Victoria 6/30/13
Interesting observation, I'm going to leave the chapter as it is, please point out the spelling mistakes so that I can understand what you mean. From the sound of the review it would seem as though they are often throughout my fiction. I apologize if I've been missing them. Is it possible that I'm misspelling homophones? To be honest I first write the story in Microsoft word and then just copy and paste it over, so i'm not seeing the spelling errors because my document isn't showing any.
If there are one or two that's kinda normal, I mean i can live with that. But if it's impairing my audiences ability to read and appreciate the work than I DEFINITELY want to know how I'm messing up. Is it the spelling of words or rather the misuse of one word when I meant another? Please be a bit more specific, I definitely do that on occasion and while I read the chapters fully before I post them. I'm prone to make mistakes.
Unfortunately I will not be using a beta for any of my writing, so if there are any future problems of this nature please leave me examples so that i can improve on them in the future.
I anxiously await your reply, thank you for your review!
P.S. I really totally mean this lol! I want to know everythingI do wrong 100% so that I do better in the future! Also I aim to please haha, I'll keep trying to update as soon as possible!!