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Merula Aeolus

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Everything posted by Merula Aeolus

  1. Thank you everyone for your recommendations. For some reason, I didn't get a notice that I received any. To Gertrude Flint - yes, that is the story! Thank you. And I will definitely check out all of those stories! Thanks!
  2. Title: Untitled Challenger: Merula Aeolus Contact Challenger: merula.aeolus@gmail.com Fandoms: Fate/Zero x Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works Crossover Length: Multi-chaptered (50,000+ Words) (Preferably long Chapters - Slow Moving) Posting: Post on Adult Fan Fiction and on Archive of Our Own Genres: Suspense/Mystery/Horror/Romance/Adventure-Action/Crime/Drama/Humor Warnings: Slash-Yaoi-Shonen-ai (Homosexual Romance), Het (Heterosexual Romance), Sexual Content (Heterosexual Intercourse, Homosexual Intercourse (Anal Sex), Male and Female Masturbation, Possible Threesomes and More, Possible Double Penetration, hand jobs, fingering, fisting, rimming and oral sex), Possible Male Pregnancy (Mpreg - only Archer), Violence (Blood and Gore), Adult Language (Sexual and Explicit), Alternative-Reality, Time Travel via Summoning, Out of Character, Does not Follow Canon Events (can follow loosely or not at all), can have Original Characters (OC(s)), Powerful-Genius Archer (Emiya) Main Pairing Options: Emiya Kiritsugu/Archer (Emiya) or Emiya Kiritsugu/Tohsaka Tokiomi/Archer (Emiya) Past Pairings: Emiya Kiritsugu (Widow)/Irisviel von Einzbern (Deceased), Matou Shinji/Emiya Shurou (Broke-up - before events of Fate/Stay Night), and Tohsaka Tokiomi (Widow)/Tohsaka Aoi (Deceased)... Summary: Yaoi. Het. AR - Travel. OOC. OC(s). In an alternative reality, recently widowed Emiya Kiritsugu is selected as a Master of the Fourth Holy Grail War, he reluctantly agrees to represent the Einzbern bloodline to protect his daughter, Illyasviel von Einzbern. Nine years pass, after years of studying Mage Craft, Kiritsugu is prepared to summon the most powerful of all servants - Saber, King Arthur. However, his summons does not go to plan and while he does summon the most powerful Servant, he is unaware of it. What he gets it a cocky, free-spirited and irritating Archer, who refuses to tell him his name. The war is about to start and Kiritsugu is prepared. Now if only he could get the infuriating impulse to pin his servant to any surface and fuck the man to death, out of his head, then all would be good. Must Include: 1. Remember Archer is a warrior-spirit and although he should 'mostly bottom', that does not make him effeminate in behavior or appearance. He is a MAN. He should at first freak out when his alternative Reality's father-figure starts making moves on him, he should blush, stutter and utterly lose his cool. 2. Archer must be much more powerful than depicted by Canon materials. His abilities should include - Magic Resistance, Presence Concealment, Independent Action (A+), Clairvoyance, Eye of the Mind, Familiar, Instinct, Knowledge of Respect and Harmony, Mage Craft, Prana Burst Flames, Presence Detection, Rune Magic, Sphere of Boundary and Projection. He should have more than just "Unlimited Blade Works" and his reality Marble as a noble Phantasm. Please refer to Type-Moon Wiki - which contains all these skills descriptions and various others. Archer will be a mix between an Archer and Assassin in skills. 3. Please create your own Heroic Spirits from established mythology, feel free to change the number of Masters, exercise your rights as a fan fiction author and create new events and drama...etc. Please, I beg that you make other characters put up a fight for Archer and do not get barreled over by him completely. AND enjoy! PS: Absolutely NO pedophilia
  3. SPOILERS Hey... Looking for Crossovers between Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works, I've run into four of them on fan fiction dot net. Has anyone found any others? I like when EMIYA/Archer is thrown into the past - Fate/Zero via summons. I like Slash, can handle some Het (No Harems) and Gen. Also wondering... has anyone written a Kiritsugu/Archer (Emiya) story? Despite the obvious theoretical-incest that would be an interesting plot.... I'd love to see Archer freaking out when Kiritsugu puts a move on him (at first). I'd be happy to co-author or just throw ideas around.... Now, I am going to wander over to the challenges section and enjoy posting this as a challenge!
