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  1. So apparently AO3 is suffering from a DOS attack at the moment. It was posted on FB in one of my writing groups. Just thought i would put this out there 

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    2. Deadman


      @Desiderius Price@BronxWench I totally get the legal concerns around it. But I think it’s not that legally problematic based on what the platform is doing. It’s sorta like a better version of Wattpad actually. Which has a fair amount of fanfic but also original content.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @Deadman  Even if the platform offers the option to monetize, definitely don’t enable it on fanfiction.  That’s my advice to avoid a lot of hot water over very little gain.  Consider the fanfiction a free loss-leader, a teaser to entice readers to cross over to your (monetized) original fiction.  Anything stronger, like a Patreon or similar, talk to a lawyer on how to word it such that there’s no money being exchanged for fanfiction.

    4. Deadman


      @Desiderius Price Yes, that’s essentially what I was suggesting. It gives you the option to put individual things out for free. So each piece of fanfiction will be free and available to anyone without paying. But there is a patreon type option for people. You can put everything out for free but if people want to pay you, can do so.

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