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Kurahieiritr last won the day on January 26 2015

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  1. Well, been a while since I was able to get on here. Life is an inn for the imp of perverse meets Murphey’s law. Think I need a vacation from life these days.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kurahieiritr


      I really wish it would. Doug committed Suicide with a sawed off shotgun this week. Helping his wife clean up is going to be gut churning. I’m so tired of this unpleasant suicide habit happening around me. It’s a sign that America’s going to shit hardcore no matter what the Wall street number crunchers keep yapping.

    3. JayDee


      Jesus, fuck, that’s some shit to deal with. I feel for you.

    4. Kurahieiritr


      Thanks, and I know it better than most. Trump’s America is mostly part time jobs and not much else. Most families are a single paycheck away from losing their homes and all sorts of crap. 2019 is a freaking nightmare for most people I know. 15 hour work weeks don’t work for people. Only for pathological lying government morons.


  2. Welcome to all newcomers. Hope you all enjoy your stay and get to share loads of writing with the rest of us. At least when those of us with hectic lives can actually get an evening to read and romp through the archives. :sweat drop: It’s been forever since I last got to read or write anything. But, Ill get around to visiting one of these evenings and do some serious catch up.
  3. I am so tired of looking for an editor who understands editing is not idea tossing! As if Wes and I don’t have a plethora of ideas already? We need someone who can tell the difference between showing and telling content, or lecturing paragraphs, not someone to take over the 100 plus chapters we need to get fixed and posted for fuck’s sake!

  4. Oh wow. I thought people were not interested in this series any longer due to a lack of feedback. Sorry about that. I honestly assumed the silence from everyone meant they left, so I shelved it due to thinking people went on to other stories and shows.
  5. So darned busy still. Hope Everyone has a lovely Labor Day Holiday that celebrates it.

  6. Thank you to those who have read the series. I must admit to being surprised this is the case.
  7. My friend had knee replacement surgery, and we finally got the Jeep windshield replaced. Making progress is a good feeling. My friend’s finally on the mend and won’t be confined to a walker much longer.  For all the craziness in life, I’m feeling pretty good about the last couple of weeks now that they are done. Now to focus on the next thing on the must do list.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      That’s wonderful news about your friend! And hooray to replacing the windshield.

      It’s funny how the to-do list never gets shorter, though, isn’t it? But we persist! :hug:

    3. Kurahieiritr


      @CloverReef  Musk things he can get us there in 100 years so maybe you’ll live long enough to see it since he’s leading a group of eccentric Billionaires in the charge for space since Governments have turned on science of late.

    4. Kurahieiritr


      GeorgeGlass: Yes things are looking good for  now.

      Bronx, I know the honey do list never ends . . . LMAO, Fix one thing and the next thing breaks. But it is nice to finally get a couple super major expensive repairs out of the way do\\for a while. Hehehe. Now I can go back to all the cheap fix stuff I been ignoring. :)

  8. So happy you have been able to get things rolling with this publication too. It’s an awesome story, and I’m so glad you are getting it shared again.
  9. My main computer died. Am stuck with the net hating backup dino until I can get the new machine into the shop and running again. oh well, at least I still have a computer for all the beta/editing stuff I do on the side.

    1. BronxWench


      Ugh, that is the WORST feeling in the world. I have a generally lobotomized laptop I can use if my computer acts up, but it’s sooo slow, and I can barely even write, let alone do anything else on it. I had to use it when my hard drive died earlier this year, until I could run out and get a new hard drive, replace the dead one, reinstall Windows 10 and all its updates, and then migrate all my data over from the old drive, which was readable still if I slaved it to the new drive. :bash:  A week of my life fixing that mess… Note to self: do not buy a computer with a Seagate hard drive. Pay to upgrade to a good Western Digital.

    2. Kurahieiritr


      I hear you, and understand all about crap hard drives.  People give me the side eye for not buying a computer at all unless I know the hard drive company involved.  Frustrating as it is,  I do get a couple messages answered average before I’m kicked off line. Get back on and repeat.  The machine is really cramping my ability as a beta. I have to reboot the email program 5 times to get a meaty message to the writer. :( Still have some connection so I’m not going to bitch too much in the end. Though I am super frustrated at the speed problems.

