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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Given we’re on a website for posting fanfiction, I’d say somebody writing fanfic for your books would be a sign of success. Me… never got into writing until I had read/watched *ALL* the available material for that universe (at that time), yearned for more, and found fanfiction, wasn’t satisfied and began to write.
  2. This is where it gets dicey with ordinary copyright too. Ideas themselves can’t be copywritten. So the idea of a werewolf teenager slaying vampires isn’t covered, but it’s how you execute it, the words you choose. Lifting their words, their expression, their execution, is infringement. Creating your own narrative with your own words is fine. Now, if the AI is indeed lifting snippets of existing works… then it’s skirting into infringement. If it’s generating its own prose completely, then it’s creative and its own expression. How small do those snippets need to be until it’s not infringement and creative in its own right? Guess we’re debating running Shakespeare through a blender vs handing a paint brush over to Data (of Star Trek TNG).
  3. Ah, able to withhold/delete all other reviews until my stories get some flattering ones?
  4. Hmm, maybe we ought to make AI-generated-reviews a FEATURE? Author wants such a review, press the button, ask ChatGPT for its opinion on your story? (Secretly, we’ve hot wired it to troll/flame mode.)
  5. More fodder for the debate. Sentient AI? AI writing assistance?
  6. Mine… in the cleaner version, it’s Harry/muggle, Ron/Hermione, Neville/Luna, Colin/Ginny, know, pretty typical there. In the explicit, it’s a bit more fluid, where it’s more like Harry/muggle/Ron/Hermione/muggle2 and I poke a bit of fun at the Harry/Ginny crowd. Wish I had more feedback than hit counters, however, few readers bother to drop reviews/comments, so gotta take what I can. (FFN & AO3 let me track numbers of subscribers, favorites, bookmarks, kudos so a bit more to go on.)
  7. The “feedback” I pay attention to are the hitcounts, simply because that helps me gauge that people are reading/enjoying what I’m writing. Like I know on AO3 the “explicit” version to my potter fanfic is way more popular than my “clean” version (as I post both there). Taking the bait to derail Harry/Ron is totally viable IMO, not a bad pairing either, except if it’s exclusive, it undercuts Hermione. (And yes, I do explore some Harry/Ron in the explicit version of my potter fanfic, but that’s no where exclusive, it’s kinda more of a four-way “group” overall.)
  8. 41844 … check your number @Wilde_Guess you went backward.
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