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Everything posted by Krulos

  1. And I mean: the site’s basically a program running on a server: scan the site program with things like Malwarebytes and SuperAntiSpyware, complete scans: and you can obtain those two marvelous security programs on ninite.com and download them from there- it is a secure site last time I used it; and it might help to secure the site. I understand what you mean about restricting who’s able to access the very formula of the site’s makeup, Bronx. I get what you mean completely by that.
  2. Frankly, Bronx; I’m with you on the security emphasis: so now at least we know about limits and who to look at for security- useful to narrow down for sure… and necessary for securing the site in that regard; as you rightly referenced as a potential problem. I don’t blame you for the running of the best rendition of Malwarebytes regularly; I’m more than with you; but it *might* be wise to run a scan *on the very site’s program* as there might be the problem, given how frequently this pervert who’s been trying to hijack the site hits it after it’s just been upgraded- that’s the thing that clues me in that something may have gotten onto the site itself that is a threat to security: plus the links? dead giveaway. Though I *do* heartily agree with you, believe you me on the need to secure the site and your computer. Desiderius: Yes, using immoral means to get moral results is suspicious, same agreement with you, Bronx, but remember, the use of malware is a definite clue this’s not a moral crusader at all- character traits fall apart and fail miserably at the clues to back up the claim. I don’t blame you for speculation, Desiderius, at all; not exactly a bad trait, but really: ends justifying means? that’s the hallmark of *immorality* in essence: that’s the same illogical logic that leads to the gulags and the death-camps for crying out loud, the worst evils in world history, ever! But you are *spot on* about hypocrisy being a great touch in fiction, not so good at all in real life; same with any sinful action at all, come to think of it. I myself am working on a few works involving fake marriage: something I’d want relegated to fiction only, not at all in real life- you are more than fully agreed with by me in those touches, folks!
  3. Well, lets see: I too hold to strong moral standards; but in terms of adult-content, that’d fit “R” rated stuff easily; and guess what: so is the film “The Patriot” about the American war for Independence; hence I’d be far more worried about what *I* as an individual post and produce than what I find here. I would never recommend that we allow the *government* to have a say in what is here; in part: precisely because that opens up, as I observed, a can of tapeworms that once opened up, cannot be closed; and government is prone to horrible corruption. They might be out to remove all pornography (a sound goal; I share it too come to think of it- even though I, if even remotely capable would only be able to catch a small percentage, so odds of success are low; and detection is the practical problem therein), but eventually they’ll classify criticism of the government or its policies/friends as a federal crime, and suddenly we’re right back at the Declaration of Independence, or just before. See my practical problem? Once you let the government in, you really cannot practically remove them. *This* doesn’t even cut close to the issue of how we’re to protect ourselves. *I* strongly recommend that the site itself be scanned by both malwarebytes and also superantispyware; using the maximum scan possible, as well as reviewing the moderators- this’s not cruelty by any account, but the real primary weakness of any site is not the machinery nor the programs, but the staff: they have administrator or moderator “rights” over the site; and being human beings; are prone to the typical weaknesses thereof, such as corrupt friendships and/or financial weaknesses to be used in blackmail, or other means to get into the site. In short, Demongoddess: this’s not hostility at all, but voicing practical weaknesses. Would you let just anybody fiddle around with your noggin’s contents? I wouldn’t believe you, or anyone would; nor should you. This’s not hostility, but a voice of practical wisdom: there’re some doors you do not let anybody at all go through, no matter what credentials they may have. I don’t think it is a moral crusader; for what they’re doing is in and of itself immoral, and you cannot do right by doing wrong in the process, ever, it doesn’t work that way, folks; it corrupts forever anything you’re up to doing. This seems far more petty and immature, character-wise, than rooted in ethics, by a long-shot. I think, based on what just said, BronxWench; that who or whatever is up to this set of attacks is really out to do harm to the *members* of this site, rather than gain money or to advocate for morals- malware sites are *NOT* moral in their content, so no way is this person a moral crusader, not by any means.
  4. I’d like to pick your brain on this matter; and likely others will want to: namely why did you elect to set this site up if you do not want to post your own works- as well as for others to do the same thing- and also to add in a library of favorites of your own regarding works? Most people here will no doubt be mature enough to avoid being petty and complaining about “so-and-so likes your work better than mine...” kind of whiny pouting, but it does surprise me that you haven’t posted any works here in your profile, given that you spent the time to set it up, as well as presumably the whole site in the first place

    Your motives are your own, of course, but I want to understand you a bit better; and it is also likely that others will be curious as to your thoughts as well, in addition to your own motives for why you do what you do- you obviously think it a good idea, but *why* do you think it a good idea, pray tell?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Krulos


      Ah, and in returning the favor of clarifying why I selected the pseudonym of “Krulos”; that’s the name of an alien in the late 1980s television series and story and toy series “Dino-Riders” that I really did enjoy- and in some ways for a long time I bore a distinct personality similarity to him… I “grew out of it” via isolation from the bulk of the world- I “cooked” if you get my drift- and I gained the security needed to avoid needing to claim excessive control; now “Star Trek New Horizons” in “Stellaris” did help with that- showed how much stronger a true Republic is when compared to an empire in terms of productivity- and real life via writing.

