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Everything posted by KerantliDreamer

  1. first nightmare free night in 3 months, and I can't do anything about it!

  2. Oh, sizzle when it's face on face, and skin on skin I'm trying to keep you out and I'm trying to keep me in One hundred million eyes behind these walls Watching you, hearing you, knowing you <3<3

  3. Sightsoblind, I had started this challenge, then I sorta lost the start, but never fear, I am going to try again
  4. Hi, I'm trying to get more feedback on My original story A Love Like This, there is 14 chapters already, and there is M/M, M/F, F/F pairings in it. Title: A Love Like This Author: Kerantli Dreamer Rating: Adult++ Summary: Two friends journey into the world of relationships, sex and the realization its not always as easy as it seems Feedback: Would Love to see where I need to improve Fandom: Original URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103167 Thank you Kerantli
  5. My Muse’s (yeah... I have two) My muse is 5ft 6, short brown hair and wears “geek” glasses. He is fun loving and very flighty, often leaving me for days or months on end (Or once, 3 years!). He has no set sexuality and is rather good with a whip... (Just ask Astraea on that one!) He has had many names in the last ten years (I’ve been writing since I was 12...) but most recent, and one that has stuck is “Grey”, and has demanded to be a part of most of my stories with his appearance (and height!) changed. When I was younger he was called Devin, Callum, Devon, Jace and for a while “that damn arse of a muse!” Grey can be very good when he wants to be, or he can be the devil in muse form. When he is hooked on an idea he will poke at me til he is satisfied that I’ve gotten enough down to be easily able to flit off again. He loves to dress up in baggy jeans and tight tops, but is also found in sweat pants and a very thread bare tee. And is usually found hiding at the bottom of my bed staring at me when I wake up. --- My other muse is called Cleo, and is mainly the one to help me with any lesbian scenes. She has very long hair (long enough to sit on when she wants it to be...) but usually wears it in a plait down her back in many different colours. She herself is like Grey and flits off once the thinks that I’m okay with what I’m writing. Can also usually be found chasing down Grey, or even having fun with him... Other than that, she is Grey in female form My Beast What can I say about my beast... She is female (obviously) and will make my life hell when she takes over. She is a direct opposite of Grey, and has always had the same name, which is Black Rose. Standing at 5ft 9 with very bright blonde hair, she is a force to be reckoned with. She is my anger, depression and nightmares wrapped up in one big mass. If she grips me, people had better run as I don’t remember what I do when she does. Usually wears black and red, and is constantly around me in the back of my mind. I don’t like to dwell on her too much though, and she has a male counter part too...
  6. Original stories chapter finally done after a MONTH of trying to write it. gah

  7. I'm back from being blocked. Thank god!

    1. kagome26isawsome
    2. KerantliDreamer


      Long story. basiccally I couldn't access the forums til about 2 hours ago due to teh evil one

    3. kagome26isawsome
  8. blocked from AFF and the forums on my laptop cause someones jealous that I talk to people that share my intrests. bloody fun. not.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GothDarkkeDragon


      Sorry to hear that. A load of bull if you ask me.

    3. KerantliDreamer


      Marley, I'm just glad he can't get hold of my laptop and delete everything on there, I would go absolutely crazy at him then.

      Goth, it is a load of bull, its not made me do anything around the house out of protest. He can deal with that himself.

    4. BronxWench


      Heh. My daft bugger made a remark one night, and I offered to turn off the computer and we could go see a movie, and go out to dinner, and then for drinks... he did the math and shut up fast.

