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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Having done 156.6k in September, and 138k last month, going to set my NaNo goal to 150k… maybe it’ll happen, maybe not. It does move the story along nicely.
  2. I guess a better question… would a reader get upset about reading and having to imagine graphic human/dog sex even if the dog had a human mind/brain? If so, then I’d think the warning ought to be there.
  3. I had let @BronxWench first answer settle… but the subsequent ones, time for the humor! (Luckily Firefox seems to have it remembered.) Tis the season to consider human/shark brain switching? Oh, wait, I think lawyers are already covered
  4. Tough question. My first thought was whether the other could articulate consent. However, when it comes to tagging… it’s better to (slightly) over-tag even if you’re unsure as these are warnings to the reader. You can qualify it too, at least at the top of the story with [Beast] (werewolf).
  5. Less threatening than usual. Harry, Ron, and Hermione having lunch with Tonks.
  6. 42880 which are plastic clip removal pliers
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