  4. Alright, this is the gist of what I remember - it is Sephiroth/Cloud, but there is also a scene where Reno takes Cloud in the shower. Reno is a cadet at this time. I think it might also include Cloud exercising in the bathroom on the stalls - curls, hanging-sit ups...etc., but that might be a different story... I think it is ion fan fiction dot net, but I am not sure. Please leave a message if you know this one?
  5. Can anyone recommend multi-chaptered stories in which Naruto is female and dies to become a Hollow either as her own new character or as another female bleach character? I am looking on fanfiction.net, but there are not many of them. Preferably she returns to the Ninja world, but if not that is okay. I will be working on my own version of this theme eventually. Thanks, Merula Aeolus
  6. Added my future fan fiction stories... even if you have no interest in contributing to the website, please take a list of these Fandoms and Story titles and tell me which ones interest you the most!
  7. Dear Fan Fiction Authors, Artists and Betas, I am creating a small website in a year or two for a select group of fan fiction authors - Slash, Gen and a Few Het, Fan Fiction Artists/Illustrators, and Fan fiction Comic Artists. What will differ from Adult fan fiction, fan fiction and deviant art is mainly the format (you can see a rudimentary format I have created - needs work). We will be a cohesive group in which artists will illustrate fan fiction stories, and comic artists can ask for help from the writers...etc. Currently there are three of us - two Slash Authors and one beta. That being said, I am driving myself nuts writing, drawing, building the site with CSS and HTML, saving up what little money I can (while looking for donations), while moving to a new apartment and cleaning. Wanted - three to nineteen fan fiction authors - Slash, Gen and a few Het, Two to Twenty fan fiction artists/illustrators, ten or more betas who are spelling-grammar-punctuation tyrants, and fan fiction comic artists to contribute and help finance the site - "The Curio Emporium" or "Blackbird's Curio Emporium". I am capable of writing CSS and HTML to design the site and update content. However, I could use a computer specialist to write or teach me java script, so it would be easier for contributors to add their art and stories. Warning - If your work is not up to quality, then you will be a Junior Member under a Senior Member until your writing or art improve. Also looking for senior members to mentor. Partnering - If adult fan fiction owners/moderators are interested in partnering with me, I am open to it. Please contact me if you'd like to see a rudimentary format of the site - it needs work. The site will incorporate more images than a traditional fan fiction archive. This site will be primarily for adults, but can be expanded for teens. Sincerely, Merula Aeolus merula.aeolus@gmail.com
  8. Dear Fan Fiction Authors, Betas and Artists, I am creating a small website in a year of two for a select group of Fan fiction authors - Slash, Gen and a few Het, Fan Fiction Artists/Illustrators, and Fan Fiction Comic Artists. What will differ from adult fan fiction, fan fiction, and deviant art is mainly the format (you can ask to see my rudimentary ideas for the format). We will be a cohesive group in which the artists will illustrate the stories - the art will be in the text, the comic artists can receive help from the writers... etc. Currently there are three of us - two Slash Authors and one beta. That being said I am driving myself nuts, I am trying to write, draw, build the site with CSS and Html, saving up what little money I can (While looking for donations), and also moving into a new apartment and cleaning. Wanted - Three to nineteen fan fiction authors - Slash, Gen and a few Het, two to twenty fan fiction artists/illustrators, ten or more betas, who are grammar-punctuation-spelling tyrants, and fan fiction comic artists to contribute and help finance the site - "The Curio Emporium" or "Blackbird's Curio Emporium". I am capable of writing CSS and HTML to design the site and update the content. Though I could use a computer specialist to write or teach me java code, so it would be easier for contributors to add art and their stories. Warning - If your work is not quality, then you will be a Junior member to improve your writing or art under a senior member. Partnering - if Adult fan fiction moderators/owners are interested in partnering with me, I am open to it. Please contact me if you'd like to see a rudimentary format for the site. It will need a lot more work, but will incorporate a lot more images than a traditional fan fiction archive. This site will be primarily for adults, but can be expanded for teenagers are well. - Merula Aeolus merula.aeolus@gmail.com