  9. It was about time I did this, and after trying and failing to start it 3 times before, I will start by saying thank you to those that have reviewed my earlier ones, and I'm gonna respond to the ones that are more at the forefront of my mind, which is from the Nightmare prompt onwards... Nightmare: JayDee: "Nightmare - Hell, that was intense. Your violence is far more effective in 100 odd words than some authors manage in 10000. Definitely the kind of nightmare you're happy to wake from." Yeah, was rather hard to write, as it is a very very real nightmare for myself, only genders changed, and usually does end in me going rather OCD with somethings... ZipFlopOhMyGod: "Poor baby, I'm glad someone was there to wake him up." I just couldn't be mean and have him wake on his own, Sam is a rather dear Character for me. Dawn: JayDee "Heh, I hope they didn't spend the whole night in there - would have got uncomfortable! No denying they were up to something though Nice one." Thank you, and we will never know if they where in there the whole night Bronx: "::grins:: We've all had those moments! Very nice, and full props for managing a Twitfic, a feat I find impossible!" And thank you to you too, I have to admit, my Twitfics only come about if I'm very pressed for time, which I was at that point Callipygian Bronx: "Once again, a wonderful twitfic and a wonderful giggle, reminding me of all the fun things you overhear when clubbing. " There was many many more things I could have added to that one, however, like Dawn, I was rather pressed for time and wanted to get it up. Embrangle Bronx: "This was powerful and tender and sad and beautiful all at once. You've captured perfectly the mix of emotions we all feel when we lose a friend too young, and for no good reason other than a twist of fate and the indifference of the gods." While I've not had the tragedy of having a friend taken from me, I know others that have, and put their emotions on the anniversaries of deaths/birthdays into the piece, with their permission of course. That particular one is from my friend Rob. Yukihime: "#10, I liked your take on the prompt. Keep it up." Thank you, I hope I do Embrocation Yukihime: "Poor Nick. I really liked this one! Great job, Kera." Thank youu Bronx: "I so liked her protective nature, the way she wraps him in the blanket with her at the end as if to keep all the hurt and pain at bay. Very nice!" She is always like that, which is why I'm wary of her turning into a MarySue, but its in her nature to look after her friends. JayDee: "Embrocation - ouch! The pain of the slash and applying the anti-septic cream totally comes through the text." I'm actually really glad it did, I was dithering over if it had or not, and I had no one else to actually read through it other than myself..
  10. I'm a Harry Potter fan, yet... WTF have they done with DH part 1!? just urrrghhhhhh!

    1. GothDarkkeDragon


      Not certain. though think the closest term is 'rape'.

  11. you know your computers going to annoy you when you find a folder you NEED in the recycle bin

  12. had a great start to the day, now.. how to sew a bra back together when the strap gives up on you...

  13. weekly prompt done, plot bunny for a Harry/Hermione fanfic bouncing in my head, and still need to finish my original stories chapter... fun fun

  14. Pen Name: Kerantli Dreamer Story Link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103274&chapter=11 Length: Flash Fic – 592 words Fandom: Original Pairing: N/A Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, NoSex, Wound, Blood Rating: Adult
  15. Fill me with compassion and concern. Thrill me with an unexpected turn. Tempt me with the secrets that you hold. Don't divulge until you're in control.

    1. GothDarkkeDragon


      Show me what you never meant to show

      Tell me what I'm not supposed to know

      Contradict me when you're in the wrong

      Don't commit to anything at all

    2. kagome26isawsome
  16. Everyone has something they hate about themselves. But when push comes to shove, would you change it?

    1. Melrick


      Oh hell yeah! And laugh, then possibly cry, while commenting about being normal at last.

  17. *blinks at Embrocation* is this quarters prompt theme "Medical jargon"?! not even google could get THAT one

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JayDee


      This prompt would be perfect for a Joan Rivers based story if I still did celeb stuff.

    3. KerantliDreamer


      times like this is where I'm glad I'm an Original writer...

      though... it might work in the Harry Potter universe...

    4. JayDee


      That's a point - I figure I'm due a follow up on my Harry/Minerva story....

  18. Pen Name: Kerantli Dreamer Story Link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103274&chapter=10 Length: Flash Fic – 626 words Fandom: Original Pairing: N/A Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, NoSex, Death, Emotional Pain Rating: Adult
  19. ya know, anyone who read the earlier chapters of my riginal story could have said that the paragraphs looked weird with speech in the middle of them.

    1. KerantliDreamer


      would be even better if I could SPELL

    2. Daye


      what fandom is Riginal please? ;)

    3. KerantliDreamer


      harharhar, you're so funny Daye :P

  20. is wondering why she feels used..

  21. RIP Sarah Jane/Elisabeth Sladen (Doctor Who)

  22. There are only two four letter words that are offensive to men: 'don't' and 'stop', unless they are used together.

  23. Pen Name; Kerantli Dreamer Story Link; http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103274&chapter=9 Length; Twitfic Fandom; Original Pairing; N/A Warning; M/F, NoSex, Drink Rating; Adult
  24. Well, no writing for me tonight! painting my desk since it's looking tatty now

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