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Everything posted by Taa

  1. Taa

    If I Were...

    I would be the most to fourth-most freaking awesomest person ever in the world. If I were living in New York City...
  2. Taa

    If I Were...

    I would continue what I'm doing telling myself "I'll eat in just a second" for the next three hours or so. If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle...
  3. Don't let them in, don't let them see Be the good girl you always have to be gawwwwwwd
  4. ^ Back hurts. < Same. V Worked too hard today.
  5. Taa

    Famous Name Game

    Neil deGrasse Tyson *thumbsup*
  6. I chuck hairpins.
  7. Rochester Union for Human Kindness SHO
  8. Taa

    The Why Game

    Why are you so incessantly difficult?! There are only so many ways electrons can hop across atoms because matter cannot be created or destroyed, it can only move through space, as far as we know, and the only way to move through space is linearly. So no matter what direction an electron is moving, it's moving linearly through space, which means there's really only one way for electrons to hop across atoms. Or I guess the question is, why can't matter move through space besides linearly? Well, let me make a confession to you, kiddo. I'm not actually a quantum physicist, which means I don't actually know what I'm talking about except on a really rudimentary level. And actually, when you're not looking at them, atoms take up infinite space--or at least more than one space at a time--so there are probably lots of ways electrons can hop across atoms and matter probably can move through space besides linearly, and we just can't see it, because as soon as you look, it all snaps back into place the way you expect it to be, which is simple and rule-bound. By looking at things, we destroy their infinite potential. haha Why?
  9. I don't listen to music. I'm never listening to a song. Virtually all of my posts have been a shameless lie.
  10. 29576
  11. Um, not quite guilty yet. Working on it, though, haha. Have you ever gone to Yellowstone National Park?
  12. Naviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! I love you, Navi.
  13. Taa

    I Am...

    I am not impressed with most of these forum games.
  14. A clownfish because I excrete mucous. haha
  15. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, and film it, you see where I'm going with this.
  16. Taa


    Banned for wasting your life.
  17. mouse
  18. Taa

    If I Were...

    I would get up, get something to eat, and come right back awake again. Or else go play video games instead and fall asleep on the couch. If I were hungry and busy at the same time...
  19. Kill me now.
  20. *some song you would recognize if I hummed it to you but that has no lyrics and I don't know the name* in my pants yup
  21. ^ Just wants 200 freaking posstttttsssssssssssssssssssssssssss... < Is hungry. V Is going to get food.
  22. Taa

    Famous Name Game

    Clay Aiken
  23. I chuck Chuck Norris.
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