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Everything posted by StoryJunkie

  1. tee hee hee Daz? Fair torturer of employees?
  2. Only if there's no blood splashing about. How about the old hand held on a hot griddle?
  3. Life~Faraway Promise ...Chrono Cross OST
  4. Heh heh...they'd have to. What sort of torture for those who make mistakes?
  5. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    I am and have been drooling over those avatars.
  6. Dragon God ... ChronoCross OST
  7. NO, just have to manage it like Attila the Hun Would Attila have approved?
  8. *pouts* (stomps foot) I wanted to scare the bejesus out of her Eve, c'mon! Party pooper!
  9. Mad, I just noticed your sig, and I'm laughing. Poor poor Frodo!
  10. shifts eyes. exactly, my dear...(narrows eyes) ...HOW old did you say you were? *icy cold stare*.... *creeps off to read your profile* (Later): "March 1985" Hmmm *creeps off to read your story* (Later): Hm.....not getting a good picture here.... Perhaps you may get your "writing" advice from a less "adult" site. Orochimaru doesn't think you're 22! Orochimaru thinks you are less than 12 and more than 8! DEFEND YOURSELF!
  11. StoryJunkie


    I read a lot of Shakespeare one year. Made my head spin, it did. Took some earlier English lit like the Green Knight I really loved JRR Tolkien, actually. His style is very comforting. I read a lot of science fiction, but didn't really care for any style I'd read, although some ideas were pretty far out. Dame Agatha Christie was another whose style I admired.
  12. see you in the morning....may the sleep wave overtake you.... who's up in the am? Red?
  13. That creepy organ music from "The Phantom of the Opera" (or was it that old Vincent Price movie?) Think we should invite others?
  14. That sakura lover? Red...you are getting sleeepy.......
  15. Peter Cottontail
  16. black. That way, your pale face will look disembodied in the blackness of the night. What will we do?
  17. ^ wow! is psychic < loved the blonde giant in the ring, then for some unfathomable reason, made an idiot of himself by making some lame movies and lost a great deal of hair. V Knows < is making up stories again
  18. On a knoll, located in the cemetery. When?
  19. ^ obsessed with Seifer AND Squall in a very unhealthy way.
  20. hm. I basically took it to mean a gross meting out of justice. Mona was executed for teaching the Baha'i faith to children, but she willingly went last so that those executed ahead of her wouldn't have to wait so long to die. (She was also tortured) The girl of whom they speak in the article was on death-row for 2 years before she was bought off with what they call "blood money" and in the meantime she attempted suicide a few times. I mean, her life is ruined already and people will forever whisper about her. Because she killed her would-be rapist. yeah, I guess the details of each case can be lost in the basic outrage of the act of capital punishment. "There, but for the grace of God, go I."
  21. arrange...strange choice of words for a musician...LOL
  22. *facepalm* you guys are hopeless!
  23. ^ likes bouncy balls < also likes bouncy balls V probably could like bouncy balls
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