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Everything posted by StoryJunkie

  1. I put down "I don't know" My daughter recently had this woman move in as room mate, (the other had gotten married and moved out), and she is a piece of work, she is. Even speaking room-mate wise, the dynamics of relationship is extremely (How shall I put this?) IN NEED OF GREAT DIPLOMACY. married? I can't see it. Having studied some aspects of polygamy in the one Ethnology course I took, it was generally agreed upon that on the outside, one man many women was a mere chattel/status symbol amoung the cultures who practiced it, but in reality, the man had a big headache trying to support these women while at the same time "servicing" them in a diplomatic way. Usually favorites came up, and inevitably bad feelings between the women became more and more tense as time went on. Nurturing a loving relationship in this way is difficult. I suppose in this day and age of reproductive control, one would think that this would be a good thing, especially considering that the probable outcome of war is fewer men and greater number of women. When war is over, women are left all by themselves, which is a sorry thing as far as I can see. Dildos don't always fill in the gap. On the other side of the coin, the culture that accepted one woman many men (for instance, in the Himalayan mts, where land is scarce), in order for the land to be kept in the family, the men of the family would marry one woman and share her. This arrangement is made with the two families present, and (well, it was on a recent "Discovery Channel" program, probably "National Geographic", and I took this in Ethnology as well), the woman told the interviewers that she wished the entire world had such a system. There is nothing lewd about it, but again, very diplomatic and practical arrangements, and not one made out of love or emotion. *You know, I was going to answer this quite simply, but rather rudely, and say: "only if they're not fat and ugly", but I thought twice, remembering this nugget of info I wanted to share with you. I think that the Inuit also had a system of wife-swapping/sharing, but these practices varied from tribe to tribe. Amoung the Mormons, it was generally agreed amoung the people that this was financially a good arrangement. Personally, I would not want to be the one to keep track of the family tree. One would have to be very careful about inbreeding and such.
  2. I might bite...oh, wait, nevermind...the second torrent is done. Sorry to keep you in suspenders, although,....is hamster really spelled with a "p"? back in a while...or maybe a few days.
  3. well, I had a long heart-to-heart with the Creator of the Universe (yesh,so it lasted less than a minute, it seemed long!) and He said to me: eyes are not meant for this. Eyes were created to acknowledge the work of nature. So I pondered that a while. So why am I here still? Aside from my itchy palms, (wherein everylast one of you is beneath the flat of it!), I...hm...I forgot what I was going to say. I hate that when that happens. It was a really good punchline too. Oh well. *OH! (what do you know, the "Darker Than Black" torrent is finished!)
  4. I er...took the liberty to interview my husband about guy's first experience, and he said that the first time he did it, he was taken aback by how wet and sloppy she was, and he lost his hard on immediately! (Mind you, he was quite young at the time and knew nada! about girls) (He was 13..."I didn't even have hair on my balls!" he said) As for doing someone "gudentite" (as he so glibly puts it), he says that it can be painful for the guy if his foreskin gets pulled back too much. (if your character has a foreskin, I guess). There you have it, so far. (Where was this thread when I was 20?) On the other hand, there was this other guy I talked to once, and he said that all he and his girlfriend did one night was kiss. It sounded beautiful.
  5. Me, Final Fantasy background music. Not even any words...Sheesh.
  6. Okay, don't you guys have like, bread to buy and clothes to wash? I'm warming up my spankin hand. (this is like birthdays, right? The birthday bumps/spanks, what have you?)
  8. Okay, Anne Rice as an example. I've read one of her books, and found it a rip off of some ancient witch idea. Mind you, most elements of the story were original, but is there really anything new under the sun? I find her tiresome and dark and I hate her settings. I find its the same with any other author. They all have their inspiration. Even Shakespeare ripped off the Greek mythologies for his material. (I guess though, the authors were long dead.) When it comes to someone like Tolkien, though, I think that I'm glad his wishes were adhered to (he didn't want it made into a movie) (while he was alive). But even so, he took his ideas of "what was the proper way" to write a fantasy from whatever source he deemed pure. We all have our own ideas. I think that money is what rules the copywrite. It's not like we're talking about Marconi here, although its the same principal.
  9. Angst 80% Fluff: zero. the rest is filler. I can't write fluff. Someone's got to be bad sometime or other, and then it's either on to the next life (death) or spank. guns, knives, near-death experiences....I love the edge. Reading fluff, however, YES!!!! well-written romantic stuff. (I'm a total softie)
  10. In reality, evil is shoddy workmanship. It's the truth. Ask any engineer. Pure evil. (man, I love this sig so much!!!!)
