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Everything posted by StoryJunkie

  1. er...only if their souls have a nice shimmer to them. It's the souls that count you know, not the outer....*barfs*...*wipes mouth with back of hand*...man, that's the second time I've done that today. Wipe my mouth like that, I mean. G/NG: can handle it.
  2. Rabat, Morocco Have you seen "Blood Diamonds" yet?
  3. random cousin, huh? You're more like a random nephew! (Although if my nephew were here, I'd probably spank him. Mind you, he just turned 19--he's a May baby too. Or, having failed that, I'd call my brother up and make him spank him. And really guys, this is NOT making me hot all over at the thought of it.) We are a spanking family! okay, okay, I'm just giving you a totally wrong impression of people for whom I have great respect and affection. You must admit, though, the thought of the chase is exciting! (No! the thought of winning is exciting!) Um...have I rambled once again? And btw, everyone wants to be Morticia, right? We're all slinky and sultry and sexy...at least in our minds....
  4. I really appreciate this. I usually don't do such impulsive things and I am grateful to AFF Forum for this platform. I know things go on in the world like this and much worse atrocities, and I know that this is part of their religious beliefs, which I otherwise respect. I actually didn't even view the video stream until now, and to see the family's sorrow, I felt as if that was me experiencing their loss, although I have absolutely no comprehension whatsoever of what they must be going through.
  5. I clearly remember asking my mom where babies came from. (It was before Kindergarten) and I certainly remember her answer, which I took matter-of-factly, since she said it matter-of-factly. I think that the emotion that a parent exudes is almost as important as the words in front of them.
  6. "He reached slowly into his pants and pulled out a long stiff..." *wipes drool from edge of mouth with back of hand*
  7. Ain't it the truth. Expand your mind, lose your soul....
  8. Steven Spielberg I've often blurred the lines between______________
  9. er..no. NG I never thought of that actually G/NG: is guilty of monumental naivte
  10. rebellious
  11. bottle caps
  12. haha...me neither, coincidentally. I've never not kissed ass whenever I meet someone.
  13. Hm. All I know is that when it is good, it is comforting, but when it is bad, it is scary. Is is possible that hell was alluded to?
  14. Nero, Caesar (adopted of Claudius)
  15. very clever of you. as you may have noticed, I am NOT psychic...no, not one bit. Therefore, I prefer to think of this game as "Red Rover" (Not to be mistaken for anyone's name at the moment) Redsliver.
  16. eek! you really ready for this? Father Christmas, Harry Gregson Williams, The Chronicles of Narnia. I'm sorry. It's the French Horns. I can't resist them. One can lose one's soul in such music.
  17. ^ really thinking of "MuFASA! (It gives me shivers!)"
  18. ^ saying a mouthful < not sure if oddness is correct description for a life gone awry. v doesn't like the smell of any sort of bleach.
  19. Okay, "The Belittling", "The Challenge", "The Reverse Phychology" and now, "The Blatant Lying" (changed name of topic...heh heh heh) (Think it'll work? Orochimaru thinks so...) Oh, and one more thing...a disclaimer! Can't be here without one, right?
  20. ^ likes to samba with Timon and PUmba
  21. for an update? eagerly... G/NG: is generous to strangers.
  22. once or twice. "I'm your Venus, I'm your fire...your desire..." (but only on-line and in the presence of one kid.) (with the door closed) Venus, by Bananarama I've never performed in a karaoke bar
  23. Its not...ash, guys. (Heat generated by a nuclear explosion is estimated at 7,000* F, rendering anyone within the sphere of influence a mere shadow of their former selves.) Anyone know what it REALLY is?
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