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Everything posted by Anesor

  1. the Hobbot soundtrack is fine for writing, you see :)

    1. DemonGoddess


      soooo....is a Hobbot some kind of Tolkien Transformer?

    2. Anesor


      No, it's a more hairy version of the old 'Hobbot and Costello' vaudeville act 'Who's on First?' Costello usually tries to toss his partner into the audience...

  2. yay 27k! halfway and muse is happy.

    1. botticelliangel


      *cheers* you can do it!!!

    2. Anesor


      that burst of inspiration lasted over 10k words, now I have to regroup and maybe catch up on sleep a little bit...

  3. NaNo NaNo NaNo 20k NaNo NaNo NaNo

  4. Rolling along for NaNo on schedule, avg is like 1833

    1. BronxWench


      Nice! :D

      I'm building up a good cushion for a few days when I know I won't be able to write much, if at all. So far, so good!

    2. Anesor


      Friday was good but laying groundwork isn't as much fun as playing in an established world.

  5. I'm racing to finish AMT, before my NaNo project lands like a tone of bricks!

  6. Another electrical outage, hope it's the last.

  7. Two electrician visits in the last week, hope this fix works as my brain spent most of the last week and a half too hot to think.

  8. Finally ironed out the problem with my NaNo coupon, I should have 5 copies of my book this tuesday!! *throws chocolate*

  9. After all the editing and formatting I've been doing, shifting back to writing has beeen harder than expected...

    1. Lisbet_Adair


      I know that feeling.

  10. Med reaction two days this week, I want a drink.

  11. Pen Name: Anesor Story link: Autumn Gifts Review replies link: none Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult Fandom: Dragon Age Pairing: Hawke, eventually Warnings: ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, NoSex Sunshine and flowers seemed like a match.
  12. Pen Name: Anesor Story link: http://games.adultfa...hp?no=600087328 "Symbols are Magic" Review replies link: (none at present) Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult Fandom: Dragon Age Pairing: N/A Warnings: none Okay, okay so I had no ideas on Sunday...
  13. I have my precious back!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DemonGoddess
    3. BronxWench


      Sméagol wants the precious....

    4. Anesor


      You can't have my precious... no noes you can't.

  14. Whoops, didn't even catch this when it was live. My muse gets picky and/or overwhelmed. Sorry about it stopping as monthly gives a bit more elbow room in schedules.
  15. yay! settinjg chapter 25 out into the wild.

  16. Also taking advantage of the extension: Story: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600087320 ** Pen name: Anesor Prompt: bleeding heart Pairing: none Warnings: Violence, NoSex in this prompt Fandom: Dragon Age Type: drabble 100 words.
  17. too funny from an ad: 'I had a pair of newborn twin!' no, no, she had a two newborn triplets, the other was an only child! :)

  18. Come back, Spring!

  19. it's really frustratign when you have a cool plot idea for book 3 or 4 and your're still workign on book 1

  20. I'd say sure if they have the money or mass of chapters affected. I'd suggest a minimum of ?10$ with an additional amount for the number of chapters involved... for the mod's time. If they want to be lazy, they can pay.
  21. Wearing the old cap os a favorite ranger is EASY.

    1. Anesor


      *os should be 'is,' really! :)

  22. prize for winning NaNo is now 5 copies!

  23. Now comes the wind down and realizing OMG Xmas is in like three weeks!

    1. DemonGoddess


      don't wanna hear it....LOL

  24. I added an anders/bethany scene, and hawke/varric... I lost about 1000 words from whatever it is. no POV changes aren't a thousand times) I'll be in the 'sick of it stage for the next few days!!!

    1. BronxWench


      But you made it, despite all sorts of handicaps, and so congratulations! :D

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