  11. that reminds me of the "non-alcoholic" beer (at .05%, not much of a kick, but excellent for use in pizza dough)
  12. No...no, you are not.
  13. "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known." A Tale of Two Cities... that's what this reminded me of
  14. Sister's Playgirl My Age: 22 Model: John Denver. Mental rape meter: 10 (still looking for brain bleach strong enough) (Colonel Mustard in the dining room with a hatchet)!
  15. Randomer! "I thought those were edible!"
  16. I had the priveledge of being an employee of an ex SAS sargeant, (who had many a tale to tell, as you can well imagine). The armies of the world, trust me, have a more straight-forward strategy when it comes to controlling another army, or manipulating an entire country. It can and has been done by simple bank-robbery and skull-dudgery. Remember "Mission Impossible"? "If you get caught...."
  17. StoryJunkie


    the answer is "yes". If you've cheated in your mind, you HAVE cheated. I have MUCH to answer for. The first betrayal happens in the mind. There is no doubt about it. "Well, he's not there for me, therefore, I'm not there for him." (or vice versa) Yes, it is a dangerous road we traverse, for it is far from noble. As soon as one can blame another for their transgression, responsibility is relinquished. Standards that we held dear are suddenly as flat as the carpet upon which you wipe your muddy shoes... And btw, what book was it that you were reading WFK?
  18. Has someone in the upper echelons been reading our orgy posts???!!! (oh please please please, is someone on this site (who likes slash, obviously) in a high-up Gov't position?)
  19. There's one in the original section that popped up today, "Love and broken heart's" (sic) I have enormous fun with titles, although I was intimidated when I first came here, thinking I had to make up a title for each chapter! I had to laugh when I read the chapter title for one of the orgy posts: "Ch 45: Chapter Titles Suck"
  20. POV is just one element of style. I think description plot and characterization is all separate from style, yet other aspects of the voice color the rest of it so that you have "gothic", dark novels or as someone pointed out, lots of description, or lots of dialogue (a play is a much more different read than a novel for instance). I was really struggling with what "style" actually is when I began making writing a passion of mine. So, as an exercise, I once wrote a piece using a different language (nearly the type used on PotC) wherein I would relate the story. For instance, bringing in an archaic word, yet one that is still understood, or using a word in a different way. "meet" for instance. As an erotic piece, it was quite a challenge, and chapter 14 is burning on my hard drive, languishing there, awaiting my attention. It's almost like taking on a persona. It certainly comes down to what you are capable of feeling, how capable you are in conveying that feeling, and what sort of success you will have doing it. Reading the work of others, I can almost see into their souls, for they bare them so sweetly, and sometimes so blatantly. Others you can tell are more intellectual 2nd person makes me sound kinda preachy, doesn't it? I've got to remember to avoid that one. Anyway, I guess that my point it, style is tied up with the personality of the author. If you are a hippie type person, or emo, or romantic, or rock and roll, it all has a certain appeal, right? I don't know. maybe I'm wrong. Style was always an elusive subject for me. I don't think I ever understood it properly.
  21. aaaaagggghhh!!! My virgin ears!
  22. No, I agree. This is the way of the publisher. you post it, they allow you to post it, ergo. If you had to go through RL publishing, this is what would happen, except....and here's the kicker....without an agent to stick up for you, you won't get any royalties or commisions or percentages. It's all part of the game. I thought this site also had that. All material posted belongs to the publisher, et al. It's pretty much a given. If you delete it and ask them to do so, (I'd have to look it up) I think they reliquish all copies to you as well, and have to not promote it or gain anything from it. That is why you can't publish the same work on different sites either. If you read the fine print, I'm sure its there. Infringement and all that. *Later* Hmm. Looks like the old TOS has been changed. I could a sworn....meh, oh, well. Publishers!
  23. now you two. no squabbling. I can spank through the internet, and I have ectrae's soul. I may do something to it. the other article was about female genitalia mutilation, which, kind of makes me want to puke, but this is, I think, about having something done to something you think is unsightly. I suppose that this is the effect of increased incidence of oral sex in the population, or some guy, (like Bob Hope), saying something: "Man, I thought that was just a crappy set of balls!" when he saw a photo of labia that were rather...hangy. I mean, if a guy is going to criticize something like that, or a woman sees that in the mirror for the first time and thinks: "ew, that looks gross" (and people do), they want to change something on their bodies, it's like removing a mole as far as I can see. If it's done because their parents make them, and the clit is removed, I think I'd protest like it was 1969.
  24. ^ observant < same here, although I did think that was a coincidence, since I also began drinking lots and lots of coffee V no skin complaints whatsoever.
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