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Everything posted by BigMan7307

  1. Better than me, i just deal with the pain. Take your time, relax, and for once, let them take care of you. They do love you, let them spoil you, just try to keep them from being overbearing. The good part about NorthStar... we know the A to B, it's just how many twists you drop on us. Going Home is an open ended one. GITG, you have complete and total control what happens. Can't wait to read your doped up stories
  2. As long as you can afford to retire, no worries, I know they'd love you being there to dote on them. Just not too many doped up chapters, they do tend to confuzle all of us. I actually still remember reading the original set, how sweet they were to each other actually was a nice relief from many other stories. You truly have a gift, just try not to stress too much over it, we'll all be here when you get healed up. Good luck, and Godspeed
  3. But, if you remember back in BITG, he mentioned that Amy lives a very long and fuitful life. Hell, she probably outlives all of them.
  4. It does kinda make me wonder when the last check on the police system was.... a good cop will go after someone they've been told is "bad"
  5. AHHHHHH!!!!!! First chapter inspiration... it's been a while since Max was called Creepy, love it, it's good to see Amy as the playful one again too, it's gotten kinda serious lately, nice to see you remember how giggly, and silly Amy really could be. I almost forgot how good you are at getting us to laugh along with the story too. Some seem to forget that Max is just as messed up as every one of the ones he rescues. God, this one chapter reminds me of the original series, and here I thought you had forgotten how they were in the beginning. Bravo for reminding us why we love reading your stories...... You and them damn cliffhangers tho.
  6. you wouldn't be you if you didn't leave us in suspense over where things are going, lol
  7. Just started over on BITG... God were Max, Emma and Amy ever really like that? It's amazing the changes in the story since then, still can't wait to see who gets it... Hans? Becca? Evan? Jenna? Mike? Rick? there's a lot that are questionable additions to the story from the beginning but, we've grown to like 'em. Like you said, whomever you kill, will affect the storyline, and pretty much piss someone off, but, we all got faith in you. If you need to, take a break on GITG, and maybe work on Going Home, or NorthStar. Or jump off and do something totally new and a stand alone just for fun to maybe purge. Can't wait to see where you go with things.
  8. Thank god you didn't have suzy tell max that hans was going to eat his liver with some farva beans..... lol. oh how twisted your mind truly is... keep up the amazing work tho
  9. Few are worth the eagerness of waiting... this one is definitely one of them. Can't wait, but, understand that real life has to come first. Hope things work out ok for Kayla and Jack, would hate to see that go to crap on us.
  10. Poke up the hornet's nest????? try took after it with am M80. These cliffs are getting taller and taller. Good to have you back tho, and safe.
  11. Good chapter... not your best, but, still good. Emma won't be extatic over Tali getting shot, but, I'll love to see where things go with the new sheriff. I have a feeling he's going to be as stupid as the old one and keep pressing Max to where there's total devastation.... Here come's the BOOM!!! they're gonna need it, some people you just can't teach, always gotta be the hard way. Still waiting patiently for the next in NorthStar too, but, clown cars don't give you much room to type in especially when you're stuck driving them. Glad to have you back tho.
  12. UMMMM, just don't get caught shootin em. If like around here, they're elected, therefore a politician.... enough said, rofl. I know where I'd love to see GITG go, but, only so much input. NorthStar, we know the kinda ending, now it's a fill in the blanks, and love where it's at so far. I'd love to see Emma, and Max on a deserted island all alone, screw the rest. pr even in the LOTUS, going anywhere they want. There's a wise saying I just recalled... Kill em all, let God sort em out. God you spoil us, and all we can do is beg for more.
  13. Is it bad that his cliffhangers spill over into the forum too? Love both chapters of NorthStar, this reminds me of the Magus of old.... a chapter every couple days. You truly do spoil us with the speed you post. I can't wait to see Tatianna's return in GITG, that will throw everyone for a loop.
  14. This is the Magus we fell in love with.... enough to yank a tear, cheer for small victories, and the detail to pull it all off. Not only that, but, chapters in both NorthStar and GITG in the last week. Shame on you Magus for saying you lack imagination, we all know better, that's why all still keep up with you. Eagerly, but patiently await but, i do wonder why Max don't have his nanites generating internal heat, since he does have them fully integrated into his system.
  15. Keep one very important detail in mind everyone.... Magus is a very twisted individual...... He loves to see us squirm, and when we think we have it figured out, he slaps us in the face. He did it so many times in BITG I still have bruises. Be patient and have faith, he will put it all out the way he sees it, explaining little things along the way. He may not take us where we think it should go, or he may.... life is about the journey, not the destination, we all know where we wind up. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.
  16. Damn you, damn you, damn you.... yet another cliffhanger. Waiting on 15 is gonna suck now that you left us hanging like that. You always manage to astound us, I have a feeling, the next few chapters may be pretty painful to read, but, actually look so forward to them. We all know you won't disappoint, and what an amazing ride it's been so far.
  17. I knew I had read your first one before.... just didn't know that you were Ed itor on that other site, if any others have posted any, please feel free to pm me the links to yours as well, I'm always open to reading different types, some may not be my type and I may not follow as closely, but, I give everyone the chance, never know when you'll find another gem that you didn't know about until you're slapped with it. Don't give up on those series, they are really good, just a little more character development, and you'll be right there with many others that I follow.
  18. Good thing we love your writing you sadistic ass...... lol, can't wait to see what happens. I liked Capitus, until he just up and decides to take off, no forwarding address, with the damn story half finished. While you all were talking about Genies... "A Guy and His....." by pars001 is a decent series, nowhere near the caliber of Magus, but, a pseudo effective diversion. Sadly, it's on that other site, shorter chapters but, decent..... In other words MAGUS.... HURRY UP AND POST IT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!
