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Everything posted by Anesor

  1. late to topic here, but 1964. One of my earliest memories was watching the moon landing my my great grandmother's bed side. While writer came later, I participated in too many writer-like activities for 25 years. I think it was denial. I only found out that an older relative told my 9 yr old self my writing sucked and I avoided writing like the plague for 35 years and don't remember the incident. But much advice I saw for writers said basically, 'live' so it's okay. It's kind of cool to be in places where the age range is higher!
  2. Well, if it's only 3% of seven billion people, I don't think day to day life would change that much. I see far less than 100 people on a daily basis so the odds are slight that more than one would go, and it could be none. I'll decide in a few hours. (and if I go, you won't know, will you?
  3. Uggh, lame chapter ending nagging at me. :P I hate that.

  4. Chapter 8 pretty final, yay :D yay!

  5. My sidekick just hijacked my plot!

  6. Spring weather is finally here!

    1. GothDarkkeDragon


      Not here. Got more rain most of the week. Again.

    2. Anesor


      Sorry, that's what ours has been like, cold, wet, and gray, and Monday was the first nice spring day. (we did have a couple isolated 90 degree days that were stinking miserable, but they don't count)

  7. A large frittle from bandaging isn't much fun... :/

    1. JayDee


      Requiring bandaging is rarely a joy :P

    2. BronxWench


      Bandage frittles suck... :hug:

  8. I don't quite see the point of writing an apology when you post it. I have trouble posting often, but I've only gotten a few mean responses or people who thought it was too dark. It only bothers me if I have doubts about the issue they talk about. If they complain about some things, I only laugh. I think putting an apology at the start of a story is a no win scenario: Many readers will believe the apology or guess there are more problems and won't read... OR if they read and the apology is correct, they kick themselves for wasting time... OR if they read and the apology is wrong, or VERY wrong, they are annoyed that it's wrong don't think as much of the author to apologize when not needed... While I'm not that confident, I think posting a story if it is all TOS correct, especially here, falls under the saying "Do it! It's easier to get forgiveness than permission." The story is it's own art, and if I've done the best job I can, I should not apologize for my 'child' before someone meets him/her. The kid would feel pissed too.
  9. Eek, I wasn't hit by anything in the mass of storms last night, but two weak tornados touched down within 15 miles... :o

    1. Anesor


      my mistake, three within about 14 miles.

    2. BronxWench


      Oh, yikes!!! Glad to know you were not in the path! :hug:

    3. sumeragichan
  10. Uggh, editing is a drag. I need more hours in the day.

  11. Beware the ides of tax time!

    1. BronxWench


      Ah, that's why I get that over with in February.

  12. heavy editing, my muse left again.

  13. I'm coming to an ugly conclusion I should have reached months ago... *sigh*

    1. Shadowknight12


      The truth is usually ugly. Hope it gets bearable soon! :(

    2. marley_station


      Those are never fun.

  14. Muse slowing finally, I can even pay attention to conversations and TV now. :D

  15. Durn, a mid-stage chapter is determined to rachet up the angst into overdrive. Bad story!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Anesor


      Heh, can't do that to Fenris, I think he'd explode into a thousand points of lyrium light. It lightens up, but I thought this chapter was going to be character interaction and logistics... not a near death experience.

    3. Shadowknight12


      Oh, yeah, Fenris can be like that. Well, you know how it goes, good writers let the story take them where it wills! :D

    4. Anesor


      Yeah the confrontation was powerful enough, I listened to my muse. right now, I'm doing damage control to get the plot back on track as this moved certain plot events some chapters sooner.

  16. Muse woke up with a vengeance, and I've already got 3500 words in just the introduction section, and I type really slow now. Oy.

    1. BronxWench


      ::cheers for wide-awake muse::

    2. Shadowknight12


      That's awesome! Awake muses are the best!

    3. Anesor


      6200 words, even if my spelling of names has gotten very creative at times... :)

  17. Still not feelin' well... :sick:

    1. Shadowknight12
    2. BronxWench


      :hug: And this weather doesn't help...who stole spring?
    3. Anesor


      If someone had I might be able to steal back. But this is loss of all aides too, so things are very hard right now.

  18. Sinusitis, whee!

    1. Shadowknight12
    2. Anesor


      thanks. It's gonna be slow, as we lost my aide.

    3. Shadowknight12
  19. Still not feeling good and blue from that... :(

  20. Chapter two and "I haff a mansion und a yacht" Though my jaw dropped at one sidekick's speech right away... :o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anesor


      All your sidekicks have a (what they've been doing the last 3 years since the deep roads) convo. However, if you managed to get them high on the friends' meter in chapter 1, they're suddenly deeply gone... and haven't said anything in THREE years. Paging Cyrano!

    3. Shadowknight12


      LOL! Well, the games assume you've been busy. :P

    4. Anesor


      Must be a neatnik, as he doesn't leave anything lying around the house. :)

  21. 45 minutes to install everything, Sebastian and puppy!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Anesor


      He wags his tail & annoys uncle, but that's about it. They could have copied his his code from DA1 & I would have been content. But you can't heal, buff, set zero tactics, or even pet him! There's no animal summons either, so that was part of simplifying combat. He doesn't attack very often (aside from charging too soon into a fight) all he does is die a lot as he has no abilities. LAME! html>

    3. BronxWench


      I was finally able to name my dog, and he has been decent in combat when I summon him....

    4. Anesor


      He can't even take down an archer by himself. I don't know how they implemented him, but removing pets/ranger summons only reduces the combatants by 1 or 2 at most. I made a lot of tactical use of his howls and knockdowns and fun interactions. I actually can run across a battlefield faster, though we both outdistance the rest. *sigh* I may see if I can rename him Idiot or the like as he is not a good example of mibari breeding. I want a good dog, html>

  22. Six reviews today for older tales, gives me a very nice boost while waiting for tomorrow... :)

  23. My game push... I mean gaming store called me that they will be open at midnight Monday for my buying pleasure.

    1. Shadowknight12


      LOL! That IS customer service!

    2. BronxWench


      ::is downloading as she types:: Under one hour for the download! :w00t:

    3. Anesor


      hey! it's not even close to midnight! No fair!

  24. I had to laugh when I managed to drag my puppy into the fade to help fight a sloth demon...

    1. Shadowknight12


      Puppies have dreams as well!

    2. Anesor


      Yeah, but no one I meet there seems surprised to see a dwarf there. I felt like I should have heard from Morrigan or Wynne, something like from the Shadow movie, 'You shouldn't be here,' once they realized I was. :D

  25. Waking up with a sore throat and headache after an EA disappointment. Somehow this must be Monday...

    1. Shadowknight12


      Garfield said it first, I'm afraid.

    2. Anesor


      yeah, Garfield is the patron saint of i-hate-Mondays. :)

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