      But you said “gaming”; what kinds of games did you go for/do you go for, pray tell, if you don’t mind revealing in a semi-public environment? We might well have similar tastes in gaming as it turns out. I myself today just a few hours ago came back from a gaming convention involving miniatures (toy soldiers for adults), this one we were gaming about Middle Earth by Tolkien this time, sometimes we do American Civil War, we’ve also done “Red Dawn” (yes, based on the movie- the original one- go figure: “Cold War Blows Up” kind of deal), we’ve done American War for Independence with miniatures, we’ve done a load of a lot of WW2 in a gaming system made by one of the fellows by the name of “Sand, Oil, and Blood”- we’ve done all manner of a huge number of things, including both World Wars, both I and II, and any number of other things, including Star Wars- yes, dogfighting in that universe as well- all manner of things!

    3. DemonGoddess


      Very earliest iterations of ElderScrolls while it was still shareware and not called that.  Many Origin company games, big into Ultima for a long time, played the computer D&D games (was playing pen and paper D&D for years before that.  Duke Nuke’em, Doom, Hexxen, Wolfenstein;’ just to name a few of the shareware.

    4. Krulos


      Ah, you’re into RPGs; or were… that’s interesting. I know I’ve done some RPGs on Fanfiction.net myself- had oodles of good fun on that kind of activity.

