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    BronxWench reacted to WillowDarkling in So, I’m on vacation this week. Not going anywhere, just getting caught up. Caught up   
    ::sets up the comfy lounge, the best booze, and all the best snacks, and the kilted firefighters with lawnmowers:: 
    Take care of yourself too, and enjoy the vacation  
  2. Haha
    BronxWench got a reaction from kagome26isawsome in I want a kilt!   
    Knees. I’d like some new knees. 
  3. Like
    BronxWench reacted to WillowDarkling in I want a kilt!   
    I’ll play… I want a house of my own, a driver’s license and a car, and a husband… that one particular guy…  Oh, and a couple of cats… 
  4. Like
    BronxWench reacted to pittwitch in I want a kilt!   
    I’d prefer to have a man in a kilt. 
  5. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Melrick in I want a kilt!   
    Since we’re putting in orders… I want a new spinal column!
  6. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Anesor in This is not the profile you’re looking for… move along.   
    Keep rolling along and you’ll be fine...
  7. Haha
    BronxWench got a reaction from Anesor in This is not the profile you’re looking for… move along.   
    I keep checking to see if I’m getting mossy.
  8. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to Melrick in A conspiracy theory says that Australia doesn’t actually exist. Well, that’s… concern   
    I’m just glad my girlfriend isn’t Australian.  At least she isn’t imaginary.
  9. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in A conspiracy theory says that Australia doesn’t actually exist. Well, that’s… concern   
    @Praetor Hobbits are very good at making sure they’re not seen, that’s just in the nature of a hobbit.
  10. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Praetor in A conspiracy theory says that Australia doesn’t actually exist. Well, that’s… concern   
    An island that’s also a nation and a continent does seem a little too fictitious.  No, that can’t be right.  Hugh Jackman is real, is he not?  Now New Zealand on the other hand, I’ve never actually seen someone from there...
  11. Like
    BronxWench reacted to DemonGoddess in *sigh* i know doing everything like dishes and laundry, and the lawn is supposed to g   
    I agree with Bronxie.  All four of us work, but mostly just two of us (my son and I) do the bulk of the chores.  Inside and out.  We all do our own laundry, but jeez, it would be nice if there was more load sharing.
  12. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in A conspiracy theory says that Australia doesn’t actually exist. Well, that’s… concern   
    The edge of the world can be treacherous, there are no safety rails!
  13. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from DemonGoddess in *sigh* i know doing everything like dishes and laundry, and the lawn is supposed to g   
    In all honesty, I think everyone who lives in a household should pull their own weight. It’s a huge amount of work making it all come together as far as keeping the place clean, cooking, shopping, laundry, and yes, doing dishes. I do it for two households, and while I tend to give the daft bugger a pass given that he works 60+ hours a week, I expect the kids to help out, whether at home or at the lake. So, while I understand you feel like it’s a lot to ask, the reality is that someone has to do it, and it can’t always be your mother, or your father.
  14. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to Anesor in This is not the profile you’re looking for… move along.   
    Is that Raiders Ark or Noah’s? I’m so sick of rain.
  15. Thanks
    BronxWench got a reaction from Kurahieiritr in My main computer died. Am stuck with the net hating backup dino until I can get the n   
    Ugh, that is the WORST feeling in the world. I have a generally lobotomized laptop I can use if my computer acts up, but it’s sooo slow, and I can barely even write, let alone do anything else on it. I had to use it when my hard drive died earlier this year, until I could run out and get a new hard drive, replace the dead one, reinstall Windows 10 and all its updates, and then migrate all my data over from the old drive, which was readable still if I slaved it to the new drive.   A week of my life fixing that mess… Note to self: do not buy a computer with a Seagate hard drive. Pay to upgrade to a good Western Digital.
  16. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in So my dad died recently. He was very old, and was refusing treatment because he was t   
    Those sneak up on you. I won’t say it gets easier, but it doesn’t get harder.
  17. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from CloverReef in It’s the big day! Biopsy of the lung via bronchoscopy! I’m so freaked out.   
    I still have everything crossed for you!
  18. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in This is not the profile you’re looking for… move along.   
    I’m trying to keep one story “active”, yet, I keep getting sidetracked with Ark Survival … I know the feeling.
  19. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Anesor in This is not the profile you’re looking for… move along.   
    Just tryin to get focused.  I’m behind on a writing class and gotten down to two active stories. The MMO I play is doing a Ravenloft campaign.
    Humor piece about  to be posted...
  20. Haha
    BronxWench got a reaction from Anesor in This is not the profile you’re looking for… move along.   
    The farce is strong with this one.
  21. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in It’s the big day! Biopsy of the lung via bronchoscopy! I’m so freaked out.   
    They doped me up. I don’t remember anything about the procedure and my memory is pretty spotty over the last 24 hours too. But I guess it went okay? Since no one told me otherwise, that I remember? lol. Recovery’s moving quick though
  22. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from CloverReef in It’s the big day! Biopsy of the lung via bronchoscopy! I’m so freaked out.   
    Wish I could give that hug in person, but I’m with you in spirit anyway!
  23. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in This is not the profile you’re looking for… move along.   
    Trying to keep a low profile?
  24. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in It’s the big day! Biopsy of the lung via bronchoscopy! I’m so freaked out.   
    I hope that it all went ok for ya.
  25. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from JayDee in Really, it takes a LOT to push me over the edge. I’m (((this))) close. Teenagers. Bah   
    There’s always paperwork, and so much of it!  @Desiderius Price is right about that.
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