  10. Congratulations. So happy for you. You deserve to have your books fawned over for a long time to come. :)
  11. Exactly my thought. Plot should dictate when and where smut is added so that an emotional investment carries to the reader. Then again, writing smut also depends on the audience that a writer wants to attract. I know many readers only want plot what plot gratuitous sex. I’m not one of them. When I get the chance to read fan fiction, or any kind of non work related stuff, I want something to help me escape the stress, and PWP sex won’t do. Some people feel the opposite, so that’s why audience does matter when it comes to how much sex is added to a story. Others feel the exact opposite of myself and want no emotional involvement, just pornographic fap material for their fantasies. Both styles are fine, but it does make a difference in the kind of readers that will congregate to a story. In my reading experience, a smut scene happening out of the blue without fitting an emotion or plot is jarring. Tosses me right out of the story because I like deeper and meaningful tales. The main reason is that I feel no investment in the characters hopping into bed with each other because it seems to have zero reason to be happening. Not even if I adore the show or books that the story is based loosely off of because of a fan driven love for a pairing that I can actually relate to being reasonable or even preferable. Again, I am a reader that needs the context of emotion to make the smut feel realistic. A lot of folks are unlike myself. Some folks want zero emotional investment in what they are reading. If I cannot feel connected to the characters, then I really cannot read the smut without yawning. I need immersion in one specific character’s head and heart to enjoy smut personally. If I cannot be on their shoulder and seeing their emotional responses, it feels like I’m reading yet another Psychology study on the latest findings for SE Table work in helping to alleviate anxiety attacks. Instead of titillation, the smut feels like dry and uninteresting case studies for me. However, I adore reading plots which evolve character relationships into the deep emotional connection that makes the sex feel meaningful. When you consider how mechanical sex can start to feel if there is no real context/reason for it happening, having the emotional and mental cues added can take an otherwise dull feeling scene and make it sparkle. It conveys emotions and that is what sucks me in as a reader. Doesn’t matter if it is angry make up sex, or seduction engineered to bring the object of one’s fantasies to their knees, so long as there is the sense of genuine emotions, I’m going to be sucked into the scene and adore it. A lot of plot what plot type gratuitous work feels too shallow to me when I do get a bit of time to do any reading. Since so much fan fiction is about character emotions and evolution foremost, (see tags like angst, hurt/comfort/romance/unresolved sexual tension) it only makes sense to match the sex to the evolution of the characters emotional attachment to me. So the amount of sex added should fit the readers that you enjoy writing for the most. If you like raunchy PWP, then by all means write a lot of it. If you want readers to be invested in the sexuality of your characters, create a plot and let it dictate where the best emotional driven sex fests happen.
  12. Hope all the moms on here had a Happy Mother’s day yesterday. One of the kids I helped raise nabbed me for a Sushi Meal yesterday. Was great to spend time with her, since I hadn’t in 6 month. Really miss some of my heart adopted kids. They all grew up and got busy in their own lives.

    1. BronxWench


      I’m glad you had a wonderful day! :D :hug:

      I had lunch with my son—we’d done the dinner thing a week early because crowds. But it was lovely to spend the afternoon with him, because his take on life is refreshingly different. :D

    2. Kurahieiritr


      Wonderful to hear that you got to have a lovely meal with your boy. How’s he doing? How’s your daughter too? Are they doing well?

  13. Good grief! Thank all that’s sacred for 2017 being over and done! I’m so freaking exhausted mentally, emotionally, and even physically after that insanity of a year!

    1. BronxWench



      2017 is a year I’m glad to have behind me. The gods know it was a disaster from start to finish.

    2. Kurahieiritr


      Could not agree more if I tried. Reminds me of the Native American theory about the Age of Chaos where the world undergoes a massive shift that causes a lot of folks major grief and headaches. It’s part of the full Black Snake Prophesy stuff. The Age of Chaos is the make or break point for all life on land. So not a pleasant thought.

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Yeah, 2017 made 2016 look like 2015. :)

  14. I know. Makes me realize that I’m getting too freaking old. The thought of half the stuff I loved as a kid being complete unknowns to younger people these days happens to be a constant heartbreak for me too. Times are changing I suppose, and brilliance in art has shifted with the turning tides. But, it was still a lot of fun to read as Dr. Who got drug into the mix and so forth. A very fun type of comic strip that I hope will remain with all of us for a long time to come.
  15. You have an interesting context offered which means it would be far more entertaining than the by rote nit picked nuances of how many ruffles or darts are in the skirt someone is putting on that I was talking about from my own side of the debate. Not saying that a section on clothing can’t be entertaining to read if it is showcased through actions, and the obvious desire to not get dressed as you are describing here. Still, my experience is that if the actions, and motivations are not there, and the clothing is so focused upon and detailed that I for one want to puke long before the descriptions end, it is time to find a new story to read. Too much detail is as mind numbing as too little detail in many cases. Blank space and over defined alike tend to force the reader into a numb state of destroyed mental image production. When that happens, the reading can become as unpleasant and tedious as looking through a government written how to manual for doing your tax returns for crying out loud.
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