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  1. One should *expect* disagreement whenever one is in public; if one cannot tolerate being disagreed with- then frankly one’s too immature to be anywhere in public at all.

    Disagreement when you boil it right down to its core is nothing more than a difference of viewpoint expressed- suppression of that is censorship and also highly illegal in its core; but arguing about issues as issues is far from disrespect at all, nor is it remotely rude to disagree and argue with anyone at all… for all those mean is a difference of perspective.

    1. darkrage6


      You saying transgender people should have to listen to TERFs spewing dangerous rhetoric about them? I don’t think so.

      There’s also certain “perspectives” that have no basis in reality(I.E. those that believe Jan 6th was a hoax, that the moon landing was faked or that climate change is not real)those most definitely should be respected.

      Not all opinions are created equal, especially those that are bigoted in nature(I.E. the vile shit Kanye and Kyrie have been saying about Jewish people recently).

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price


      “the moon landing was faked”

      Yep.  Stanley Kubrick insisted to filming on location.  :)

  2. Yes, I should; “chaste” would be a story that either has no sexual contact between characters in it, or the actions are so hidden behind closed doors that nobody outside of the two knows of it; including the readers… but you are spot on with the need for me to be clear. As for not mouthing off; that pairing does delight me almost to no end; it sounds like the kinds of works that ought to exist a lot more than they already do. As soon as reviews are known to be fully functional, and if I remain able to reply; you should be able to expect some very praising reviews from myself to you for those works of that kind.
  3. Works in general. Sorry for not being more specific- I should’ve been more clear in my reply, and I extend a hearty thank you to yourself for bringing that to my attention; but if your works are chaste and avoid mouthing off: that actually fills me more with eagerness to read your works- as they appear to be the proper kind of things to read and view… especially today.
  4. Not to worry; the thing I was getting at is that writers generally like to hear feedback from readers, hence their predictable frustration about reviews being iffy as far as whether they exist or not in the first place. But I do get what you mean; very clearly.
  5. Okay, just based on computer science, now we know some more of the data of what’s going on. I, for one, would humbly suggest that we do not emotionally invest in our reviews: to avoid conflict if nothing else. Yes, it is much more pleasant for a writer to find out his works’re desirable in the elements, and feedback always helps to write with more quality, no matter how well one writes… but if we are to function well with iffy reviews: we’ve got to think of them as temporary for the present time. And I do strongly believe that everybody here is frustrated with the current situation, if for no other reason than what I’ve heard from other writers here- no matter what their roles are in the site.
  6. I’d ask you this in private if I were able, but you said your interests include “CRPGs”; and I really would like to ask you what they are.

    Specifically, therefore, what *are* “CRPGs” anyways? I haven’t heard of them, really at all, hence some degree of bafflement.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Krulos


      Well, for what it is worth, I do appreciate it, and if I understand your reply correctly (and should I misunderstand: please do enlighten me as to what/where, for nothing but clarity’s sake), but you write in the moves of the characters, and their lines, much like the RPGs on sites like Fanfiction.net; again, IF (emphasis for clarity’s sake only) I grasp your stance and reply correctly… and if I do not, please do enlighten me.

      As for me: I take delight in the games set in Once Upon A Time that I’ve done, as well as “Arrow”, “Supergirl”, and also “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” therein, and they have been intense fun thus far in my eyes.

      But to cast the ball back into your court; where do you like to play online?

    3. BronxWench


      I use the settings for those games, and some of the characters from the games, but in order to avoid any copyright issues, I try not to use actual game dialogue unless I attribute it to the game’s writers somewhere in a footnote. I do sometimes use the general game storyline, but I depict events from another point of view rather than just rehash what anyone playing the game could see already.

      I rarely play anything online. I find I don’t have sufficient blocks of time for an online multiplayer game. Rather, I prefer to play games that are installed on my PC and which can be played, saved and restarted as I need. Real life can be… complicated.

    4. Krulos


      Same here about using the characters, however using my own dialogue; as I know from when I started first-off writing any fanfics at all, I checked with a lawyer to make sure about copyright issues; and honestly it’d be far harder to violate copyright than to make your own works is my breakdown of the situation.

