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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. FYI, I”ve yanked episode five, Contempt as it needs to be revised due to some inconsistencies I was encountering in the next episode.
  2. For those following Jefferey, I’ve yanked episode five, Contempt, and will repost once I revise it.

    1. Wilde_Guess


      Ouch!  Continuity errors happen, and only the author knows.  It’s happened to almost everyone who writes a story with more than one book.  It looked good for the reader.  I’m sure the “corrected” version will be even better.

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Thanks.   Yeah, when I realized I was essentially revisiting the same point, that’s when I knew I had made a screwup.  So one solution is to rehash the several episodes into a multi-part mini-series sort of thing, because some of it would be excellent in fostering some of Jeff’s grumpiness …

  3. So, the 100 year old war is a minor spitting match between neighbors?
  4. Grrr… that sinking feeling you get when you realize you may have muddled and messed up an episode (or three) to the story, one of which is already posted….

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      It wasn’t something I could definitively put my finger on, just a sense that something is off, know what that’s like?  Like the episodes needed more focus or clarity, and be able to weave in the extra fluff that I want.

    3. CloverReef


      I absolutely know what it’s like. The muddled feeling. More recently I can catch it sometimes before I post, but back in the day I didn’t have an eye for it and would get them ‘wtf’ reviews lol. I guess that’s a mark of skill to be able to say WTF to yourself about your own writing.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Suppose it is.  I did violate a rule I had set for myself ages ago, not to post until after the next episode had a complete first draft.   I’m guessing that for this little bit, I’ll wait until I get it completely drafted before I start posting.  (The *next* little episode after this is already done, with a minor tweak needed due this episode’s material.)


  5. Villains have so much fun It gets more realistic, IMO, when everybody feels they are doing the right thing, especially when some characters think the ends justify the means.
  6. JKR mentioned that she commonly named her characters after places on the map.
  7. Episode #5 (a new one), has been posted!
  8. A review, a review! Thank you for the review. Strong elements of fascism and theocracy permeate most of my stories, and Jefferey is similar in that everybody feels justified in what they’re doing.
  9. This Jefferey episode drafted (to be #5), onto #6.  Will likely proofread/post #5  later next week.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      And even though I’m not done with #6, my posting finger’s getting twitchy...

  10. You know, writing gay smut for a creative writing class in a conservative small town might prove to be an effective fitness program when you’re trying to outrun the hordes of pitchforks ...
  11. Yep, definitely, that’s why I generally scope out the publishers/self-pub sites, looking at everything, to see if they’d even fit on content. Based on what I’ve seen, self-pub is likely the best option, but that means hiring an editor. Well, when it’s time to move into that, I’ll be doing my research to find good editors that aren’t too picky (or open minded).
  12. I’m no longer in the class-taking mindset (kinda got burned out after finishing that masters). And I still have trepidation because of the content that I am writing, be it a writers group, an editor, or a publisher; those under-18 tags and some religious bigotry too. Of course, my material’s not yet to that publishing point, so there’s that. (I need to revise and get the main story moving along before I’m confident on all the points where my various stories intersect.) There are countries where the mere fact it’s “under-18” is illegal. Others will decline it’s because its sexual. So, some publishers just outright ban under-18 for those reasons. Some will avoid it for philosophical/religious reasons. And that’s before we get to portrayal/presentation/taste.
  13. Quick update, some new episode ideas have come up while I was working on the revision of Jefferey. Thus, an episode posting might take a little while.
  14. I even have to be careful on the self-pub sites, some of them restrict minor1 too. Its annoying because I want my stories to have realism to them, however, people like raising pitchforks when it’s even suggested that everybody’s a perfect angel before their 18th birthday*. This will factor in the editor search because I’d need someone able to read it. * I’m aware that some jurisdictions have puritanical legal standards not distinguishing between fictional stories and picture taking, fortunately, not where I reside
  15. And I’ve got those [minor1] tags, so I’d have to be a bit cautious in any editor search.
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