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Posts posted by COJimmyV

  1. Once again, great descriptive with Chapter 47. Maybe it's just me but you seemed to break the fourth wall (or is it the third wall when writing) a little more often in this chapter. Not that it was annoying but definitely more noticeable. Was that planned and just happenstance? In any event, nice chapter. Can't wait to see what happened to Mrs. Locke.

  2. Ah, thank you for that information, CO. Then I'll leave that post up, unless Magus himself asks me to remove it.

    I don't actively monitor story discussion threads, but just peek in randomly.

    Thanks for that! We generally don't get any trolls here but it's nice to know you're looking out for us......and we REALLY, REALLY hope Magus rejoins us soon!!!

  3. Magus, is the post directly above mine in any way related to this discussion thread of yours? If it is not, let me know and I'll delete it for you.

    While it's not directly related, many of us have mentioned Kenneth Hammond and other stories/writers (while waiting on Magus to heal up/return from TDY/deal with real life issues) because they're in the same genre. This just happens to be another lull in Magus' epic saga so we try to pass the time by suggesting other stories and authors to read in the meantime.

  4. With Rhona knowing Jack's secret voyeuristic fetish, I wonder if it might be secretly arranged to have Jack watch a girl he knows (Belle? Jessica?) having sex. That might have interesting reactions.

    Interesting indeed. I think he ends up "rescuing" Belle from it, perhaps by talking Rhona into making her quit and THAT'S how he gets Belle's friendship back. Gotta think Jack's reaction to watching a girl he knows would be CLASSIC, complete with comparisons to Kayla, of course.

  5. I could see that. It has the added advantage of being able to spite her parents. "You won't let me be with Alan? Then I'll be with a GIRL!" Helena can sit at the Thanksgiving table.

    Now THAT would be CLASSIC!

  6. Maybe it's just me but that chapter seemed a bit short or maybe I just breezed through it quickly as I hung on every word. Very well written so it seems you got through the writer's block just fine.

    Dying to know what happened with the plane so please don't take another month for the next chapter!

    As for the Oaks/Carla storyline, I could see him as an ally for Max and company at some point, unless he gets killed with this stupid scam.

  7. Pretty crappy of Joe to get naked with Sam at Craig's party, knowing Craig is campaigning hard with his party goers. I would think Craig, Becca and Belle will be anti-Joe and Sam and that will pit them against Jack and Kayla and Joe. It will be interesting to see how this taking sides thing plays out.

    Still not convinced Amanda is knocked up. Didn't really read that into her illness but my experience with it, as far as my wife was concerned, was that it wasn't an all day thing. Then again, since not all women are the same, I suppose it's possible.

    Nice cliffhanger. The main thing I hate about them is having to wait for the next chapter. It always seems to take forever! ;)

  8. Great theories all. I'll add one more although it's a bit out there. Kayla's mom is actually a madam and all her "trips" and political affiliations have to do with her lining up girls for politicians and lobbyists. Kayla's dad finds out but can't say anything so that's what their problems are all about.

    Yeah, definitely not likely but would make for a big twist.

  9. I can't believe it... is Alice really dead...??? if yes then I hope she can be downloaded and recovered in a new body... don't be so cruel magus..

    I can't imagine anyone being able to break through Max's firewalls other than Alice. Also, why would Max grab Amy and take off running if it weren't Alice? I gotta think her stalling by "surrendering" bought her enough time for the nanites to do their thing so she could download before blowing herself up.

    That's my theory and I'm sticking to it! ;)

  10. For those waiting for the next postomg from the master you might want to check out "A Game of Inches" by

    Rhiannon57 n the "X" site. Not a hard core story but a lot of emotion.


    I read the entire thing a couple years ago and I'll admit to shedding a tear or two. Pretty long but well worth the time. Great read.

  11. Oh he explains Mika and Legion in the next chapter...its a tear jerker too :cry:

    Some really good twists and a really cool cliffhanger

    That's right girlfriend gets first read ^_^

    Thanks for the heads up. I'll wait a few days to read it until the FOLLOWING chapter comes out. Can't stand the waiting after a cliffhanger! ;)

  12. No more fucking sex scenes lovey crap, I know you want to drag this thing out but what your readers want is just all out war is what is needed. Evan & Gerald feel responsible for taking Max away when he was needed most & worry will Max cast them & Johanna adrift. The group is shaken to it's core realising that it has dropped the ball once again. Max does some leadership shake-ups and points out that as Rick Et al were special forces trained ta take cliffside advantages should have known better and that their thinking can no longer be trusted. He puts The House on full time alert and has the wor bots upgrade all defensive forces and has Mainframe to start building more and better aggressive offensive devices just shy of being self aware but capable of making decisions on updated info of battle.

    Hey now, I happen to like the sex scenes and "lovely crap". They're important to the overall story. That said, I'm sure Max will make some changes but I don't think they'll be THAT extreme.

  13. Holy crap, it's the cliffhanger from hell. Legion just gets Mika and now she's gone? Gotta think there will be hell to pay for that one. Carol, Stella and Hans? Hoping they're just out and not dead. And who the hell kills off the dogs? Yes, I used hell three times. That's what I'm feeling after reading this chapter. You are a cruel man, Magus! Hoping Alice and Amy go nuclear.

    Shame on me. After seeing the title, I should have known not to read it until the next chapter was out. I hate cliffhangers. Serves me right for being so anxious. :bash:

  14. Very true, Joe Long but I find I don't have much of a filter on my mouth anymore when the Mrs. pisses me off. My "delicate" switch seems to have a short in it. Sometimes I can keep my mouth shut but those times are getting few and far between.

    Yeah, it was stupid to ask if he could look at Kayla but that should have spoken volumes to her at that moment. She let it continue so, IMO, she should feel a heck of a lot more guilt than anger. It's not easy to match my old guy thoughts with those of a teenager anymore. I guess that's why we say "Youth is wasted on the young". ;)

  15. While I didn't really have a problem with the outcome, a couple things bugged me about this chapter.

    1. Jack thinks a lot of intelligent thoughts in his head but he can't articulate them to Tara or Kayla? Even teenagers are capable of saying what they think but smart guy Jack can't put his thoughts into words? Kinda frustrating.

    2. Jack has a right to be pissed at Kayla and, with all the angst in this chapter, it would have been more satisfying to me if he had gotten pissed at her waffling. I know I would have been pissed at her asking "How would you feel watching me with another guy?" Not sure why Jack didn't blow up at that. It's easy enough to tell Kayla the difference is that Tara is someone they BOTH love.

    That said, I guess the writing is really good when you make me want to smack the crap out of Kayla for that. ;)

  16. Well, crossed over a major hurdle in the chapter. This may have been the most difficult section for me to write thus far, since I had to constantly go back, revise, rewrite, just to get it exactly as it needed to be. Hopefully, this means that the rest of the chapter will fly by, but I'm not entirely certain. But it should go smoother from here.

    Sounds like the threesome is actually happening! By all means, take your time. I figured that would be pretty tough to write but getting over that hump and breezing through the rest of the chapter would be a mistake. Love your dedication and attention to detail throughout each chapter!

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