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Everything posted by KassX

  1. Okay, I’m gonna summarize some of my brainstorming – I actually did characteristic groupings based on the categories you gave me. You actually made me realize I’m writing my first character sub-optimally too Rayce 1. Sarcastic, egotistic, confrontational, thinks he's hilarious and sometimes isn't, easily distracted, kind of just an all-around party hardy frat boy, but he's really just fronting very hard because he thinks he can't live up to the expectations placed on him. 2. He spent a lot of time in prison and was like, a D student before that, so maybe his voice shouldn't be as flowery as I sometimes make it (because I like my pretty ass prose, dammit...). He probably doesn't care about grammar and talks in slang a lot. (Prison slang??? I've never tried that) 3. Probably only focused on what's directly in front of him at any given time, ignoring problems until they come back to bite him in the ass. He wouldn't notice a lot of details in a room, for example (so I shouldn’t over-describe them...). Pushy. Veeeerry pushy with his lovers but seems to want a deeper relationship while doing nothing to deserve it. Tries to 'dominate' strangers in a conversation and establish himself as an 'alpha male' – he should come on stronger in dialogue. Jurei 1. Collected most of the time but has a temper when pushed. A complete narcissist who thinks he's the prettiest/smartest/most enlightened in any given room. When reality contradicts that self-image, it usually results in a meltdown – WRITE THE MELTDOWNS 2. He was raised in a rich home and is highly educated, so he might be able to adopt the flowery prose that I'm going to have to cut from Rayce's narrative. He's Japanese, so he could be polite (at least on the surface); I hope that doesn't seem stereotypical though. He does talk down to people in lower social classes, however. 3. He prides himself on having all the information all the time, so he should be more attentive to detail (more description of scenery/people/things). Misanthropic towards people that aren't as privileged as him but very respectful to higher ranking people. He melts for his lovers because it's a nice break from being on his A game all the time, romantic with his doms, but pushy with subs especially lower ranking ones (he should probably deprecate them in his internal dialogue to rationalize his behavior). He'll take what he wants by force if he has to. Flaere 1. Timid, he doesn't have enough self-worth to have a temper. Tries to do the right thing. Fundamentally a hopeful person. Complies/gives in to abuse easily because of a lack of self esteem. Actually quite bright and learns new things easily when given a chance and treated with kindness (should give him a more curious/questioning voice). 2. This one's hard, he was a runaway from the circus and raised as an orphan so I'm not really sure what his origins say about his voice. It probably doesn't veer too far in Rayce's direction or Jurei's. 3. Places himself at the bottom of the food chain, so tends to overstate the abilities/appearance of everyone else. Crumbles under abusive lovers, borderline worships the ones who are nice to him. Loves being complimented and hangs onto kind words. -> Flaere is the hardest for me because so far the way I've written him, his only defining trait is very 'oh woe is me'self-deprecation and I frankly don't think that's a great or interesting trait by itself. Gonna have to work on him. Sorry for wall of text But this is why I love talking shop with you guys; I always feel like I learn so much. I just have to make that stuff come out in the narratives ^ M. G. I want to start calling them bunny hugs now, that is a-freaking-dorable
  2. @CloverReef YOU ARE A LIFESAVER Love what you said about accents, I hadn’t even thought about that but of course, there’s always a certain risk associated with that. Of course I’m not trying to do multiple first person perspectives in one story, lol, I don’t hate myself THAT much One of my favorite authors (and the one who turned me on to FP in my own writing style) handled the whole limitation thing by switching to third person close perspectives of two other MCs to supplement the FP POV. I don’t know that I’m comfortable with doing that (although I thought he did it well for the most part) but so far I think my stories haven’t felt a need to ‘jump out’ of the MC’s head. I think the issue that I’m running into is that two of the three have somewhat subdued personalities (that shouldn’t mean boring though…) while the other has a loud one that I’m really used to writing in because he was the first. Okay, I’m actually going to copy+paste everything you just said into a doc and workshop my MCs tonight. THANK YOU!!!
  3. Yeah, I know that first-person is a very specific stylistic choice, but I’ve really grown to like it. I’ve been doing FP for four odd years now but it used to be just two characters who weren’t that different from each other, lol.
  4. *runs sobbing hysterically to the forum* So I finally got comfortable enough to expand my project set to three, and of course, because I literally hate myself, I decided to do them all in first person, like my main project. Now I’m constantly on edge because if I relax for one second, all three MCs start to sound exactly the same and THEY ARE VERY DIFFERENT PEOPLE. I really want them to sound different in their own heads. Does anyone have any advice on differentiating first person POVs? Have you had to do that before? I feel shackled by my active vocabulary and natural narrative structure!
  5. 38226
  6. Dang, forum orgy looks like fun, why did we stop doing that?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. KassX


      YAYAYAY, should we do it here or open a thread and ask everyone? I love fantasy-themed RPs, because that’s totally in my wheelhouse, but I’m down for more grounded settings too. A sexy fantasy guild might be fun, we could have elves and mages and stuff. I’m envisioning a bawdy tavern setting… Sci-fi could be good too! Setting could be an intergalactic star cruiser: think Mass Effect. Can you tell I’m excited? I’m excited. 