  9. To: Prospective Betas From: Merula Aeolus, fanfiction.net and A03 I hope to open my own website, so I can display illustrations and my stories in a format I prefer. I have already posted on my fanfiction.net profile a notice about my website. I am going retype it here - since this site won't let me paste anything - growls. Website Information Wanted - minimum five fan fiction authors - Slash, Gen and a few Het, five minimum fan fiction artists/illustrators, three minimum fan fiction comic artists, and ten or more betas, who will be grammar-punctuation-spelling-tenses tyrants to contribute and/or fund the website - Curio Emporium or Blackbird's Curio Emporium. I am capable of writing in HTML and CSS and am willing to constantly update our site, but I'd prefer for a computer specialist to either write Java code or teach me to write java code so the contributors can easily upload their own work (Stories, Comics and Art) onto the site. That being said, I only have a singular contributor - a writer, so this is going to take a while. Currently I am trying to fit in typing my stories, trying to save money, writing HTML and CSS code and perfecting my own art work. I estimate this process will take a year or two - pouts. I am looking for two types of betas - one who will edit my current stories already posted and those who will edit my future stories I will only post on the website, when it goes up. What I am looking for in a Beta? I am looking for a grammar-punctuation-tenses tyrant (if I review the story I catch most of my spelling mistakes), who will give me constructive criticism on my stories - like when I am zooming over events and need slow it down. When there needs to be more dialogue or thoughts..etc. I would like a beta to work one-on-one with me so I can bounce ideas off of them to fix problems with my stories. I usually write Slash with adult content and kink, but I am trying to branch out to Gen and Het. If you're interested in helping me do this - I need to read stories with het pairings (no harems please). I like stories that have a plot and are not only romance. I write some stories with adult content and kink, but also many of them have alt. versions for younger audiences. I hope to write stories strictly for adults and some strictly for teenagers in the future. If you're interested in seeing my writing just type is Merula Aeolus in fanfiction.net (Teen) and A03 (Adult). The only thing I am going to ask of you is to really consider "Can I devote myself to a long term project and can I meet the expectations this author has of me?" I am also attaching a document with a bunch of titles for stories and Series I intend to write in the future for my website. If one sticks out and you want to beta it - please contact me at: merula.aeolus@gmail.com and I will willingly start writing it. Future Fan Fiction Stories.doc
  10. Hello, I was writing a long outline for a series of volumes, when I abruptly realized there was no way I'd be able to write it on my own. So I sat down and wrote out an email to several authors on AO3, who have yet to contact me... Waiting is hard, so I decided to post that email here. However, as hard as I tried to paste the information in here it wouldn't work. To the moderators, I really did try to post it here, and I tried many different ways. Anyway, potential co-authors, (Yes, multiple co-authors), my story contains many adult warnings such as Bestiality (Werewolf/Animagus only), male pregnancy, incest to more common ones such as Slash and violence. This will be a labor of love. It will take a very long time to write and the kink won't happen with Harry of should I say Hadrian and Harrison (not between them mind you) for quite some time - since I don't write pedophilia. Attached to this post is a document with the warnings, pairings, Series Summary Volume One Summary, Volume Two summary and the original email. If you don't want to download it yet or want to contact me please email me at: merula.aeolus@gmail.com Sincerely, Merula Aeolus Co-Authors1.doc
  11. A Perverted, yet silly little story focused on the Fact that Ronald Weasley knocks up Lucius Malfoy. Other Pairings: Bill Weasley/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter. Must include the complete story of Lucius's pregnancy and the riot is causes in the Malfoy family and the Weasley family. Harry also ends up pregnant later on with Draco and/or Bill's children. Can be a one-shot or multi-chaptered.
