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Eris Night

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Everything posted by Eris Night

  1. Reading a lot of different fan fictions in different fandoms other than HP and man, I HATE the authors who guilt trip readers into reviewing!

  2. Marque1 8/22/12 Of course Hermione will lol nothing is ever easy between the two of them but it wont be too drawn out lol. They have to find someone to marry at the end of the next month. But trouble is Ron is being so damn sincere as of late... what's going on with that lol. That may cause some issues! I'm so glad you like it!! It makes me feel all warm inside to read reviews like yours! It's so nice to have people make it to 22 and want more! I'm working on 23 all night tonight! Thank you for reviewing!! EEvans 8/22/13 Haha I know right! Oh well we all can use a few cliffy's here and there to liven things up and keep my lovely readers coming back for more ;P Thank you for your review!!
  3. HarryGinny4eva 8/22/13 OMG lol, it's reviews like yours that make me want to spend all my time writing lol! It's incredibly funny and such an honor for you to be huddled in your bathroom when you have guests over reading my chapter lol! And I'm so incredibly happy you came back and took the time to tell me lol! That is the funniest thing ever and I probably would have done the same haha! No shame:) Fanfiction is awesome! The oath has steadily been coming more into play as Harry and Draco actually acknowledge the effect of it and stop brushing everything off as "quirks". Truth be told its all been happening for a while, our characters just have actually paid attention to it now:) I really like it as well but Draco being taken down a notch was necessary and Harry needed a little boost lol:) Draco facing his fear will force him to stop this nonchalant attitude that he's been sporting when dealing with Hermione. We ALL can clearly see that he's in love with her, they both know it but it's quite literally his own character flaws and insecurities holding them back. At least with Harry being there with a bit of Draco's own flair, he's able to talk to Draco in a way that's effective. Which all lead to our lovely Malfoy's impromptu proposal:) If Draco had just gotten with Hermione before this then he might not have realized just how much he cared and probably would have screwed it up. But with seeing her almost die and now the possibility of Ron taking her away. He's all in:) So the Valiant have done something good at least! As for Hermione... well as we can see she's progressing into an incredibly strong and self assured woman. Draco helped her with it by showing her how incredibly lovely she was and so we'll just have to wait and see how she reacts to his proposal:) Of course I already know lol but I don't want to spoil it. However you already know nothing has ever come easy for this pair which has ultimately made their moments all the more special! Good news is that this is a Dramione lol:) Also I'M SO GLAD TO BE BACK LOL! i LOVE WRITING THIS WORK! Until next time! Eris!!
  4. VivicaKinsey 8/21/13 While I appreciate the time you took to (what I'm assuming was) rewrite the chapter as you saw fit. Please understand that I deleted your review because you are not beta nor author of this work. While that sounds incredibly bitchy (And I swear its not supposed to), I really am the kind of author that doesn't change my work regardless of what others may think. To be fair (because you took the time in changing the chapter around and posting it) I did read the majority but some of your vocabulary is cringe worthy and I use words like quim because vagina takes the reader out of the mood I'm trying to set. Vagina is far too technical and the word quim suggests a certain adoration that the male has for that particular woman. Some of your changes made the flow jarring or completely ruined the feel of the sentiment I was trying to convey. I'm sorry but I saw absolutely no merit in what you were kind enough to share with me and the review itself took far too much space on my review wall. There will be no further debate or discussion on this particular topic. This is my work and I write it the way I see fit. If it's just that bad for you to the point where you feel the need to rewrite it then please stop reading and if you continue to enjoy this fiction then please refrain from even bothering to rewrite the chapter because I will not respect it nor read it. I apologize if you were trying to help me and be constructive but I do not let others influence my work in the way that you were suggesting. But aside from all that thank you for reading it thus far:) Eris:)
  5. Luminari Lilium 8/21/13 Lol it's all for a reason! There was meant to be contrast between Draco's and Ron's proposals but Draco is much more sincere:) I'd say we should commend him on finally asking her! Now it's Hermione's turn to not mess this up:) Thank you for your review lol! I laughed for like a minute straight! Eris:)
  6. Draconis 8/21/13 Lol:) I didn't think you'd guys like the cliffy very much! But I'm glad you liked it! It was a more Draco centric chapter! He's getting his stuff together:) Our Dramione-ness is coming into fruition!