    3. Melrick


      My thought is to start a new thread in the Forum Orgy section to make it easier for everyone to find.  Call it something like “Orgy ideas”, or something similar.

    4. KassX


      Oh cool, I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to do that since the forum section was inactive for so long. Will def do that in the morning because I am ready to pass out, lol. 

  7. It really sounds to me like selective outrage based on the mods of the site picking and choosing what they personally find reprehensible, unless it’s for legal reasons like Desiderius mentioned. Like, I personally find Minor1 pretty bad but I wouldn’t want writers to be censored on that basis. It’s just fiction after all, and no one is actually getting hurt. Ah, that makes sense. Lol, at least we can protect our smut to some extent. I was just thinking I’d love to read a dramatic retelling of AFF’s history with the law told like a prohibition era crime drama. You guys be the smut peddlers and we’ll be the degenerates stumbling into the speakeasy
  8. No non-con? Lmao, that’s 100% of my stuff down the drain (trying not to imagine what that says about me as a person...). Why even HAVE a mature fiction site if you’re gonna moderate it like fucking Disney?
  9. That’s a really good point! I was worried that things got a little too dark or extreme in my story at times, but I’ve had readers read it and stick around, surprising even myself. I guess I’m just chained to the guidelines of other forums/communities where my more mature stories would get censored and deleted, lol. I love the freedom we have here; I feel like there’s nowhere else for this stuff.
  10. Something tells me that’s going to need a ++ for sure
  11. @Desiderius Price Oh yeah, when I’m reading I don’t even look at it; I just read the tags.
  12. You will be weeping forever, my friend.
  13. Those are CHILDREN? I thought they were like, really ugly strippers
  14. NOW you tell me?! I already started another one! THEY OUTNUMBER ME NOW-
  15. That moment when you stumble through the looking glass and discover gore hentai… *shudder* Can we reset the internet now?
  16. Just goes to show you everyone’s threshold of ‘intense’ varies! I think maybe you made the right decision on your story to be on the safe side. When something really bad happens in my fic, it’s usually for a plot reason, lol. Hey, I see you giving me the side eye over there! That one episode of Supernatural was enough vore for me for a lifetime...
  17. 38191
  18. Oooh, I see, well at least you’re prolific anyway!
  19. See, you just gotta drop whatever you’re doing and find a place to jot it down, and your family is just gonna have to deal
  20. Yeah, that one’s harder to quantify for sure but it sounds like you know what you’re doing. I agree with erring on the side of caution; it really didn’t even occur to me that I could be triggering someone inadvertently but oh welp, I guess it’s a good thing I had it at ++ in the first place! My tagging is a bit ad hoc – I typically have an idea of what kind of scenes are going to be in the story, and I try to tag in advance for them because I want everyone to be cool with that going in. I’ve had to delete some when I cancel plans for scenes (and sometimes I just outright forget why I added that tag in the first place!).
  21. Literally 99.9999% of my dragon prints are me looking for typos. 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. CloverReef


      Just realized my last comment was pretty convoluted. And this is why I need to proofread my comments more than once! lol thanks you. I love that. 

    3. Arian-Sinclair



      Your document thanks you! XD

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @KassX  To each their own on how they post.  I hope you find a better way.  My current method means I don’t have to hunt for italics, which is nice.  Still leaves the issue of getting indents (and an odd blank line) right.

  22. @BronxWench I was hoping you’d show up! Okay, I had a feeling that one scene was going to do me in which is why I mentioned it lol. I’m actually surprised to hear you say that rape is an auto ++ because I thought that was kind of par for the course around here, unless like, someone dies or something. But once you combine trigger issues, that makes more sense… I just posted one with rape that is only +, I might have to change that then.
  23. You’ve just described my worst fear as a writer in three lines, lol. I’ve jumped out of a shower before to jot down breakthroughs so I don’t lose them. Pepperidge Farm remembers… NO. Lol, jk that’s actually a good way of looking at it.
  24. Wow, I think I’m such a jealous bitch I’d rather kill my babies than let someone adopt them. You can totally quote me on that when I end up on the news someday Super impressive, and yes, I love that having multiple projects lets you work on something else for a while if one blocks you out; I’m starting to rid myself of the irrational terror of having more than one active story, haha. You guys with your 7 year hiatuses and I don’t even think I’ve held on to any single idea for that long, lol.
  25. Hey fam, hope your weekend has been LIT [/cringe] I spent some time going over the guidelines for story ratings and I have one of mine on Adult++ for the longest time now, but that’s because I always think I’m so hardcore until you guys come in like ‘lol, nah’. I’m erring towards rating it back down to Adult+ but I don’t want our awesome mods to have to ban me into the next life, so I wanna know: how do you guys know when your story has crossed the line into ‘most extreme’ and ‘darkest’ territory? I think the worst thing I have planned for mine is a forced late-term abortion (semi-graphic), but even ‘worst’ is subjective!
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