  12. Challenge - Harry Potter is the son of Severus Prince (son of Alphard Black and Elijah Prince) and Adele Grey (Pureblood Witch) and his real name is Jayde Prince. He was stolen at birth (6.21.1981) from Saint Mungos,. His mother died in childbirth. He was placed in a Squib-line Branch House of the Potter family (Not James or Lily). The squibs neglected him. He enters Hogwarts and becomes a Ravenclaw. His passion is learning and stretching his capabilities. Severus discovers that Harry is Jayde during a potions incident in 1995 and that it was Albus Dumbledore who stole him in order to force him to continue his role as a Spy. Now, Albus is forcing Severus's son, Jayde to also become a spy. Main Pairing: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/Jayde Prince (HP) One-Sided: Voldemort/Jayde, Lucius/Jayde and Rabastan/Jayde Must Include: 1. Glamours that hide Jayde''s true appearance - he is either extremely androgynous or effeminate with long hair, no large nose 2. The Boy-Who-Lived is Horatio James Potter, son of Lily Potter and James Potter 3. Horatio is a sweet and protective older-brother figure to Jayde, Lily and James are too wrapped up in their lives to acknowledge Harry's existence or check on his care until later. 4. Sirius and Remus are Jayde's mates - Sirius (Incubus - very sexual/erotic) and Remus (Werewolf), Jayde (Forest Elf) 5. Severus must teach Jayde all the tools of the trade. 6. When the Marauders and Lily + Horatio discover Albus's deeds (Stealing Children and forced spying), they are outraged and help Severus and Jayde escape the Order 7. Gray-Voldemort, Severus, Jayde Lucius, Rabastan, James, Sirius, Lily, Horatio, Remus...etc. The former light allies align themselves with Lord Voldemort inadvertently following the "real" prophecy 8. New Bloodline Magical Abilities and Concepts add a werewolf pack Remus leads and werewolf culutre
  13. I am looking for a number of recommendations with the following pairings and elements: 1. Sirius/Remus/Harry - Mpreg included 2. Ron/Harry/Hermione - Preg and Mpreg Included 3. Severus/Harry/Hermione - Preg and Mpreg included 4. Voldemort/Lucius/Harry - Mpreg included 5. Bill Weasley/Other Male Weasley/Harry - Mpreg included 6. Lucius Malfoy - Pregnant (not by Harry) 7. Animagus-Sex with Mpreg (HP) is also accepted 8. Anyone know any consensual James/Harry stories? 9. Male Harem/Harry - Mpreg included 10. HP crossovers with Mpreg included Harry must be one of the ones pregnant. I Don't like Angst. I am a happy-ending person, but I don't care for fluff either. I also misplaced three stories - 1. Harry is taken in by Voldemort and Pettigrew replaces him at Hogwarts, Voldemort/Severus, Voldemort/Nagini and Voldemort lusts after Harry. Nagini is pregnant 2. Albus Dumbledore is a demon who was replaced during his battle with Grindelwald. In one seen he rapes a Muggle-born boy while casting a spell to attract an animal to rape the boy's mother. Voldemort is good. 3. Severus is Harry's father, Harry is the descendant of all four founders and Harry mentored Tom R. in the past, when summoned there
  14. Summary: Nineteen years old Lord Hadrian Potter-Black-Peverell, the Man-who-Vanquished the Dark Lord Voldemort and the Dark Lady Selene,, Internationally Recognized Ridiculously Powerful Mage, Spell Crafter, Wards Master, Curse Breaker and Hit Wizard, has had enough. Hadrian is tired of public expectation's, the Weasley family's (minus Bill, Charlie, Fred and George) slander and Hermione's nagging. Taking a desperate chance, Hadrian Potter uses an obscure ritual to reincarnate himself in an Alternative Dimension. Hadrian is reborn as Hyacinth Jayde in 1971. He led a normal life, sorted into Ravenclaw, he soon catches the attention of the Unspeakables and is recruited by Lily Potter. However, when Lily dies in a horrible accident orphaning her son, Harrison, and widowing her husband, she asks one final request of her protégé, Hyacinth, help James and her son survive their grief. For the first three (16 yrs. - 19 yrs.) years Hyacinth becomes an inconspicuous member of the Potter household. However, on his nineteenth birthday Hyacinth comes into a powerful magical and creature inheritances which attracts the attention of potential suitors, including the three loyal Marauders, Severus Prince, Lucius Malfoy... Main Pairing: James Potter/Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/(2-4 more Male Characters of your choice)/Hyacinth Jayde (HP) Side Pairings: Two-Three Male Pairings/Hermione, Ronald Weasley/Draco Malfoy/Harrison Potter... Elements it MUST Contain: 1. Male Pregnancy (Human Children) and Bestiality Pregnancy (Animal Litter) 2. Graphic Sex including Animagus Sex (Knotting...etc.), Human