  7. Discord The Lunatic 8/21/13 I'm really glad you think so:) Cliff hangers are usually brutal but I'm glad that you appreciate them! I'm writing 23 now and having quite the fun time of it:) Thank you for your continued support and sticking with the story! I really appreciate it:)
  8. Tiachutis 8/21/13 Lol no everything in the chapter was her only encounters with Ron. She said she would think about it but she didn't say Yes to him. And Lol the point of Draco's reaction is that it's perfect because its all he can get out without breaking down and telling her everything he wants. Ron can have the embellished proposal in comparison because he needs to, its an act and he's not sincere. He wants Hermione but its only because he feels as though she's his. Draco on the other hand is about one step away from confessing absolutely everything to Hermione and just taking her. He's very territorial and possessive and he's not as controlled when it comes to her as he wants to be. Just you wait lol! Just you wait! When they finally have it all together Draco will make up for his proposal:) I'm excited about Chapter 23 and all the rest to come lol:) Dramioneness is finally here:)
  9. Aranel 8/21/13 ROFL! God I know right! The power struggle between Draco and Harry having sex while a bit of their personalities are leaking into one another would be phenomenal. I love how they've really worked things out between them. Also yes lol! The shower scene as specifically for you ! I figured "what better way to get them together?" lol and it worked out perfectly!! But I get SOO excited when a reader understands exactly what I was getting at. Harry lost everything he loved when he was younger so as an adult he loves even harder because of it! The next treat is definitely the threesome lol, but I can't even fathom an opportunity to include it haha, so it'll just be a one shot:) And Muahaha! Hermione is definitely liable to Granger it up haha but it will not go past chapter 23:) The Valiant is definitely in the mix of everything! How exactly will be the surprise though:) And Aw lol Ron is still unbearable annoying and possessive but his proposal was sweet lol:) Lol I adore you as well haha! I love your reviews! Until next time:) Eris
  10. Draconian 8/21/13 Lol I know! It seems kind of cruel to have a cliffy considering there was a temporary hiatus lol but it couldn't be helped:) and I know right! Draco is such an endearing man and even though he's struggling with his feelings by the end of chapter 22 he's dead set on what he wants:) Granted it won't be easy but it's pretty much there:) Good news is that Hermione isn't letting anyone treat her poorly anymore so we don't have to worry about Ron! Also the Valiant is going to come back in full force! Just you wait:) Eris! PS thank you!!
  11. MargeW76 8/18/13 I just saw this review:) For some reason it didn't get sent to my email but thank you! The new chapter is up! I don't know if you saw it yet but all the questions you asked were answered! If you have anymore please ask:) !
  12. Draconian 8/19/13 I was a little late with the update but its there now and I'm working on chapter 23! Thank you for being so patient and kind while I finished up my summer class! I hope you like Chapter 22:)
  13. Oh yes! Can't wait to finish chapter 21!!!

  14. Attention All!! I'm BACK!!! The AMMIC summer course Hiatus is over and I am officially 100% back on board with writing! Thank you for your patience while I do my best to graduate in the fall haha:) I'll be working on the story for the rest of today and all day tomorrow so look for a late night update on Monday or by Tuesday afternoon latest:) Eris
  15. Brioche 8/14/13 I know the feeling lol! I'm like constantly waiting for Daylight myself these days:) The updating has been pretty steady on my part lol until this last stretch with school but I'll try my best haha:) I wish I could update daily but with 10000 word chapters reviewing is a major pain lol:) So hang in there it will all be worth it! The government tends to always make dumb choices and over react an that is what I wanted to express with that marriage law passing. If they react this poorly now, imagine how bad they'll get when stuff hits the fans in later chapters. Now that my class is over i'll be writing all day today and tomorrow so look for an update soon:)! Thank you for reviewing!
