Backstory is tough, to some degree, because it's also needed for the story. I rehashed the various approaches, rewriting quite a few times, in the end, these episodes were about the best way to do it. Even the next several episodes will get a tidbit of backstory, but less of it.
As I don't have a beta reader, it goes out "raw". Just word smith it until it sounds right, in most cases. So, that's more likely a subconscious thing. I do try to vary the wording around a bit, to avoid excessive repetition unless it's desired.
That came to the backstory thing, how much to delve into. Several wars have occurred, between now and the S*R era, where the US is, by treaty, allowed to launch a fixed number of flights, from various vehicles, per month. (ie, one for the atlas) So, when the head of the US weather satellite program was caught, in a motel, with the project manager of the prime contractor (a gay affair, mind you, with a religiously conservative government), a review was done of the entire project, and it was determined that the program was behind schedule, very behind schedule. Now, the US could ask the Kremlin/Beijing for waivers, to reschedule the launches, but that'd indicate weakness--can't do that.
- DP