Sex (Double Penetration, Anal, Oral...etc.) 3. Hyacinth's Pregnancies (2-3) the full event (but not birth) 4. Angry Sex between Ron and Draco, which results in Draco's pregnancy and then Pregnant-Draco/Harrison 5. Possessive-Protective Lovers, who are also very perverted and take pleasure in knocking their lovers up 6. New Bloodline Inherited Magical Abilities 7. World Travels (pre-pregnancies) to learn Cultural Magic and Cultural Differences 8. Genius - Harry 9. Politics, Schooling, Apprenticeships...etc. 10. Extra Credit: Pregnant (Animagus-Sex) (Litter) Lucius Malfoy Elements it Must NOT Contain: 1. Fluffiness 2. Creature Inheritances - No horns, tails or cat-ears...etc. or Scales Please contact me at raven.revolution2@gmail.com
  15. 1. A New Era I've read all about Harry traveling to the Marauder's era, Tom Riddle's era or just re-doing his life over, but I want to see Harry during Bill Weasley's and Nymphadora Tonk's era. This story's pairing would be Bill/Harry - Slash. Two options: Harry comes back as a girl or he's a guy - either way is fine. So it could technically also be Het, but I personally prefer Slash. Harry (under a different name) enrolls in a different school than Hogwarts and learns obscure culture magics, curse breaking ...etc. - fast forward to 1989, Nineteen years old Bill and Harry meet as they enter the Gringots Curse breaking program and Harry eventually gets involved in the war with Voldemort after Harry "disappears." Last thing... not once during the entirety of the story does Harry return to his old identity and Harry is so changed no one can guess the truth. 2. Son of a Spy 1993. Sevitus, Harry is the abducted son of Severus Snape and a beautiful female Original Female Character, who died in childbirth. The Potters secretly replaced their year old son with Harry who is born June 21st 1981, create golems of themselves and escape the country on November 2nd 1981. However, unfortunately on a plane out of Heathrow they die in a collision with another plane - karma eh? Only the real Harry Potter survives. Dumbledore doesn't know the Potter's plot. Without Dumbledore's knowledge Severus and Harry discover the truth of Harry's identity, just as Dumbledore discovers the Potter's plot (with the exception of HP's identity) and intents to - erase Harry (Snape's son) as to not create a scandal. Harry or Kalian Snape (Temporary name - you decide one) is de-aged by three years and sent to live at Prince Manor with his Great Grandfather and Great-Great Aunt. He then attends a foreign and Dark School (you create one) and makes many allies. Ultimately this is a Voldemort/Harry pairing. Voldemort must become sane. This should involve a political-dark-powerful-Intelligent Harry, but not an evil-harry. To Be Continued Later Writing Recommendations When you develop your character’s personalities, you want to make them unique and addictive – think Dr. Gregory House (House Md.), or “L” from Death Note or even Sherlock Holmes – catchy and unique. You want to be remembered among the various other writers You want to write the story at a slow pace, do not rush the actions or events, before you begin writing analyze the characters involved and how you would have them respond, remember a story should not be pure dialogue or action, but a mixture of both. Thoughts of the characters and their motivations will gain you more points with your readers. Do not go overboard with descriptions, especially those of the character’s appearances and clothes. However, I recommend describing a sense of culture or society in your story. When you write your story paint a picture with your words. A great example I can think of off the top of my head in Chapter One of Perdido Street Station by China Mieville or the traveling Market in Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. The one fault of JK Rowling in my perspective was that she wrote a very limited version of her fantasy world. She is a fantastic and creative Author, but I think she could’ve done better. I recommend you involve cultural difference, world travel, politics, old religions and a lot of research in your story. For instance, an Onmyouji is an Asian exorcist, this might prove an interest tidbit in your story – maybe Harry becomes an Onmyouji. I know many of us fall into the trap of making a character super powerful, I say this is okay as long as you make other characters just as powerful, but in different ways. You don’t want your character to easily make his way through his/her struggles and conflicts, you want him/her to struggle it builds character. Remember to emphasize the Genres each plot bunny possesses. They are just as important to the story as the characters and events.
