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Everything posted by redsliver

  1. redsliver

    Title Share

    Ghost Dog (Horrible Movie)
  2. Not today Quamp
  3. ^ Knows about my love of Cory Hart. < Only wears sunglasses when I don't want women to know I'm checking them out. V Will never trust anyone in sunglasses again.
  4. redsliver

    Title Share

    From Russia with Love
  5. It actually does somewhat! Why don't pizza places deliver before four?
  6. Ha! Foiled your mad psychic skillz! Dazzled
  7. studying
  8. I haven't either, jumped, thrown and pushed from a boat are other matters. I have never been caught speeding
  9. A - DOZEN - HORNY - NYMPHOMANIAC - REDHEADS Skittles, taste the _______________
  10. I write heterosexual fics and I try to avoid angst or sappiness whenever possible. Its not always possible because I try and write cracked pairings as often as I write canon ones.
  11. redsliver

    I Am...

    I am only 22 for another 14 hours.
  12. conquer the world! You can't kill me, I am _____________
  13. Well done Quamp
  14. ^ is to forums what junkies are to heroin < Spent the forum down time playing SNES Final Fantasies. V Does not understand how one can ride a whale to the moon.
  15. They'd gain a lot of weight and time would slow down for them. Should I give the pizza delivery guy a bigger tip if I neglected to put on pants when I greeted him at the door?
  16. The country is dumb and innocent and he said he loved her. Who can I blame for all the missing posts and threads on the forms?
  17. That's how we do. SweetMisery
  18. ear
  19. valhalla and fight, drink and fuck until the end of the world. A bird in the hand is worth __________
  20. ^ has similar anti-morning class affliction < "If I didn't get up for heat transfer at 8 30 or structure of materials at 9 30 there's no way I'm getting out of bed at 10 30 for environmental science." V Is a morning person, just not the morning in V's time zone.
  21. redsliver

    I Am...

    I am better and more thorough at procrastinating than MarauderFaerie
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