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Everything posted by StoryJunkie

  1. I have. You're welcome for the save in 86 I've never been a very good liar, but when I do lie, it's a doozie!
  2. I fell in love with Hikaru No Go. I glanced at the Manga and downloaded the entire volume. SAI!!!!! I think I'm going to check out Gintama next....
  3. I have in my household, a manga reader, and she claims that the Manga authors were simply too slow. There is only one guy doing the naruto Manga (I think) while there are several on the anime. Take Full Metal Alchemist for instance. The Manga is nothing like the anime at the end. I mean, many people were shocked when Al ended up in "reality" AAAAAAHHHHHGGGGG!!!!! It behooves the anime writers to put a rein on their rampaging plots. Naruto's fillers have been the longest I've ever seen. The Manga goes straight from the fight at the water falls into the "three years later" episode. I don't even know if Gaara is in the Manga. (Goes to look) Ja Ne!
  4. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    I am happy for you. I am not a perfume wearer, although I do smell rather nice after a shower.
  5. yeah. I wanna download them, correct the grammar and use em against someone for blackmailing purposes. Reminds me of the time I typed out this invoice for a customer. Our technician had gone out to trouble-shoot a furnace with the regional manager, who was visiting at the time, and whose name was Dick. (I'm sure you know what's coming) Well, a couple weeks later, in comes the couple to pay their bill, and the Mrs. reads the invoice out loud to me. To my horror, she comes to the part where the technician is testing the furnace "with Dick" and it sounds so terrible I think my face must have turned as red as a brick wall. It pays to read your rough copy out loud before sending it out....
  6. whoa. I don't think my kids ever did anything like that. There were play-ground scuffles, I suppose, but holy cow, that's awful. I'd ask for a written report! and then get the super involved! My youngest tells me about her dreams, so I get a story every morning when there's time (usually on the weekend), so my StoryJunkie is satisfied. But things are kinda rocky on the husband/wife front, and so I cannot remember really, anything anyone has told me for the past couple days except to dwell upon my own stupidity and wonder if I really am losing brain cells at a faster rate than usual. *sucks thumb and grabs blankie
  7. loser...figures. I've got your soul...heh..heh...heh...great minds think alike...
  8. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    I am saddened to think I'll be the only one left alive...er...awake.
  9. I think the deeper story is that whoever Naruto is, whatever he does has to first overcome the evil within, and that's why he is able to overcome the evil without. That's part of the basic story-line, and I don't mind telling you I'm excited by this turn of events. *rubs hands together*. Another anime whose fillers have ended (Is it co-incidence?) is Bleach..I absolutely couldn't stand the vampire filler...blek!...and stopped watching it altogether. I may take it up once again. What a horrid year this past year has been. It's like all the skookum story-tellers took a long hiatus. I mean, even movie land has been turning out half-baked plot lines in favor of getting all the eye-candy in. I think this next year is going to be really great in terms of story-telling.
  10. ^ tea nannie < retired tea nannie < retired after seeing God in the tea leaves V sees nothing of the sort, since when drinking tea, uses bagged tea.
  11. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    ha! I am stalking a volunteer soul!
  12. Faceslap Words and questions fail me...Can someone help me get that image out of my mind?: ("Mommy, I want the pink dildo, not the black one, the black one is for boys!")
  13. we were spanked. Sometimes, we were spanked while____________
  14. G. You've got that right. Either that, or it's hormones...yeargh! G/NG: upon occasion, suffers from meglomania
  15. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    I am searching for other souls to add to my collection.
  16. Not anyone who grew up with a nurse for a mother. One wonders if the circumstances of youth___________________
  17. ^ knows I am a hoarder of chocolate < also keeper of souls V
  18. Tarantula...er I mean...some kind of snake that begins with "T" Tree snake (I had to look that up, and its a group of snakes, I believe)
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