  16. The main idea is to create a futuristic universe that merges the following Fandoms (only) - Star Wars, Firefly/Serenity, Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick, and Harry Potter. The series should incorporate characters from each fandom, but only Harry Potter from the Harry Potter Series. We would need to create the universe and add the characters into roles which would suit them in it. For instance my pal Qui-Gon Jin might be some kind of warrior. We need to cover everything from culture, religion to technology. Then onto the actual series. Series Summary: In the year 2073, at the end of World War IV, due to surface and internal damage to Earth by Seventeen Atomic Bombs, Earth imploded, taking the Milky Way along with it. The Surviving Muggles, Witches, Wizards and Magical Creatures migrated across the galaxies, making their home on Terra-formed planets. They evolved and bred among their species and the Alien species they came across, producing new and varied life forms. We should have enough information to allow other fan fiction authors or our own group to write many-many-many spins offs of the Series. Everything goes (kink or relationship type - just make sure to add a warning). However, the main pairing with Harry will be in a Slash relationship with a submissive Harry. If you're survived this far and are still interested, please contact me at: raven.revolution2@gmail.com - Merula Aeolus
  17. Hello, I'm willing to be interviewed, please send me the email. I would be happy to represent this site. I've been writing fan fiction for seven years and all over the place. My reason for writing fan fiction is that fan fiction represents a subculture of adults and teenagers, who not only showcase their budding writing talents, but also it visibly protests against common prejudices and stigmas. I have seen fan fictions cover everything from mental illness to abuse and Homosexual relations. It beneficial to people of all ages not only as an outlet, but to convey ideas and issues we deal with in our culture and our own lives. The interviewer can reach me at raven.revolution2@gmail.com Merula Aeolus
  18. So here is the second challenge, please remember if you're interested in it to contact me through my email raven.revolution2@gmail.com, and tell me precisely how much of the outline you want me to begin working on for you. - Merula Aeolus Dream Spinner – Challenge Created by Merula Aeolus A Multi-chaptered Harry Potter Challenge Genres: Drama/Mystery/Suspense/Adventure/Romance/Angst Summary: Slash. Threesomes and More. Possible Mpreg. AU. OOC. OC(s). Eleven years old Hadrian Oisin Potter was betrayed by his headmaster, his mother, his father, his older twin brother and his brother's friends, after his older brother, Adrian Jamison Potter killed Quirrell in self-defense and it was leaked to the press by Severus Snape. Hadrian, Adrian's identical younger twin brother, takes the fall for his famous older brother's deed. Hadrian is disowned by his parents, stripped of his name and thrown into Azkaban. Now Prisoner X100010193485805 bides his time for his promised revenge. Six years have passed and on his seventeenth birthday, Prisoner X100010193485805 disappears in a flash of light, reappearing in Nocturne Alley during the summer of 1980, as a ten years old boy, Cinaed Noir, the biological son of Antonin Noir and Maria Noir, French-Italian nobility far more powerful and influential among the European Haunte Monde, than any one among the Forces of Light. Revenge is a treat best served cold. And Bill Weasley will discover how seductive the Original Cin can be. Main Pairing: Bill Weasley/Cinaed "Cin" Noir (HP) Side Pairings: (?)
  19. So, I'm offering a service. If you want to write something, but lack the ideas or the ability to put the story together in cohesive manner, I'm the woman for the job. Basically, I am writing down my surplus of additional ideas in a full body outline - that includes chapter outlines (breaking down the chapters into events lists), additional or new magical abilities and if I like the plot I have developed enough, I might just add illustrations. I will be giving everyone a chance to claim a plot line. They can request just a plot or all the way down to the chapter outlines. The first one up is - The Dark Masquerade – Challenge Created by Merula Aeolus A Multi-chaptered