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  1. well my laptop sucks atm. i visit certain sites and the internet goes in and out. cant do much! no one else has this issue with the internet but me!  i dont want to factory reset it cuz then i lose the story that took me a while to create! ugh! suggestions? 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BronxWench


      The issue then might be with that specific site. What error message do you get when trying to connect?

      Some websites simply can’t handle a lot of traffic, which could be the issue.

      You can buy wifi extenders relatively cheaply, and those will extend the range of the equipment in the basement to the upper floors.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      To test out the wifi idea, move the laptop to the basement.  Because more stuff in between the wifi router and you, the worse your signal will be.  Suppose another idea… change the wifi password in case neighbors are leeching off of your connection.  A super long ethernet wirte might also be a good way to test (assuming your laptop has the old plugin ethernet port and there’s a spare socket on your router/modem).   For me, I actually do the super long ethernet cable so it’s already there.

      A glance to the website fubar (com), I’d suspect they might need tighter latency too, something a hard-line ethernet would be good for.  Something like AFF, latency’s less critical so long as it doesn’t time out.

    4. kagome26isawsome


      @BronxWench there is no error messages i get when i go on Fubar. the wifi just tries to reconnect. 

      @Desiderius Price i am in the living room at the moment but havent been on the site yet. the modem is right under me. it might be hard to run and ethernet cable from the basement to my room. the house is build weird and we would need a long, long ethernet cable.


      ill look into a usb wifi adaptor. maybe that will be the best thing at the moment. and of course this little issue is giving me ideas for a story! lol. go figure

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