  16. Kthrnlxndr 8/13/13 Ah thank you for your review! I try to re-read these chapters over and over again before posting and i still find small mistakes but its gratifying for someone to acknowledge that the grammar and spelling at at par:) And I know right! My biggest thing is that I wanted them to have a slow transition into loving each other and now that we've gotten there chapter 22 can be a fun one! Life is a bit hectic now and the next update may take a bit but once im done with school we'll have our normal updates again!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Eris:)
  17. Not gonna lie, "Skimming" fan fiction is a pet peeve of mine. These authors put their heart and soul into their work and everything counts! Read the work fully lol

  18. MoodySavage 8/12/13 I'm glad you liked it!! *Does happy dance* It was meant to be a total turning point in the story and now we can have some fun! Draco's and Hermione's relationship will take a turn now and I think it will be adorable to get consistent adorable Dramione moments from them. Also very astute! Draco is all about Hermione and he is not a hero. He doesn't rush blindly to save the day and he usually leaves others he loves to take care of themselves because he has faith in their ability. He did NOT want to leave Hermione's side, but the oath is definitely what pulled him back to Harry. That will be revealed next chapter lol but you're very observant! And yes:) There's not viable reason for Hermione to be hesitant after that:)
  19. Darleen 8/12/13 First, thank you for reading and taking your time to review:) I appreciate it and especially love those that have challenging viewpoints because it gives me a chance to discuss this work on a different level. But your's is the first review I have to say that I disagree wholeheartedly with. Not because its my own work, or because some would see it as a negative review, (I promise I don't are about negative opinions, I value every single thought shared and I've been able to successfully clear somethings up for my readers.) but because from your few sentences it's clear that you've missed alot of the depth of this work. The only thing that comes to mind right now is that I warned you that this is "not your usual Dramione". There are thousands of cookie cutter stories on this site under the Dramione section with authors who follow the same patterns for Draco and Hermione falling in love. If you wanted: Draco is an ass, or evil or Hermione is a prude or a smart ass bookworm and somehow they overcome their differences and fall in love, or their attractions brings them together even though Draco treats her like shit. Or they are in school together and their animosity turns into love...Or my personal favorite Draco is some poor super tortured soul and Hermione saves him. Then this is shamelessly not the story for you, but it's not gonna get better and you're totally doing a disservice to the 10000 word chapters, I've shared when you skim them. This isn't a straightforward stories, themes and plot points get revisited and you really have to read the chapters in order to know whats going on. Everything is written for a reason, I haven't added anything unnecessary or useless for the plot as a whole. Also, this is a Dramione, period. The only reason why I included Luna and Harry is because some of my earlier reviewers had expressed an interest in seeing them. But those two characters are backdrops on the Dramione focus of this piece. So at the point in which you are skimming a Dramione for the Luna/Harry portions, it is clearly time to throw in the towel and visit the Luna/Harry section of this website lol. I'm not offended by that, it's just easier than being frustrated with a work you don't understand or can appreciate. I've quit works before and as an author I know that it's impossible for me to connect with every reader. Considering that for 150 reviews this is the first outright negative one lol, I'll take those odds:) That being said, maybe I can touch upon some of the points in your review before you move on to other and equally as amazing fictions that thank Merlin people are sharing:) Whether AMMIC was too slow or frustrating for you, I will honestly say that there is nothing that I would have or will change in the future. The path this story is on WONT change and I can guarantee that you will only be more irritated that it's not going the way you prefer because I continue to stun and shock my readers with the direction I take this piece. The reason why Draco and Hermione's relationship is irritating and angsty is clear. Life isn't always a picnic and its ridiculous for every fan fiction to cater to that "oh they get together so easily" trend. People have misunderstandings and missed connections all the time. People make assumptions and are insecure. Hermione isn't just gonna be like "oh he paid attention to me we're getting married". She's so NOT OCC that her big brainy mind immediately had her thinking too much and ruined that easy chapter 16 'they got together" that most authors probably would have gone for. But not AMMIC, it isn't typical, the readers as well as the characters have to wait for this happy ending and it will be all the more amazing because of that struggle. This is not a short story. This work is dense, chock full of obvious and hidden meanings. There are clear themes in this work as well as subtle ones and everything is following the status quo. Every sentence and paragraph have meaning to the plot as a whole. These characters were defined early and have grown along the most reasonable paths that they possibly could. Each struggle has made them wiser/stronger and more willing to take a chance in the future and in the last few chapters we've gotten to the chance taking times. If by chapter 20 you thought Hermione trying to gather Draco's attention by being Mia was immature, you've missed her growth as a character. The