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Eris Night

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Everything posted by Eris Night

  1. Anon 6/13/13 You know, you are probably right. The great thing about the Weasley's is that they were a family through and through and humble about their awesomeness. That being said, I've never read a fiction where the Weasley's were anywhere else but the Burrow and while that is canon, I like to take creative liberties with certain aspects. Considering in the movies the Death Eaters blew up the Burrow (not cannon, i know) I went from that and had the ministry build them a new one... But considering it wasn't the home they were used to, and Ron was freshly in his hero glory days, he managed to convince them that they needed something bigger and grander! With help from his sisters as well. I assure you the Weasley manor has the same touches of home we could expect from the Burrow but more! But thank you!! As I was writing it, I was thinking "I wonder if i can get away with moving the Weasley's" haha!!
  2. Moodysavage 6/12/13: Yay! My first review!! You have no idea how much I victory danced when I saw this! Despite the fact that i'll still upload even if I don't receive any, I still absolutely loved your review! Honestly my motivation was when I read the epilogue and was forced to watch it in DH part 2, all I could think was "Ugh Hermione is wasted on Ron" and so ever since then I've always been pairing her with everyone else lol! So of course HELL YEAH she needs to dump him! And we'll get to that in the later chapters! Also I do have something special for Harry as well Just because it's a Dramione doesn't mean my other characters won't have fun ;} Also I totally know what you mean about those crisis words haha, I literally cringe normally as well, but i'm telling you. When i'm writing in Draco's POV they just flow with whatever he's thinking and so pardon me haha. It will probably get WAY worse before it gets better if Draco is allowed to have what... (or shall i say who) he wants! He's my Slytherin Sex God!
  3. Too Excited For Words!

  4. Hello! I've just discovered that we can reply to reviews in the forum and discuss the story! Here i'll be posting spoilers for the up and coming chapters. Replying to the reviews I receive (Thank you so much BTW!) and pretty much discussing the work as we go along! The first things that I would like to say is : Thank you for reading the story:) You have NO idea how cool it is to see your work get to 1000 hits in the matter of 3 or 4 days! I find that I'm loving the way this site is set up and will probably continue to publish fan fictions here. A Match Made In Convenience has the structure for 15 chapters already, and while I'm only on chapter 8, I am thoroughly enjoying the ride. I wasn't kidding when I said it was a slower paced story haha, I don't think it would be realistic if they suddenly just went at it. But I can say this! By the time we've laid the foreground for the rest of the story. You WILL NOT be dissapointed! (Or well I hope not anyway). Ok so ground rules: I value EVERYONE'S opinions, negative and positive. It's the only way I'm going to grow as an author but flaming and spamming will not be replied to or tolerated. It's ok if you don't like the story or how the pace is going. Be honest! But please do it in a way that is respectful to me and everyone else who is sharing their opinion. So without further ado let's talk about this!
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