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  1. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 12: 12-26-10   
    Pen Name: BronxWench
    Story Link: Story: Ending
    Review Replies: Review Replies - AFF Prompt/Yule - AFF Community Forums
    Type of Fic: FlashFic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins
    Pairing: N/A
    Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, Complete, M/M, NoSex
  2. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Techno-Ninja in Writing or typing?   
    I started out writing longhand, in a series of notebooks, going through pens at a prodigious rate, and working on my laptop desk or at the pool. Then I would type everything up on the computer, and edit, edit, edit...
    It got colder, and I moved indoors, and eliminated the middle man, so to speak, and now I work on the computer. I still make notes to myself on all sorts of things, including scraps of paper, post-it notes, and my arm.
    Many, many years ago, I had an old Royal typewriter, with the cloth ribbons, and I used to love pounding away on that old thing...
  3. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Shadowknight12 in Week 11: 12-19-10   
    Pen Name: BronxWench
    Story Link: Story: Yule
    Review Replies: Review Replies - AFF Prompt/Yule - AFF Community Forums
    Type of Fic: FlashFic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins
    Pairing: N/A
    Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, Complete, NoSex
  4. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from FairySlayer in Review Replies - AFF Prompt/Yule   
    Techno-Ninja: Thank you! This series is supposed to be more about the emotion, so I'm glad it's coming through. Things will heat up... soon!
    Apollo: Thank you! The Chantry boy is a little slow to get going, but once he warms up, oh, yes! And of course I had to slip the elf geekdom in there somewhere!
  5. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from FairySlayer in Review Replies - AFF Prompt/Yule   
    First of all, thank you! They are pretty sweet, but I blame it all on Alistair's influence.
    But you hit squarely on what was bugging me with this fic. The time lapse isn't clear when you're hopping from flash fic to flash fic like I'm doing, and it's hard to squeeze enough backstory in to make the progression of their relationship make sense. I think, depending on the next prompt, I can either make it clearer or somehow get enough backstory in there to make it more logical, and therefore believable. I get lost in other descriptions... and then I forget that not everyone is actually living inside my head with me! (Gods, I hope not -- it's a mess in here!)
    But I do like this pair, and I will be writing more of them!
  6. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from FairySlayer in Review Replies - AFF Prompt/Yule   
    pittwitch: This is the first time anyone's actually reviewed a onshot of mine twice, and I'm so glad you enjoyed it that much! I'm just really all gobsmacked that you'd come back to it, so thank you!
  7. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from FairySlayer in Review Replies - AFF Prompt/Yule   
    pittwitch: Thank you! I was dancing fast to get Yule in there!
  8. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from FairySlayer in Review Replies - AFF Prompt/Yule   
    JayDee: Nothing makes me feel better as a writer than to have people from outside my fandom read, and then come back for more, so a heartfelt thank you!
  9. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Techno-Ninja in Week 11: 12-19-10   
    Pen Name: BronxWench
    Story Link: Story: Yule
    Review Replies: Review Replies - AFF Prompt/Yule - AFF Community Forums
    Type of Fic: FlashFic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins
    Pairing: N/A
    Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, Complete, NoSex
  10. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 11: 12-19-10   
    Pen Name: BronxWench
    Story Link: Story: Yule
    Review Replies: Review Replies - AFF Prompt/Yule - AFF Community Forums
    Type of Fic: FlashFic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins
    Pairing: N/A
    Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, Complete, NoSex
  11. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from FairySlayer in Review Replies - AFF Prompt/Yule   
    Fairy Slayer: Thank you so much for the review! Yes, I am such a geek when it comes to the lore and background stuff, but it makes it easier to write in a world when I understand it thoroughly. I'm especially glad that the bits of elvish aren't too jarring, since it seems Wraith would certainly think in what little elvish he knows. Alistair is sort of opening up a bit, but I'm not quite sure he's going to be ready for Wraith... But these two will be back!
  12. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from FairySlayer in Review Replies - AFF Prompt/Yule   
    You know what? That's probably the biggest compliment and best praise anyone could ask for, so thank you again! You've made my day!
  13. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Anesor in Tomoe2005's FanFiction Writer's Meme   
    Tomoe's ♥♥ FanFiction Writer's Meme ♥♥
    1. How about a brief introduction of yourself?
    I am an evil wench with an overactive imagination, and far too much time on my hands in which to indulge myself.

    2. Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with?

    I had an unfortunate encounter on a gaming forum with something known as "The Shirtless Saga." I would explain, but there really isn't enough brain bleach on hand.
    3. I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write?
    I write fantasy, usually set in the Forgotten Realms world, although I am planning an original project in the near future.
    4. Do you tend to write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore?
    ::clears throat:: I am a wench, NOT a whore, thankyouverymuch. I don't charge.
    5. What is your more popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so?
    I would suppose, since I only have one here, that it would be Alchemy.
    6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic you've written you're most proud of?
    At this point, none of them. I'm still writing or rewriting most of what I've done.
    7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with?
    The writing part is easy. Editing what I've written is harder. The thing I struggle the most with is getting enough detail out of my head and onto the medium of the moment, be it paper or pixels.
    8. Write a few sentences of so of your favorite pairing or character.
    “I'm probably going to need to be able to walk tomorrow,” Tae'uomi said, biting back a gasp as Sand shifted slightly and nipped her collarbone sharply.
    “You should have thought of that earlier, vanyacora, before you subjected me to an afternoon of tortured metaphor and labyrinthine reasoning.” Sand licked where he had nipped, and then sucked a rosy mark against her skin.
    Tae'uomi grinned, toying with the tip of Sand's ear. “I did distract Aldanon with Zhjaeve, ascaredhel. I should get credit for that, at least.”
    “I do not give credit, iskavanim. You should know that.” Sand's fingers slid down across her belly, dipped lower, and Tae'uomi cried out softly as her back arched.
    “I could order you to stop,” the genasi offered, shivering with pleasure.
    Sand looked at her, the predatory smile back. “Oh, please do. Really.” His tongue traced the edge of her ear, his breath hot. “I am quite prepared to remain awake all night exacting my reparations, since I managed to take reverie earlier while Aldanon was going on about something or other.”
    9. Are there any fanfiction trends/clichés you can't stand or are just sick of?
    I really can't stand the main character being the sole focus, without regard to the other players on the stage. I also hate characters who are "evil" and yet wind up "redeemed" without any necessity for atonement.