  5. I don’t know about the rest of you; but I do not support filthy stories at all- nor filthy works at all. But I sure do not want the *government* to discern what is filth and what is not. Needless to say, folks; this criminal has become a serious problem that needs to be rooted out from any and all ability to work- ever. He also clearly knows of this site, and has to have some intimate knowledge of this site’s workings to be able to do that and do it well enough for his attacks to have worked *at all* in the first place. My solution: if you do not approve of the reading materials you run across: do as I did as soon as possible and remove them from your reading selections; it will not remove them, but censorship is always going to backfire badly on all those who do employ it- ever. *If* you take the lens of Mon-El/Mike Matthews in the latter parts of his chronological life in the show “Supergirl”; you would see a man who, while he *could* easily censor anything in his own nation, due to his place therein, he would likely refuse to employ that means; the reason: it’d be to open a can of tapeworms that there’s no way to fix once done. That is, of course, *POST* his emotional growing up; one reason I do think that this megalomaniac who’s been attacking here is really yet to grow up, mentally-speaking, so we’re probably dealing with someone who’s profoundly immature, character-wise. That would go a long way to explaining why the person is doing what they’re doing… but you’re right, what the person’s doing is illegal and they need to be stopped, heedless of ability.
  6. And not only is it of dubious quality of morals in addendum; but the whole question is what is the person getting at? I know that sometimes we write what we do to criticize works; I am far from the only one who’s seen the television show “Supergirl” and observed that in one episode Sara Lance’s question to Alex Danvers where she asks her “How’s your butt?” caused some impressions on their night together that makes you really wonder what they got up to in the first place… to this date there’re at least two different works dealing with exactly that night, and I’d say in a candid review of the behavior of the ladies in question that neither of them depicts them as behaving properly. So the logical question is “Why do you write this?” I can first-hand say that I write what I do to confront the evils in society, by showing the natural fruits of such vices- and *sometimes* to demonstrate *something else* using that kind of thing to slander people who’ve fallen into its custody. I wrote one story about the morning after that completely cuckoo date; and another person here wrote another- given how people are; I do not doubt for a nanosecond that there’re other works on that particular event as well.
  7. You are spot on; and even *that* is simply on the matter of the content here being the *arguments* of the people who write here in the first place- and yes, that does make the attacker a criminal to begin with, due to what they’re doing breaking USA Federal Law, not to mention the USA Constitution- which this site has been set up under. The content here is shady in its nature; but the question is *why* do we write what we do? I don’t know about anyone else, but *I* write to pose sound arguments on what the natural fruits of actions chosen are, and why we must choose the moral actions- by showing how the immoral actions harm those who employ them. Plus, there’s really nothing to be gained by these attacks, so motive appears to be nonexistent… and he does appear to be competent, as well as persistence does indicate it appears quite personal… I’d say he is someone who lost out on something regarding this site some time ago therefore. Think of it: if you’re out for money, you’ll attack not a website such as this, but a major bank, like a Federal Credit Union with some form of a spam attack- not some site that doesn’t have much funds behind it at all. No, this seems more petty than thought out or out to commit some act of internet piracy- which’d be redundant at best. Think about it critically, folks: the data here is already backed up elsewhere, which means that who or whatever is up to these attacks is really being more mean than economically competent, as well as backing up the details that he will inevitably wind up in prison, even if he’s got some form of immunity: then he is *guaranteed* to be imprisoned. No, I’d say he’s petty, rich, and bored, due to the investment he must’ve made, plus he’s got some serious immaturity to work through, as well as is really downright pathetic.
  8. A hearty thank you, Manga2g, for that update and the repairs for this site.
  9. Both points are valid, both that you don’t want too many people working on it, and that real-life takes primary responsibility. Don’t worry, those’re clear as crystal to begin with.
  10. I know what you’re talking about better now; and I’m with you on those points. In the meantime, any idea of when that’s going to be done; so we can modify our accounts and add favorite stories to our lists of favorites again?
  11. Sounds to me as if I should wait until the site’s repairs are completed, BronxWench, as the green rectangle button didn’t allow me to modify my favorites’ lists at all, but this turn of events should work; however, some works do appear to have vanished from the lists of favorites I had already collected for some reason, and I didn’t remove them- so that’s really hardly possible. And in addendum reply, this time in gratitude for clearing that detail up to Manta2; I only want to extend a thank you for that, and at least I’m grateful for knowing that that problem has been forwarded to the individual who’s able and going to fix that detail, if that ability remains.
  12. It goes into, or went into, a “this website is for sale” kind of label, or it goes to a totally different website, or did more precisely.
  13. I also tried to access my banner stats, and it said “Error Code 034” for whatever that is worth.
  14. No, because it won’t let me remove nor add favorites to my list of preferred reading stories of one form or another, nor update them as it turns out… so that clearly doesn’t work. I did find the archives, as well as my favorites, but how do I now remove works that I want to exit from my favorites, or add stories to my list of favorites, and also staying logged in, as it periodically exits me from being logged in, even when I *am* logged in at that.
  15. I also cannot access my control panel as a user; it said “Error 404” for whatever the reason that is when I clicked on it. Actually it said “File not found”, for whatever the reason is.
  16. So, how Sir, would that have developed to become the problem, do you think? Oh, and I did notice quite a while ago, that when I’d try to type in the name of this website, it’d direct me incorrectly, but that was going on for quite a while before this whole sequence of events at that… and why would this be coming up now, pray tell? It’d have to be a pretty darn serious data breach to allow it to attach a bad link, for just *anybody* to cause it to do that that is.
  17. What does “SQL Injection” mean and how does that even happen, pray tell? What even *is* that, come to think of it?
  18. Great to know! Even though I’d finally managed relatively midway between when I set up my account in the past and now to get it right; this upgrade really ought to work out right! Oh, and from one reasonably familiar with CNT individual to another; you *might* make a habit of locking your machine if you leave it; I have *some* experience myself with protecting a machine from sabateurs, as your cats seem to have developed a taste for being- based on what you said. You’d need a functional password to unlock it, or a pin-number, but it is doable.
  19. Ah, real pain, but I do understand the cat on your profile; and as a member of the site, I must insist that it these events be corrected; as I know I’m far from the only one who’s been really problematized by this, such as an annoying inability to correct and/or update my favorites list, in any capacity at all… and I’m pretty darn sure I lost some favorites in the meantime- and justifiable ones at that.
  20. Sounds to me as if it is generally working now, but it looks to me as if an awful lot of works have disappeared from the list of favorited works; not so much any individual’s pieces. But how did the code get up messed up, pray tell? Do you have any idea what happened? Okay if you don’t, okay if you do. I am merely interested in the mechanics of the material and the machinery’s makeup, and how it got all messed up to begin with; as it is a real pain.
  21. And it is pretty random which ones have broken links on my profile and had been validly set up to begin with and which ones do have functional links right now these days.
  22. And I mean *fully* bolded; not only some of the writing on the issues of the work’s link to the story.
  23. Manta2g; if you go onto my profile as even a guest, and click on “Currently Reading” and go on down to works that have the links bolded (and some links disappeared completely from my profile to works that I know were there to begin with, and have been on that for years at that), but also any links with the works title bolded are dead links, yet the works are there- and I know they worked quite well before this whole current mess that’s been going on. Such as “I like you” by “Crashandburn320”’s handiwork.
  24. A hearty thanks, BronxWench; and it is not at all *all* in site links, but only some, the ones that particularly appear fully bolded have turned out to be broken as a sample. I am most truly grateful for the elevating this issue to the proper individual; as that should help big time with the whole deal!
  25. Good to know why; because I have had true and real trouble logging in in the first place, and updating my “favorites list” here. Don’t get me wrong; I’m grateful to know the *why* that is at the present moment. Tis just a tidbit frustrating, but I *do* also understand the *why* you have moved it to a read-only mode at the present moment. However, you *might* be interested in the reality that some works in the favorites list do not read as stories, but are dead-ends- that might help you out with sorting things out, and they are valid works. It simply is that the links in the favorites setting in the individual’s accounts do not connect to the works in question, for whatever the reason that is.
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