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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. I came across this quote during some other research, seemed poignant given today’s...leadership.
  2. Yep, even though a fair chunk (at least half) are background characters so they don’t enter the stories themselves, it’s still a challenge.
  3. Snow!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      That’d be cool outside!

    3. BronxWench


      It’s snowing here. The corgi is enchanted, and has rolled, frolicked, and eaten snow until she was giddy.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Cats wanted in...out...in...out...in...out… before I decided they’ve had enough outdoor time.

  4. Within a story, I try to do the same too, renaming characters or giving them nicknames if I have to. At over 2k characters in my universe, it can be tough at times.
  5. Just a moment left to being in hot water!

    1. pippychick


      Awww… *squeezes* Stay in until you’re all wrinkly! :)

    2. Avaloyuru
    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Nice and warm, there’s now a thermostatic valve on the hot so I don’t accidentally scald myself.

  6. Oil Boiler Replacement in progress … :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’ll be into hot water soon enough….

    3. pippychick


      Mmm… and bubbles, and steamy mirrors, and hot fluffy towels heated by radiators… heaven :)

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Well, one nice thing is that I cleaned the bathroom sink before they arrived (it was in need of it)

  7. It did fit under the “strange thing” but I find it useful for avoiding a story where every sentence starts with “the”...because a bit tiresome/boring to me if it does. Another thing I try to do is to balance my character names a bit. Tough to do in those parts of the universe where the names are already well engrained, but I do try to do it elsewhere. For instance, I have Jaimie, Joe, Josephine, Jade, Jarred, Jefferey, Joey ...etc, I noticed that I was getting a lot of “J’s” so I’ll now try to balance out the letters in a story. (However, I can’t change the well established names, so those remain.)
  8. One rule I follow is to never start a story with the word “The”, and I’ve extended to try to be a solid choice too, either a sound, or a more concrete, tangible thing. [And this rule came from a teacher of mine, who pushed us to not start a sentence with the word “the”… something I normally manage (though, on occasion, a “the” will slip to the start of a sentence)]
  9. Christmas is canceled, and I know I'm getting into hot water over this.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CloverReef


      Well shit… So imaginary presents and lots of hot showers/baths? Or maybe this is a good year to start embracing the grinch within and start stealing shit under the guise of teaching people a lesson about materialism?! Yes, I just watched the grinch...

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      The Grinch, such a hero, helping people learn about the true sin of gluttony and greed, and inspiring all of us to be fiscally responsible.  That, and protecting children from old men bent on giving them gifts, that’s rather suspicious behavior.

    4. CloverReef


      I know, right? I dunno why people act like being a grinch is a bad thing. That dude was a friggin anti-consumerism hero + an introvert icon ;)

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