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Kei0523 last won the day on May 19 2021

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  1. Hmm... my second fanfic story is portraying another friend. She wants a character death , for her to die protecting the male lead the character is in love with. She's not one for tears but wants me to try getting her to grow attached to this character and cry.

    Now it's a one-sided love, it's going to be manipulative, and he will use her for his own gain. They share similar goals but she will have no idea how extreme he's going with his own agenda. I'm not going to expose that this character has been strung along by someone she loves until the climax of the story when she dies (gonna twist this cuz i don't really want to kill off the character). 

    This is challenging for me and actually haunts me because i feel that angle is too much of a blueprint and typical. But another part of me feels if it's written decent enough, that can be overlooked. 

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Killing off characters can definitely be tough, especially when they’re main characters and you’ve grown sentimentally attached to them.  Of course, depending on the story and the role of the character, they can simply be there to be bullet sponges (ie, infamous red shirts of Star Trek fame).

    2. CloverReef


      You’re absolutely right, that if written well enough, cliches (I’m assuming that’s what you meant by ‘typical’) can be overlooked, even awesome. I, personally, would never suggest someone avoid a cliche just because it’s a cliche. I would, however, suggest writers avoid them when they’ve already used a lot of ‘em. That’s when it starts to get eye-rolly. 

      Sounds like you’ve set up quite the challenge for yourself! Good luck!

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