Hermione we started out with was weak, being taken advantage by Ron and crying to herself at night about it. That Hermione ran away from England because she needed to find herself after the war. That Hermione transformed into someone who sticks up for herself and realized her own self worth. She was a little shy and tentative because being a junior go-getter was new for her. But from Ron's treatment of her in comparison to that of Draco, Hermione blossomed. Now Chapter 20 after time of not dealing with Ron's shenanigans, being found attractive by other men and over all feeling bad ass, she decided to go on the offensive and try to capture Draco's attention, the guy she likes. This progression has been super clear the entire time, the angsty setbacks that have irritated you were necessary for the development of their relationship as a whole. (I could go on and use more specifics but that would be a chapter by chapter analysis and take forever. The point is that these are not and haven't been static characters) Not to mention, Hermione is 23 and has limited experience with men and sex. I'm 22 and can totally see myself taking advantage of a masquerade ball like that. Having on a mask gives you courage to be who you want to be. That's not immature, that's the human psyche at it's most basic level. The desire to have what we want and the lengths we'll go to achieve it. But beside all of that, you take issue with the immaturity of a girl that skipped her entire teenage years to fight a war? Draco said it (why couldn't we have done this when we were teens, so that i would know how to deal with love now.) (that which was included for a reason, to highlight how much they missed out on) Luna even acknowledged the importance of having something like a ball, they are reclaiming their youth and to be youthful is often to be immature and make mistakes. These characters are young and are learning the lessons they missed out as teens. That has been a defined point for at least the last 5 chapters. But all of that aside, at the base level, there is nothing about Hermione's development that doesn't make her plan unrealistic. Even her reaction to Draco that night. She just worked hard all night at being like the women she sees him bring home and so when he STILL denies her, then that would be a blow to anyone's pride. That's just life. So question: How is she silly? Furthermore, what Hermione are you comparing her to? Her misjudgments have all been love/boy related. She's got everything else under control. But its kinda unrealistic for you to expect her to know how to handle boys and her heart. Somethings you can't read in a book. All I can say for this point unfortunately, is that you've missed their characterizations. I apologize that they haven't been overtly obvious but that's not my writing style. I want to leave room for my readers to infer and imagine with this work and so I don't spell everything out. The same goes for Draco, he's a virile 22 year old damn near close to nympho man. He just found out the girl he loves was the mysterious woman he couldn't take his eyes off all night and she asked him to "make love to her" (typical Hermione fashion btw). Their chemistry has been evident for all 20 chapters to the point where one of my lovely reviewers even called it repetitive. He even acknowledges that for the first time he wanted to do it properly but they are both far gone at that point... and THAT my dear Darleen, is called passion. Also FYI Draco doesn't know that she's a 23 year old virgin. That's quite an impossibility considering his lifestyle, he said it in the chapter. Nothing would stop him from having her and they would work out the details later. Hermione has had ample chance to tell him and she told him to do her, what more invitation does he need? It would have been OCC for him to be like "no, I'm a Gryffindor all of a sudden, I don't take what I want." I mean you've got to have just wanted someone so incredibly bad that you've had sex in random places or have done it despite your best intentions? We've had 20 chapters of UST lol, it is time for some action! They have denied themselves and fucked it up long enough. (fuck ups which are also reasonable considering our character's personalities clearly defined in the work.) Something that was also noted... momentum. This story started up slow and then sped up and will continue to speed up until the very end. At the conclusion of 21 where we finally got our Dramione pair to realize they love each other, the bad guys appeared and the marriage law was introduced... how have we lost momentum? This chapter alone gave us more than any other chapter written. We got sex, fun, danger, angst, revelations and major plot points were introduced. What would you have had me skimp on? What interactions should I have taken out? Everything is necessary for the longevity of the work as a whole. I just don't understand that and don't know how to explain what I don't understand. This story is building chapter 21 more so that others and its pretty darn obvious lol. Finally the warnings are accurate. (Weasley Bashing is the only one I missed and that's not a real warning in my opinion so I didn't think about it, that's just people needing to keep their personal preferences separate from fan fiction. You don't see "Malfoy Bashing" when Draco is still a dick 10 years later after the war in Cannon Harry/Ginny or Hermione/Ron stories.) Considering I've written so much already and have work to finish I'll simply say that these characters are clearly not OCC, they've kept the basic character traits from cannon that help my readers identify with them. Hermione is still loyal and intelligent, Draco is still sarcastic, witty and loyal to his family. The list goes on, the list of traits that can be compared to cannon easily. Just because you might not understand the characters or more importantly not like how they are