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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Trouble with Harry pursuing Hermione (or Ron) is that it’d diminish the odd one out. Prior to HBP, there was Ginny infatuated with Harry, but mostly “Ron’s sister” back to her. Early in HBP, Ginny gave Harry cookies made “just for him”… rest of the book had poisonings due to bad batches of love potions to others, so yeah, IMO, Ginny drugged Harry up, and I’m guessing with Molly Weasley’s help. I even poke fun at Ginny’s infatuation in the explicit version of my fanfic Speculating where the author will take the narrative in the next book is fun. When I was working on my fifth year story, JKR was dropping hints to book five, and yeah, I made a guess, and TBH, I think mine’s better in some ways, more impactful.
  2. And some fanfiction can be better written than canon. Prior to HBP, the worst of the Harry/Ginny hookups read way, way, better than the “sudden urge” of the books… unless you think she used a love potion on Harry. Also, prior to book 5, there was a lot of speculative/predictive fanfics that were taking a guess to where canon was headed, many got abandoned when they became “AU” with the book’s release. (Ditto for books 6, likely 7 too)
  3. That these types of questions can be asked and answered in serious fashion makes AFF forums a good place
  4. Originals are challenging, because you’ve got to create the world, you’ve got to introduce characters. And in order to do that, you need to create them yourself – and once created, to simply scrap and move onto another project is...well, off putting. Writing up oneshots in the same world help with development, backstory. This is all stuff fanfiction doesn’t necessarily need. However, having delved into originals, when I came back to my fanfiction, I’ve been able to drum up some interesting new characters. For my current potter fanfic, it’s uses GoF as canon (because this story predates the release of OotP), but it covers Harry’s years six & seven. Having original experience on this rewrite, I wanted a foil for Harry helping Oliver Wood with flying lessons for first years. So, I created this boy with issues, introverted, shy, and smart, but doesn’t really know his own father (solicitor trying to get out of his moral obligations), so that Harry spends the entire lesson helping this one boy rather than helping Oliver with any of the other students. Ash, the boy, kept poking his head back into the story, and has become an invaluable insight with a better Hogwarts perspective than I could in the previous iterations of the story, as Harry’s progressively more and more isolated from both Hogwarts and the wizarding world. Overall, Ash was a “happy little accident” that’s made the story better.
  5. If we wade into originals… mine started off as a oneshot, meant as a pwp, way later than posted stories… and then my mind rebelled, where the creation of the particular society became way more interesting, so now I’ve got a suite of stories, some complete, some works in progress, others light skeletons.
  6. I’d upvote that comment if I could. No, don’t give up.
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