    10. Are you guilty of any of the fanfiction trends/clichés you now hate? Or any other ones?
    I try like the hells not to be.
    11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still like/participate in it?
    The first fandom I wrote for was the Neverwinter Nights CRPG fandom, set in the Forgotten Realms universe. And yes, I still write for it.
    12. Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them you love to write.
    I use a mixture of original characters and non-player characters with liberal disregard for frequency.
    13. What would you call your writing "style"?

    I have two distinct styles, but the one I use most frequently in my fan fiction is a more lyric style that tries to evoke a certain mood in my reader, and that is somewhat romantic in the emotional rather than physical sense. My other style is starker, where every word has to be exactly perfect.
    14. Do you read other people's fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most?
    Yes, I do read other people's fanfic. I tend to prefer fantasy settings, but I will also happily read fanfic based on movies or shows or books that I have enjoyed in the past.
    15. Name one thing you'd LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do.
    I fear almost nothing, and if I were shy, I would never have published any fan fiction in the first place. After all, it's the dusty little thoughts from the corners of my mind that I toss out like so many crumbs.

    16. Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego?
    I prefer constructive criticism, naturally, and welcome the opportunity to improve my writing. My ego is what it is.
    17. When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room? Repairing toaster ovens?
    I prefer quiet when I write, and solitude. Since neither is generally available to me, I have learned to write with pretty much anything less than bloodshed occurring around me.
    18. What inspires you?
    What doesn't? It would be a shorter list. I've dreamed chapters. I've scribbled in notebooks at the side of the pool. I've written quick notes on my arm because I had no paper handy. Everything inspires me, except perhaps snow.
    19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer?
    I've enjoyed my experiences as a fan fiction writer immensely. I've met other writers who are fascinating, and inspiring, and encouraging. I've learned so much, and I think I am growing as a writer.
    20. Tag some friends, because they'll have you for it.
    Let's see if my cookie trail works.... perhaps Nastrandir? Or Niche? ::rubs hands together::
  14. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from DemonGoddess in silly youtube stuff   
    In the holiday spirit...
    YouTube - Dirty Sleigh Ride
  15. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Shadowknight12 in Week 9: 12-05-2010   
    Pen Name: BronxWench
    Story Link: Bad Dreams
    Review Replies: Review Replies for AFF Prompt/Bad Dreams
    Type of Fic: FlashFic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins
    Pairing: N/A
    Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, Complete, NoSex, OC
  16. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Shadowknight12 in Week 10: 12-12-10   
    Pen Name: BronxWench
    Story Link: Story: The Gift
    Review Replies: Review Replies for AFF Prompt/Gifts - AFF Community Forums
    Type of Fic: FlashFic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins
    Pairing: N/A
    Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, Complete, NoSex
  17. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from DemonGoddess in 12 Days of AFF!   
    On the twelfth day of Christmas,
    my true love gave to me
    Twelve horny cookies,
    Eleven whips a-cracking,
    Ten lords a-cumming,
    Nine ladies stripping,
    Eight maids a-spanking,
    Seven hot men in kilts,
    Six big leaf blowers,
    Five cock rings,
    Four paladins,
    Three French maids,
    Two cattle prods,
    And a climax 'neath a pear tree!
  18. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from RogueMudblood in Assholes, douchebags and arrogant twits as characters   
    Sometimes nice guys are boring, until you hit them with something that pushes them past their limits. No one's ever nice all the time. Everyone has triggers, and if you can realistically portray how they react to those, nice guys can be a hell of a lot of fun to write.
    Having said that, I prefer a little edge to my male characters. I find snark incredibly sexy, and a battle of wits amuses the hells out of me. I don't like men that are doormats, and I can't write men that are doormats, unless they are slated to die horribly in the very near future. But total bastards amuse me even less, unless I'm allowed to use them for target practice. Honestly, it's even harder to make a complete gobshite's redemption believable than it is to write a nice guy with limits.
    But that's just me...
  19. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 10: 12-12-10   
    Pen Name: BronxWench
    Story Link: Story: The Gift
    Review Replies: Review Replies for AFF Prompt/Gifts - AFF Community Forums
    Type of Fic: FlashFic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins
    Pairing: N/A
    Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, Complete, NoSex
  20. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 9: 12-05-2010   
    Pen Name: BronxWench
    Story Link: Bad Dreams
    Review Replies: Review Replies for AFF Prompt/Bad Dreams
    Type of Fic: FlashFic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins
    Pairing: N/A
    Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, Complete, NoSex, OC
  21. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Cuzosu in Funny Typos   
    "He set off on his mission with renewed prepuce."
    (found in a chapter I was proofreading for a friend)
  22. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Shadowknight12 in Funny Typos   
    "He set off on his mission with renewed prepuce."
    (found in a chapter I was proofreading for a friend)
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