Okay, I’m gonna summarize some of my brainstorming – I actually did characteristic groupings based on the categories you gave me. You actually made me realize I’m writing my first character sub-optimally too
1. Sarcastic, egotistic, confrontational, thinks he's hilarious and sometimes isn't, easily distracted, kind of just an all-around party hardy frat boy, but he's really just fronting very hard because he thinks he can't live up to the expectations placed on him.
2. He spent a lot of time in prison and was like, a D student before that, so maybe his voice shouldn't be as flowery as I sometimes make it (because I like my pretty ass prose, dammit...). He probably doesn't care about grammar and talks in slang a lot. (Prison slang??? I've never tried that)
3. Probably only focused on what's directly in front of him at any given time, ignoring problems until they come back to bite him in the ass. He wouldn't notice a lot of details in a room, for example (so I shouldn’t over-describe them...). Pushy. Veeeerry pushy with his lovers but seems to want a deeper relationship while doing nothing to deserve it. Tries to 'dominate' strangers in a conversation and establish himself as an 'alpha male' – he should come on stronger in dialogue.
1. Collected most of the time but has a temper when pushed. A complete narcissist who thinks he's the prettiest/smartest/most enlightened in any given room. When reality contradicts that self-image, it usually results in a meltdown – WRITE THE MELTDOWNS
2. He was raised in a rich home and is highly educated, so he might be able to adopt the flowery prose that I'm going to have to cut from Rayce's narrative. He's Japanese, so he could be polite (at least on the surface); I hope that doesn't seem stereotypical though. He does talk down to people in lower social classes, however.
3. He prides himself on having all the information all the time, so he should be more attentive to detail (more description of scenery/people/things). Misanthropic towards people that aren't as privileged as him but very respectful to higher ranking people. He melts for his lovers because it's a nice break from being on his A game all the time, romantic with his doms, but pushy with subs especially lower ranking ones (he should probably deprecate them in his internal dialogue to rationalize his behavior). He'll take what he wants by force if he has to.
1. Timid, he doesn't have enough self-worth to have a temper. Tries to do the right thing. Fundamentally a hopeful person. Complies/gives in to abuse easily because of a lack of self esteem. Actually quite bright and learns new things easily when given a chance and treated with kindness (should give him a more curious/questioning voice).
2. This one's hard, he was a runaway from the circus and raised as an orphan so I'm not really sure what his origins say about his voice. It probably doesn't veer too far in Rayce's direction or Jurei's.
3. Places himself at the bottom of the food chain, so tends to overstate the abilities/appearance of everyone else. Crumbles under abusive lovers, borderline worships the ones who are nice to him. Loves being complimented and hangs onto kind words.
-> Flaere is the hardest for me because so far the way I've written him, his only defining trait is very 'oh woe is me'self-deprecation and I frankly don't think that's a great or interesting trait by itself. Gonna have to work on him.
Sorry for wall of text But this is why I love talking shop with you guys; I always feel like I learn so much. I just have to make that stuff come out in the narratives ^
M. G. I want to start calling them bunny hugs now, that is a-freaking-dorable