Harry Potter Challenge Genres: Drama/Mystery/Suspense/Adventure/Romance/Hurt/Comfort Summary: Slash. Threesomes and More. Possible Mpreg. AU. OOC. OC(s). Harry James Potter has been living a lie and in the summer of 1995, Harry is about find out the truth, when his so-called godfather escapes Azkaban. In 1975, Lily Evans discovers her dark pureblood Magical heritage as the granddaughter of the dark lord, Gellert Grindelwald and Antoinette Noir, a French Dark Sorceress and Half Vampire-Quarter Veela, and the daughter of Cinaed Grindelwald, the so-called human weapon of the Dark Forces, and Evelyn Onyx, the last of the Le Fae-Peverell line. Her mother saves her life by hiding her in a Muggle orphanage in the middle of the final confrontation. Lily or Lillian also discovers the Albus Dumbledore is to blame for her innocent Mother’s murder, and her father’s death in battle. She begins dabbling with dark magic under the alias Lillian Grim, creating a new and deadly set of magical skills and studies and comes to attention of Lord Voldemort. She eventually falls in love and secretly marries Rabastan LeStrange and Sirius Black, while allowing James Potter to court her as a cover. Shortly before everything goes wrong, she becomes pregnant. James Potter douses her with a love potion under the advice of Albus Dumbledore. Sirius, her husband, horrified by his former friend duplicity, casts a memory charm of Lily and becomes Voldemort’s spy in the Order of Phoenix’s ranks faking animosity towards his own heritage and to Severus Snape. After the birth of his and Rabastan’s son, Sirius charms the baby boy to look like James. However, Albus makes up a false prophecy and has his spy, Peter Pettigrew report it to Voldemort. On October 31st 1981, it is Neville Longbottom who is declared the-boy-who-lived, but Lily and James are killed in battle with death Eaters fighting to save the Longbottoms. Harry Potter grows up with the physical, verbal, emotional and sexual abuse of the Dursleys, becoming a quiet and haunted child. However, he is meant for greater things. At fifteen years old, he will find his hidden destiny to unite the Magical world as the Lord of the Gray Havens. Main Pairing: Voldemort/Lucius Malfoy/Severus/Bill Weasley/Cadeyrn “Cade” Arawn LeStrange-Black (HP) Side Pairings: Rabastan LeStrange/Sirius Black, Viktor Krum/Theodore Nott/Hermione Granger, Blaise Zabini/Ginny Weasley, Nicolai Vignelli (OMC)/Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy/Neville Longbottom, Fenrir Grayback/Alexander Apus (OMC)/Remus Lupin/Elijah Rivers (OMC), Kingsley Shaklebolt/Nymphadora Tonks, Rodolphus LeStrange/Bellatrix Black, Antonin Dolohov/Walden Macnair/Narcissa Black, Augustus Rookwood/Charlie Weasley…etc. Please contact me through my email raven.revolution2@gmail.com, if you wish to claim this plot. Or if you want to request a plot, please contact me! Sincerely, Merula Aeolus
  20. Hello, are you still looking for a Collab for your Original Story? I have some ideas.... Please contact me at raven.revolution2@gmail.com
  21. Looking for Yaoi time travelstories featuring Uke-Ichigo. I think I read all the ones on fanfiction.net, but I may have not have. Please send me recommendations! Thanks!
  22. Current Project: The Prince of Crows - Blue Illusion (Bleach Time Travel) - Merula Aeolus Slash. Threesomes. Mpreg. AU – Time Travel. OOC. OC(s). The War with Aizen Sosuke and his Espada Arrancar, left few human and Shinigami survivors. The Hogyaku in an effort to fulfill Ichigo’s subliminal desires sends Kurosaki Ichigo, Arisawa Tatsuki, Inoue Sora, Kotetsu Isane, Urahara Kisuke, Shihoin Yoruichi, Unohana Retsu and Ichimaru Gin a hundred into the past. In order to prevent of complications, while Urahara Kisuke, Shihoin Yoruichi, Unohana Retsu and Ichimaru Gin are melded with their younger selves, Ichigo, Tatsuki, Isane and Sora, who do not exist at this time, are forever changed. Now Ichigo and the others must learn to master their new abilities and prepare those they love for war. The Five Noble Houses: Shihoin, Kuchiki, Shiba, Kurosawa and Nakamura The Lesser Noble Houses: Fong, Kyoraku, Ukitake, Omaeda, Kira, Kasumioji, Kurotsuchi…etc. Eventual Main Pairing: Kuchiki Byakuya/Shiba Kaien/Kurosawa Ren (Ichigo) Eventual Side Pairings: Abarai Renji/Kuchiki Rukia, Sado “Chad” Yasutora/Inoue Orihime, Ishida Uryu/Kunieda Ryo, Urahara