      I understand some more about what’s been going on, and yes, real life takes priority always.

      This’s one reason why I like the RPGs where I write in my characters’ moves: it allows me, and the others, to make a lot of short moves in the RPG on a computer, or several, without taking up too much time in the real world; succinct, fun, quick, and also easy to be professionally polite all in the same rolled up instant.

  7. Don’t get me wrong, though, I do find what I have read of this particular work you’ve written: “Raison D’être”, at least where I have managed to get into it- as it appears to be devoid of mouthing off/cursing/swearing/whatever you may call it; and also it appears to be a chaste story about dealing with disabilities.

    Neighbor-to-neighbor; I am not at all against that kind of work, and no, I have no personal objections to anyone.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Krulos


      First of all, there really are no “marginalized people” there’re only *people*, human beings.

      And cursing sure does erode the integrity of the ones who do so, regarding their standards and character as individuals.

    3. darkrage6


      Oh you can fuck right off with that bullshit, non-whites and non-straight people are most definitely marginalized. I fucking dare you to look a transgender person right in the eye and tell they aren’t being marginalized, somehow I do not see that ending well for you.

      You are human garbage and no cursing does not erode anyone’s integrity you arrogant bigot.

      You have terrible standards considering you think there’s no such thing as marginalized people and as an individual you are a very shitty human being. Your tone policing is laughable and pathetic.

      Let me guess you actually think Trump supporters are good people right?


    4. darkrage6


      Is this the kind of shit you were doing on AO3? Annoying people by whining about swearing and sex in stories? If so I wouldn’t be surprised if the mods got sick of your obnoxious self-righteous bullshit and wanted you gone. Nobody on these kinds of websites wants a moral guardian telling them that swearing and sex are wrong somehow.

  8. In addendum; I am fully with you; there’re some stories I also really do look forward to posting here; and they’re very good ones as well… I am very happily surprised to run across works that appear to be very appropriate to read here- it is an absolute delight as an individual to read works that’re both chaste and also avoid mouthing off inside the works; refreshingly good stuff. So I do understand the whole desire in the meantime that you have.
  9. I assure you I have not abused *anyone* at all, period.

  10. As I said, it should allow you, and I, and the rest of us, to perfect our works; and I fully agree with you about it being excellent when it comes back to fully functional. And you could still test it periodically, seeing what you can do as a regular member, just to get feedback on the site’s freedoms for members in the meantime… but I’d not submit something I really care that much about in terms of the test; to avoid real frustration.
  11. Oh, I believe you will be able to upload the works; I know what you mean: I too have a lot of works that I want to upload- and good ones too.
  12. One solid way to test it is to try to do something, and observe the results; nothing to harm the site, or the works (any of them) but something to test the functional ability to do something regarding your own works… but don’t do it with any particular task you really work on; due to the odds of it disappearing. That way you’ll know, one way or the other, whether it works or not… you’re going to have your feedback, one way or the other; then, please I beg and beseech you; do report the results to the site owners, so feedback can be expanded and cleared up.
  13. Though, come to think of it; this’d pay into our benefit; as this attacker appears to be not only “beyond persistent” as you so succinctly put it (and probably rightly so) but if so, then this site is living rent free inside his head- thus benefiting us: he’s obsessed and thus going to be inept.
  14. I’m not and never have made irrelevant posts to begin with, and hiding them *is* you bullying the writer; these have *everything* to do with the thread in question. What I said was in that only *part* of it; yet hiding posts, at all, ever, is really bullying and harassment via censorship. Trying to maintain order will not work; as it puts up a barrier to reporting problems- this is by no means “irrelevant” but rather now reporting YOU for censorship and thus preventing reports of problems with the site to begin with, merely by hiding them.
  15. Oh, and posts that’re innocent seem to be disappearing from the forum; I’m not bullying anyone, and I do *NOT* appreciate that, as I am obliged to conclude it is abuse by the staff- as they’re the only ones who’d be able to do that, and thus they’re crossing the site’s lines of conduct badly.
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