getting together does not denote OCC... It is unrealistic to expect Hermione to be like "Love, a chemical imbalance in the brain. I love Draco, let me learn how to do it from a book". The warnings are and have been accurate, also considering that there are NO cannon works to depict these characters at this age and the epilogue skips 19 years, OCC at this point really extends into the realm of opinion, an opinion in which belongs to the author. Hermione isn't an unreliable crybaby whore and Draco isn't a saint, the characterizations of AMMIC are reasonable, if not lovable and they are only going to get better once Draco and Hermione get together considering they bring out the best in each other. Now whether you've read all that or skimmed it, I hope I was able to clarify certain points. Whether you stick with it or quit reading. I do NOT intend to sound rude or bitchy. I feel quite level at this point really, and enjoy digging deeper and explaining my thoughts. However I will admit that when readers don't read the work fully, or skim it or have reservations about things that are explained in the work, that is quite exasperating considering all the time and effort I put into each chapter. I truly hope you find something more to your liking on this awesome site or take the time to fully digest AMMIC before going ahead when chapter 22 is posted anything less would be a crime at this point lol. Thank you for your thoughts and for reading thus far. Maybe you'll like my next work better! Eris:)
  20. Kit 7/12/13 I tried to be subtle with the drinks and the crows lol. I mean they were dead giveaways but I bet no one could figure out what they would be used for:) Also their entire relationship has been interrupted by something haha, I contemplated consummation but there were some things I wanted to stick to, so Damn it all The Valient chose to attack right then and there! They'll have their moment:) A lot of heavy stuff went down and Draco knows how Hermione feels, so what could possibly hold them back? *evil smirk* Muahahaha The balcony think was luck, realistically the point I was trying to make was that Hermione saved his night twice that night as will be explained in the next chapter during their dialogue:) As for the minister, the marriage law and everything else, those are answers you'll have to wait for:) I absolutely adored your review and cannot wait to see if you like whats in store! I'm just as excited and love the Drama too as you can clearly tell!! Eris:)
  21. HarryGinny4eva 7/12/13 I know... I face palmed as I re-read it, (i write the chapters, edit them and then read them as though I'm the reader lol) and I was just like REALLY?? Elphias is old, yes... and he was friends with Dumbledore... yes but you can't listen to him and take his suggestion just cuz you were attacked!! I mean yes The Valiant, has rather invasive methods and plans for "freeing" the society. But they don't know HOW to stop them, its too early as of yet. I'm glad you like the spells/potions for this chapter. I've got some pretty gruesome things up my sleeves and basically yes lol Hermione is ok... but how crazy would it be if she weren't ... PLOT TWIST! Lol... no i wont do that to you guys. As for everything else, you'll just have to wait and see:) I'm got some good Dramione moments coming!
  22. Tiachutis 7/12/13 You have single handedly guilt tripped me into not having Hermione have amnesia when she wakes lol. That WAS the plan considering i focused on her head injury lol, but FINE i guess I wont drag all of it out any longer lol! I'll think of some other way to torture them:) No but seriously lol, that was the plan. I hope you like next chapter lol. I love to spoil my readers when i can haha!
  23. Aranel 7/12/13 Lol I seriously cheer when i see a review from you:) Ron maybe a loser lol but he's still a hero and I don't think his characterization would have led to him fleeing, same with Blaise and the other characters for our fic. Ron would have relished in another chance to be a hero and Blaise would have been too busy looking for the people he cares about. It hasn't been my experience that you can tell a girl is a virgin that easily lol, and he was nudging it so while she's tight, that could just be because she's not a whore and has been out of a relationship lol. I don't know lol, Draco didn't pick up on her Virgin status, the fact he knows she loves him is the big revelation of the chapter! The minister is something else lol and Dark Magic is never good but who knows! We'll see whats in store for him! You are the only person who understands my disdane for Hermione's "I'm gonna save everyone attitude"! I'm not sorry she got hurt! She needed to lol, its the only way that I Eris the author could have survived writing that scene... having her run around and muck it up would have killed me lol... No better off she gets hurt and Draco realizes he cant live without her and getting them one step closer to where we need them to be lol:) And yes, very illogical. Did you see her thoughts last chapter? She was all over the place lol, they just need to get together and get over it lol:)
  24. Draconian 8/11/13 Lol I'll do my best! I really want to ace my class as well and then the updates will keep steady going.I'm really REALLY excited that you like this work and have stuck with it! It's got a whole more story left to go! Also I swear i was like borderline blushing while writing haha just imagining Draco and Hermione lol, I was just like omg so sexy haha! I can't wait until they start having sex everywhere!! Thankyou for your lovely review! Eris:) Luminari Lilium 7/11/13 Lol, I can live with a wow haha, That is the perfect summation of the chapter ;} Buttercup 7/12/13 WOO!! that's awesome to hear!! It's so lame that i've got this classwork to finish, all I want to do is write!!! Lol I can't wait to post whats coming next!
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