  19. Thank you hundy, actually, I did the same with Ten of Them as I did with BITG, GITG, Northstar, and Going Home. There's times where I don't have net like Magus, so I make sure I have a little selection to bounce between. It was actually Ten of Them that started me reading in that section, then along came Magus and blew most of them away. Ironically, it isn't the erotic part that pulls me in, it's the actual story behind it. I would have been happy with just Max and Emma and seeing their romance blossom without the others. Don't get me wrong, I do like the additions, but, I guess I'm a little "traditional" when it comes to love and romance. I will definitely be looking at the other suggestions too while awaiting our favorite to drop the next bombshell on us. Thank you all so much for the recommendations.
  20. He's told us repeatedly he's a sadistic ass, lol..... we all knew that coming into it, but, he's got a hell of a knack for keeping us engaged in the series, all of them. If it weren't for us falling in love with the characters, we couldn't care less about him still writing. What's scary, I've bounced back to that "other" site and read a few other authors.... ty Gemini for letting us in on that little gem you had been keeping hidden P.O.I. is almost as good as Magus, almost. Reading through a few others, I've kinda rediscovered some other authors that weren't as affected with the rules and still posting(good filler in between GITG/NorthStar chapters) I read because I like the storyline, where things may be going with them, and wondering what new twists they will put in. I can't be loyal to just one site for that, too many quality authors out there that don't all post to the same places. I do, however, always check on the status of my favorites, while still looking for other gems out there. No one author can satisfy everyone, occasionally, a precious few can bring my personal emotions into the story. ie. June getting shot, we all felt the pain, i'm pretty sure there more than a couple actual tears dropped over that. in P.O.I.'s series, I felt Guy's pain when he caught Heather and Derek, i'd have probably done the same as he did. In JAshley13's series, you can feel the love between Jack and Kayla, how he'd do anything to protect her. There are many others out there that can pull that same kind of emotion, not many can do it in two different series at the same time... Magus, you truly are a marvel, and we all eagerly await the next steps in the journey with Max and the Girls. :beer:
  21. Welcome back to the land of the living, we really did miss the twists and turns. Hopefully, no more extended vacations for a while... Loved both Northstar, and GITG, the parings and emotions were both needed in GITG, kinda reminds me of how Max and Emma met, the tenderness of it all.... now, lets go kill some bad guys >
  22. Sadly, rl usually takes priority over our need to read. Hopefully he'll be back soon, and writing like before. Thank you Hundybuns, that series yo mentioned is almost as good quality as Magus'. Best of wishes Magus, wherever you are.
  23. Summertime, Magus tried blowing himself up, house full of women.Full time job. Sounds to me like he has his hands full there, then add the research put into the stories, adds to it, the more complex the longer it takes, and the less time avaliable the longer we wait. Keep in mind he's not just writing one series anymore either, he has two extremely solid ones that are complex. Sadly, real life takes precedence over our habit of reading, he spoiled the hell out of us dropping one every couple days, we just have to understand that it is what it is, and begging for new chapters won't get them written if there's no time to do it. To Hundybuns... I hope all starts going well for you, health problems suck, and we all need distractions at times. Lord knows I downloaded everything so far, and read over and over, usually picking up things i've missed. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family Hundybuns. Eagerly, but patiently await the next installments of your works, in the mean time, if anyone has been moving in from that other site and posted, can you please pm me with your link so i can catch up with the others? Thank you so very much.
  24. See? I think we can see his devious little mind working overtime on all of this. He's known for the plot twists that come from left field.... part of why we all keep reading and rereading all of them. I do kinda hope he finds a way to bring Emma front and center where she belongs, I loved the one on one time that they had, but, sometimes it's more than just the sex for a good makeup. keep up the amazing work, and still checking back at least two to three times an hour for updates. lol
  25. All I can say is Bravo, well worth the wait for GITG 12. Still patiently waiting for the next in Northstar, interested in seeing how Nick and TK deal with the threats toward Carol. Tali and Jazz had been more than hellbent on getting with Max, that's been that way since first introduced, and they're been beyond relentless. I'm not sure I'm a fan of the 180 that May too in regards to Max, but, like it's been stated, she never did make the promise like Marge did. It does make me wonder if Marge will change her mind as well and fully welcome Rick, which I would see as a sort of betrayal to Max. My observation on all relationships is one of "give and take" the sharing is the important part, however, when one is doing all of the giving, and none being returned that's when it's being used and that leads to the breakdown that happened, Max provided all for the girls, and they weren't reciprocating, only taking and worrying about themselves. I'm glad that the situation is being rectified with the girls seeing the error in their ways. May and Marge have been a part of the original group all along, but, have been left to their own devices, which is probably what they wanted. The occasional fling with Max sufficed their needs. The way I've seen it, the one getting always pushed out is and has been Max.... Becca came along, it was more about Emma and Becca. With the twins and Nadi in the mix, it's more about them. While Max was gone talking with the preist, the girls were all about eachother, not really thinking through the best ways to show Max how badly they felt for screwing up. I have a feeling that if/when Max goes to do more liberating and is gone, most of the girls wouldn't be overly concerned with his absence. A lot like the last time, the entire week that he was gone, the only one truly affected was Emma, Amy and Alice didn't stress hardly at all, Becca was more worried about distracting Emma instead of helping her cope. May and Marge had other goings on to deal with, in short, life continued on for all of them without him there, which is a coping mechanism as well. While I may not agree with the path the story is taking, I am smart enough to realize that I'm not the author. I can offer a suggestion, but, it's up to the one putting pen to paper whether they take it. Knowing Magus as well as we all do, he's going to throw more than a few twists and turns into all of it to right the course to what he sees happening. My feeling, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, we're all just passengers.
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