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Desiderius Price

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Desiderius Price last won the day on June 17

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  1. I’m annoyed, graphics giving me issues on my computer.  ☹️

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    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Overall, this machine has been very stable, rock solid, to the point that I’d only have to reboot due to power outages (ie not on battery backup) or kernel/driver updates.  That’s why it was odd to be in a position to have to reboot daily/hourly when I was used to 60/90 days.  Fingers crossed the driver downgrade works, lets me defer pricey upgrades.

    3. Wilde_Guess


      If your computer started acting up without you doing some other change to it first, I wouldn’t have my hopes raised too high.  And if the problem stuck around on your main computer after a card swap, especially if the removed card worked on your other machine (you never said,) then I would be looking at something on the main system board.

      If you did a software patch or driver update to the O/S recently, rolling that back will hopefully roll the problem away.  Otherwise, hope for something “cheap and stupid,” like a memory module or different accessory card starting to go bad and impinging on system resources needed by the video card for the video to work correctly.

      Good luck, whatever it turns out to be.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Luckily, it did start acting up after an update (which IIRC included video drivers).  As the notes mentioned g-sync, and my issues had sync issues in them when piped through my KVM, my shrewd guess is that it was a bad driver (or something not properly configured).  So, downgrading the drivers back to the old ones will likely fix it (at least for now).

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