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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. As we welcome 2018, the theme will most likely be “Attack of the Plot Bunnies!” … or “Plot Bunny Phantom Menace”.

  2. Wishing everybody a happy new year!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. pippychick


      Happy New Year, Des… hope this is a much better one for you (with no boiler breakdowns!) :)


    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @pippychick  Should be … at least it’d be covered by the warranty if it does …


    4. Samara


      Happy new year :cheers:

  3. Title: Jefferey I Summary: It starts with a bath. A naked boy is caught in an impending divorce and his journey begins. This is Jeff's story. Warnings: Exhib, M/F, Minor1, Minor2, Others Fandom: Original Solo vs Chaptered: Episodic (ie, serial with one episode per “chapter”) URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108225 (AO3): https://archiveofourown.org/works/32513446 Review Replies: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/59549-jaimies-campfire-starrebels/ Me and revisions…. it’s undergoing revisions. I deleted the old episodes for clarity, and intend to repost as they’re expanded/revised. Also, it’s now cross-posted to AO3 (google for the link, if desired), but they ought to be identical.
  4. Starting to revise Jefferey, first episode re-posted, and its good to get back to that story.

  5. The Repair Guy made 3k dragon prints today, :yahoo:


    1. Tcr
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Overall, quite pleased, because I made a bit of an experiment with “the repair guy”, writing it faster, shorter chapters, and trying to overdo the proofreading, which turned out to be perfect for what I consider to be a backstory.  I managed to write/post 80kwords in 70 days with the weekends being the productive time for it.

  6. Rutty Rut Rut, that’s what the sleigh became, rusty ruts.
  7. So where are you mixing these ingredients, and do you need a bigger funnel?
  8. Certainly, recurring themes can be good, and I most definitely have them, because, collectively, all of my stories on AFF, so far, have been different angles/aspects/periods to the same general over-arching story. I specifically date my narratives too, more for my sake if I need to read a previous story, to see when something happens, for consistency, which I try to maintain between my stories. However, the nature of television, with the uncertainty on getting contracts renewed, and pressure to stay within the patterns of previous success, is most likely why Star Trek, and similar shows fall into the trap of stagnation – Star Trek even has some gag flowcharts out there that are spot on, with effectively insert $alien, $danger, and $technobabble, and it becomes alien-of-the-week. With writing, we’re not on multi-million dollar budgets, but instead in our free time, so we don’t have the same pressure for repeated performance. (I’d reckon that professional authors, though, could fall into the same trap if they’re getting overly pressured from their publishers.) Well, admit I don’t follow that one too closely, otherwise the sex scenes in my stories would be few and far between …. However, for the overarching main story in my universe, it is my field of expertise, so I could figure everything out in way too much detail; thus, I do ballpark calculations, and be happy with nice, round numbers.
  9. Thanks, I’ve got a playlist that helps when I write these types of scenes/stories. This is a story I really had to mull over, get the scenes right, positioning where Nick was such that he could talk to the police w/o them immediately “rescuing” him, hence, the grenade [which Nick knew to be a dud]. As an aside, this is where the original universe can be helpful, as this story’s genesis came from my notes on Kent, where he’d save the person in this unorthodox fashion. BTW, he does get disciplined for this, but I decided to drop that scene because it’d ruin the overall vibe. (If I ever do a “cops” style story, I’ll write that scene into that story.)
  10. Kinda by accident, in how I’ve gone about my original universe, I think I’ve got enough to last a lifetime of writing. If I had stuck to just the main story, it’d expire faster, however, I’ve been doing a lot of backstories instead, exploring some of the elements and mechanisms within the universe before I embark on the main story. Even still, with how it’s set up, there’s opportunities for future battles, detective series, a “reality” like story (ie, cops), more character developments, etc. I like Star Trek, however, most of the series were rather formulaic, cookie cutter, with a set patterns of episodes, warping to the next planet/star-system to start fresh. When DS9 started introducing some continuity between shows, it became a lot more interesting. I haven’t seen the latest (Discovery), however, the earlier shows fell into the same series of ruts. -- DP
  11. I know your birthday’s coming up, Jan 2nd, IIRC?

  12. Chapters 29 & 30 are up. I did two because 29 was short, *AND* this concludes this story. Yes, this wraps up this story. Dolbourne Chronicles is the direct sequel, already in progress, however, Jefferey follows Jeff’s story, of course
  13. I’ve just finished up the repair guy story, will post at least one chapter tomorrow, maybe both.

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