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Desiderius Price

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Status Updates posted by Desiderius Price

  1. When the mind's stumped, spontaneously add in a murder attempt to the story, that’ll spice things up.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      And… chasing this rabbit hole, it’s likely going to change into a successful killing (one of the party, because, you know….).

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Yeah, the “attempt” bit has left the plot bunny.

  2. When the youtube video is “HOW TO MAKE YOUR BOOBS LOOK BIGGER | How To Contour Your Boobs”, I definitely had to watch that in full for research to make sure my character is properly accenting out hers in my story.

  3. While a bit slow for an extended weekend (mostly due to a game distraction), I did finish Jefferey episode 12, which won’t be posted for a while, the usual reasons (that and wanting to get the entire episode arc more or less done before I begin posting it).

  4. While I’m not going to sign up for NaNo, I’ll make a goal.  Add 70k to my adult version of my potter fanfic.  We’ll see how well this fares at the end of the month.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      They do allow fan fiction, and anything you submit is encrypted and scrambled. They just want word count, and not manuscripts per se, so the verification process doesn’t even save the encrypted file.

      But do your own unofficial NaNa if you like, and get those 70k words out by November 30! :lol:


    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Let’s go with posted, start of the month is 126.8k, and I’m effectively trying to get it to 200k.  (It’s on AO3 as I was more confident posting it there, and luckily, they’ve got word counts.)  And boy, is the word count ballooning with this revision. 

      So, I can measure the word count to a very specific plot point that’s shared among the drafts, pretty early into the story.  The old-old draft came to 60k to that point, the old-draft (now being replaced) came to 23.6k; the “clean” new version marked 50k; while the “adult” version clocked 115k to reach that same plot point.  A little arithmetic on the word counts to those old drafts, and I won’t be surprised if I’m talking millions of words before the story is truly finished.

      Thus, that 70k goal might move me 5% of the way through the story, maybe….

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      What will help this month is every weekend is either 3 or 4 days due to my work schedule.

  5. Who! Hoo!  A 10k day, that’s always nice.  Brings my total to just over 50k so far this month – now time to slide my goal to...say 100k?

  6. Why do deer seem to have cloaks of invisibility when it comes to their game of dodge-cars?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Because every deer is at least a 5th level thief, if the ones that get into my sister’s garden are any indication.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I did find a dent repair service, which, according to the google reviews, seems good.  I’ll have to give them a call.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      And just to push it to the other side of the credit card bill… it’ll be next week before I can get the dents out.

  7. Why is it that I can’t seem to keep “easy light” charcoal lit and burning?

  8. Why, oh why, am I researching bullet-proof caskets?

    1. CloverReef


      Obviously because you're planning your funeral and anticipate some less-than-happy relatives paying their respects. 

  9. Winter is nearly here, tis the time for Santa to be banging the reindeer.

    1. JayDee


      “You can’t spell comet without come!”

    2. CloverReef


      :cry: Childhood = ruined 

      The joke there is that I had a childhood! Ha! Nah…  :taser: :spank: You want christmas pornstar names, google Christmas elves. http://www.elfcrazy.com/traditional-names-of-the-first-christmas-elves/ 

    3. InvidiaRed



      Oh good, now I don’t have to feel guilty for thinking claus was hot

      or that demonic nun. :mademyday:

  10. Wish it were a weekend…. two days to go.

  11. Wishing Dirty Angel another happy birthday!  (Maybe she’ll bless AFF with a visit?)

  12. Wishing everybody a Happy Equinox!

    1. BronxWench


      And the same to you! :D

  13. Wishing everybody a happy new year!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. pippychick


      Happy New Year, Des… hope this is a much better one for you (with no boiler breakdowns!) :)


    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @pippychick  Should be … at least it’d be covered by the warranty if it does …


    4. Samara


      Happy new year :cheers:

  14. With the equinox right around the corner, are you ready?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      It also means it’s nearly time for the Halloween round robin :)

    3. BronxWench


      Well, yes, there is that! I wonder what evil I can conjure for this year…:lol:

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I had one idea I sketched out, but it kinda belongs in the story proper.   But I did come up with a second idea, both have their Halloween element in them :P


  15. With the writing noggin exhausted for the evening… August words written is 92.1k.  Met both my usual goal and the first stretch goal (second stretch goal... well, not quite).

  16. Wondering if we’re going to have a Halloween round robin this year… it was fun last year.

    1. BronxWench


      I do believe we are. I’m going to work on something in any event. :D

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      The first one I worked on several months ago, might go into the story proper, so it likely won’t be round robin material.  I do have a second idea that I’m working on, a mini prequel to SR: Alaska.

    3. GeorgeGlass


      I hope so. Like BW, I’ve got a story in the works in any case.

  17. Words are starting to flow, now unstuck (and maybe over my fallout 4 addiction, we’ll see), so now making progress on chapter 13 for Dale’s game! 

  18. Worst horror story of the week: MONDAY!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Tuesday *does* mean Monday’s over with.

    3. WillowDarkling


      Please, lets not involve poor Bob in this, he’s innocent :D  

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      That’s why I’ve stopped associating lawyers with sharks, cause I don’t want to defame the sharks.

  19. Wow, just pulled off an old copy of my potter fanfic from a backup CD burned in early 2004.  (It’s actually one I was looking for, because I was a wee bit overzealous in subsequent edits.)

    1. pippychick
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’m kinda starting to get the itch to go back and finish the story …. may feel a bit rushed, just started writing it in 2003.

  20. Wow… been about twenty years since I first caught the writing bug.  Not sure to the exact date, but I think March is close enough.  Started with another potter fanfic, wanted to toy with ideas, because the possibility of Harry falling madly in love with a muggle was too tantalizing to wait for the next chapter to see if that author actually pursued the idea or not.  Even after dabbling in originals, it’s enjoyable to work on the sequel, maybe I’ll finish, but also means it’ll bring to an end of having Harry’s girl drop into the boys’ locker room after gym class.

  21. YAY!  I’ve finally met my NANOWRIMO (November’s) GOAL!  Yippee!

    1. GeorgeGlass
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      The game’s been distracting, so haven’t been sinking quite as much time as I’d like into the story, it was otherwise a semi-reasonable goal.  This is also where having a daily morning writing habit helps, because I hadn’t really abandoned that (simply because it’s too unsafe to delve into the game before work), means I’m still plodding along at hundreds if not a 1K per work day.

  22. Yay!  The first chapter to my holiday fic’s sequel is finished.  Probably be several weeks untilI post, but at least it’s finished.

  23. Yep, here’s a status update @Deadman, works in Firefox v115.0.2.

    1. Deadman


      Good to know. Apparently you have to restart your browser after installing it. So I will have to wait to do it until later.

  24. Yes, just finished writing episode nine.  I’ll give it the usual cool down, so unless something else happens, most likely post it next weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KassX


      It’s definitely a different format and burnout is a killer fr. On the other hand, I kind of enjoy having a weekly turnover. It’s neat, like running a TV show. 

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I did an experiment with the Repair Guy, cutting the chapter lengths down and not fussing so much over perfect prose, as a result, I was pushing out updates every day or two.  I deliberately wanted to keep that fast to write because it was a backstory that, while needed, I didn’t want to dwell on.

    4. KassX


      YES, trying to strike that balance between expediency and quality, because in my other novel-length stuff, I tend to agonize over drafts for YEARS. I used to do 10k+ chapters, but I’ve cut it down to the 5k – 7k range.

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