimed at him. Only you will let us know in your great and wicked time. Keep up the good work and will be looking for more chapters to this story and the next chapter to Noirthstar.
  16. Just finish this great chapter. Nice to see that the twins gave the priest a defected gun. Now if Max can go into the priest's mine and fix it. If not lose the priest. Love the way that everyone is feeling that their life is becoming complete. Hope that the evil one is not setting us up for a smackdown. But then only you know how it is going to go. Love the way that Max said it was Christmas after the sound of the air horn. Hope that they have a nice one. Keep up the good work. Will be waiting for the next chapter. Also like the rest will be waiting for the next chapter of North star.
  17. That is a good question that Magus is going to have to answer. Why bring him out of the pod. Like I said only the great Magus (evil one) knows and he is going to let us hang in the wind before he lets us know. Just think of the action he will be getting on this site until then.
  18. Just finished reading the chapter. That cliffhanger has me wanting another chapter right away. Told you before that you should have killed the priest off. Hope that the next chapter will start out happy. If not and Max is killed I hope that this is the lead in for the next book. Guess that me and your devoted followers will just have to see what chapter 28 has in it. Only the evil one knows and we will have to wait and see how you are going to do that. Welcome back. Keep up the great writing.
  19. no the older rifles were bolt action. But the 50 caliber berreta and the FAL rifles are semi automatic. That way we do not lose target sighting chambering the next round. When you are sighting a target over a mile away you do not want to lose it having to chamber the next round. Remember his dad was making weapons for the government. Four rifles with 10 rounds per mag is 40 rounds going down range at a time. And if they are smart they would stagger their shots so that they are not all loading at the same time. And if they carry ten mags each that is 400 rounds going down range. Good blood bath and lots of caskets needed.
  20. Sorry the above post was mine. Thought I was signed in but found out connection on tablet was lost and closed me out including logging me off the site. I thought I had it set up to be logged on at all times. Will have to fix that again.
  21. I think it should be both the priest and the sheriff. I do not trust the priest and I would really like to see the spiders disarm the sheriff (Ha ha). You could have a double funeral sending both evil men to a living hell. Just think what you could do in the VR world. What kind of hell you could put them through.
  22. Shades of Terminator. Wasn't that the plot of Terminator 3 (Rise of the Machines). Female terminator infests the computer mainframe and turns army weapons onto the human race and them you have Skynet being borned.
  23. Magus, enjoy the time with your family. I am sure that they are enjoying the time you spend with them. Just remember that the time will be ending soon and then you can recoop and then get back to your other enjoyments (writing and blowing things up). Keep the faith.
  24. Well a holiday weekend coming up and nothing to read. Will keep waiting for you or angeldust to post new releases. Two of my best writers on this site. I will check out somemore stories hereon this site while waiting for newer releases. Keep safe. Waiting to see who the funeral is for and what is going o happen to the sheriff.
  25. The tag would be other (covers anything not covered by the other tags) from your list as of 2011.
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