Kisuke/Otoribashi “Rose” Rojuro, Kyoraku Shunsui/Ukitake Jushiro, Hitsugaya Toshiro/Hinamori Momo, Ichimaru Gin/Matsumoto Rangiku, Hirako Shinji/Unohana Retsu, Asano Keigo/Arisawa Tatsuki, Madarame Ikkaku/Ayasegawa Yumichika, Kotsubaki Sentaro/Kotetsu Kiyone, Eshima Shinobu/Sarugaki Hiyori Time Period’s Division Taicho(s) and Fukutaicho(s) First Division: Yamamoto-Taicho, Sasakibe Chojiro-Fukutaicho Second Division: Shihoin Yoruichi-Taicho, Omaeda Marenoshin-Fukutaicho Third Division: Otoribashi “Rose” Rojuro-Taicho, Iba Chikane-Fukutaicho Fourth Division: Unohana Retsu-Taicho, Yamada Seinosuke-Fukutaicho Fifth Division: Hirako Shinji-Taicho, Aizen Sosuke-Fukutaicho Sixth Division: Kuchiki Byakuya-Taicho, Shirogane Ginjiro-Fukutaicho Seventh Division: Aikawa Rabu-Taicho, Kotsubaki Jin’emon-Fukutaicho Eighth Division: Kyoraku Shunsui-Taicho, Yadomura Risa-Fukutaicho Ninth Division: Muguruma Kensei-Taicho, Kuna Mashiro-Fukutaciho Tenth Division: Nakamura Rikou-Taicho, Kira Kaede-Fukutaicho Eleventh Division: Kiganjo Kenpachi-Taicho, Ichinose Maki-Fukutaicho Twelfth Division: Urahara Kisuke-Taicho, Sarugaki Hiyori-Fukutaicho Thirteenth Division: Ukitake Jushiro-Taicho, Shiba Kaien-Fukutaicho Please Contact me at: raven.revolution2@gmail.com
  23. Do you need any more help? Or do you need someone to write a new storyline? Happy to help - writer and basic artist. I can help design characters and work out ideas. I'm a huge Yaoi fan and would love to begin a web comic. Can I see some of your art? Please contact me at: raven.revolution2@gmail.com
  24. Hi, I write Yaoi fan fictions. Hard core - no problem, just check out my Harry Potter stories on this site under my penname (Merula Aeolus). My main focuses are Harry Potter, Naruto, Bleach, Soul Eater, Final Fantasy 7, D. Gray-man, Fullmetal Alchemist, Tokyo Majin, Blue Exorcist, and crossovers, but I can study more. Contact me at: raven.revolution2@gmail.com. Also I'm looking for a co-author a particular story I'm working on - a Bleach Time Travel Story... Interested? -Merula Aeolus
  25. All Epic Challenges listed here must either be Slash (Homosexual Romance) or Gen (meaning no pairing), they must be multi-chaptered challenges with 50,000+ words requirement. By Abstract Epic Challenges I mean the method of how the challenge works - I will link ideas and words together along with themes and Pairings (if you are doing Slash, otherwise ignore pairing), you are to use these parts as inspiration for your story. Please link your profile or the story to this post, along with the original challenge. The Following Challenges (by moi), are divided into several sections: Books and Volumes. Books are composed of twenty to fifty chapters, 10 pt. font, single spacing, Times New Roman and each chapter is eight to twenty-five pages Volumes are composed of three to four books for every volume with at least 3 volumes, each book must meet the requirement of the Above book Section (Feel Free to use these requirements for you challenges) BOOK 1. Theme: Bleach - Time Traveler Ichigo and Shihoin Yoruichi Main Pairing: Kuchiki Byakuya/Urahara Kisuke/Rin (Ichigo) New appearance (to prevent Paradoxes) - New Abilities (No Zangetsu for Ichigo - to prevent Paradoxes) - inner Hollow turns to Inner Arrancar - Stealth Force - 150 years - healer Ichigo - New Prelude Arcs - New Powerful Enemies (Paradox occurs) - possible Shihoin Adoption - New Talents and Duties - New Inventions - Clever and Intelligent Ichigo - Academy (pre-Rukia and Renji) - Prodigy Ichigo Volume 1. Theme: Bleach - Series Rewrite & later Time Traveler Ichigo Main Pairing: Shiba Kaien/Kurosaki Ichigo 3 Volumes Point A) Ichigo becomes Shinigami via Rukia - Point B) Winter War Ends (Different fighters include Shinigamis, Orihime, Tatsuki, Chad, Ishida, Keigo, Mizuiro, Yuzu, Karin...etc.) - to Time Traveler 100 years in past - point c)New appearance (to prevent Paradoxes) - New Abilities (No Zangetsu for Ichigo - to prevent Paradoxes) - inner Hollow turns to Inner Arrancar - Stealth Force - 150 years - healer Ichigo - New Prelude Arcs - New Powerful Enemies (Paradox occurs) - New Talents and Duties - New Inventions - Clever and Intelligent Ichigo - Academy (pre-Rukia and Renji) - Prodigy Ichigo - to Point a) Ichigo becomes Shinigami via Kaien - to -Point b) Winter War Ends
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